
> -----Original Message-----
> From: announce <announce-boun...@dpdk.org> On Behalf Of Thomas 
> Monjalon
> Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2020 11:08 PM
> To: annou...@dpdk.org
> Subject: [dpdk-announce] release candidate 20.02-rc4
> A new DPDK release candidate is ready for testing:
> This is the last release candidate for DPDK 20.02.
> Please share some release validation results by replying to this 
> message (at dev@dpdk.org).
> If no critical issue is reported, 20.02 will be closed on Tuesday 25th.
> If you are preparing the next release cycle, please send your v1 
> patches before the 20.05 proposal deadline, which will happen on March 18th.
> It is also time to build an estimated roadmap for the next cycles.
> Thank you everyone

The following covers the tests that we ran on Mellanox hardware for this 

- Basic functionality:
  Send and receive multiple types of traffic.
- testpmd xstats counter test.
- testpmd timestamp test.
- Changing/checking link status through testpmd.
- RTE flow and flow_director tests.
  Items: eth / vlan / ipv4 / ipv6 / tcp / udp / icmp / gre / nvgre / vxlan / 
geneve / ip in ip / mplsoudp / mplsogre / gtp
  Actions: drop / queue / rss / mark / flag / jump / count / port_id / 
raw_encap / raw_decap / vxlan_encap / vxlan_decap / NAT
- Some RSS tests.
- VLAN stripping and insertion tests.
- Checksum and TSO tests.
- ptype tests.
- l3fwd-power example application tests.
- Multi-process example applications tests.

We don't see any critical issues blocking the release.


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