On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 4:24 PM Jerin Jacob <jerinjac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 4:00 PM Mattias Rönnblom
> <mattias.ronnb...@ericsson.com> wrote:
> >
> > > LTTng kernel tracing only needs kmod support.
> > > For the userspace tracing at minium following libraries are required.
> > >
> > > a) LTTng-UST
> > > b) LTTng-tools
> > > c) liburcu
> > > d) libpopt-dev
> >
> > This "DPDK CTF trace emitter" would make DPDK interoperate with, but
> > without any build-time dependencies to, LTTng. Correct?
> Yes. Native CTF trace emitter without LTTng dependency.
> >
> > Do you have any idea of what the performance benefits one would receive
> > from having something DPDK native, compared to just depending on LTTng UST?
> I calibrated LTTng cost and pushed the test code to github[1].
> I just started working on the DPDK native CTF emitter.
> I am sure it will be less than LTTng as we can leverage hugepage, exploit
> dpdk worker thread usage to avoid atomics and use per core variables,
> avoid a lot function pointers in fast-path etc
> I can share the exact overhead after the PoC.

I did the almost feature-complete PoC. The code shared in Github[1]
The documentation and code cleanup etc is still pending.


trace overhead data on x86:[2]
# 236 cyles with LTTng(>100ns)
# 18 cycles(7ns) with Native DPDK CTF emitter.

trace overhead data on arm64:
#  312  cycles to  1100 cycles with LTTng based on the class of arm64 CPU.
#  11 cycles to 13 cycles with Native DPDK CTF emitter based on the
class of arm64 CPU.

18 cycles(on x86) vs 11 cycles(on arm64) is due to rdtsc() overhead in
x86. It seems  rdtsc takes around 15cycles in x86.

# The Native DPDK CTF trace support does not have any dependency on
third-party library.
The generated output file is compatible with LTTng as both are using
CTF trace format.

The performance gain comes from:
1) exploit dpdk worker thread usage model to avoid atomics and use per
core variables
2) use hugepage,
3) avoid a lot function pointers in fast-path etc
4) avoid unaligned store for arm64 etc

- APIs and Features are similar to rte_log dynamic framework
API(expect log prints on stdout vs it dumps on trace file)
- No specific limit on the events. A string-based event like rte_log
for pattern matching
- Dynamic enable/disable support.
- Instructmention overhead is ~1 cycle. i.e cost of adding the code
wth out using trace feature.
- Timestamp support for all the events using DPDK rte_rtdsc
- No dependency on another library. Cleanroom native implementation of CTF.

Functional test case:
a) echo "trace_autotest" | sudo ./build/app/test/dpdk-test  -c 0x3

The above command emits the following trace events
        uint8_t i;

        rte_trace_lib_eal_generic_string("my string");

        for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)

Install babeltrace package in Linux and point the generated trace file
to babel trace. By default trace file created under

# babeltrace /root/dpdk-traces/rte-2020-02-15-PM-02-56-51 | more

[13:27:36.138468807] (+?.?????????) lib.eal.generic.void: { cpu_id =
0, name = "dpdk-test" }, { }
[13:27:36.138468851] (+0.000000044) lib.eal.generic.u64: { cpu_id = 0,
name = "dpdk-test" }, { in = 4503599627370496 }
[13:27:36.138468860] (+0.000000009) lib.eal.generic.u32: { cpu_id = 0,
name = "dpdk-test" }, { in = 268435456 }
[13:27:36.138468934] (+0.000000074) lib.eal.generic.u16: { cpu_id = 0,
name = "dpdk-test" }, { in = 65518 }
[13:27:36.138468949] (+0.000000015) lib.eal.generic.u8: { cpu_id = 0,
name = "dpdk-test" }, { in = 12 }
[13:27:36.138468956] (+0.000000007) lib.eal.generic.i64: { cpu_id = 0,
name = "dpdk-test" }, { in = -1234 }
[13:27:36.138468963] (+0.000000007) lib.eal.generic.i32: { cpu_id = 0,
name = "dpdk-test" }, { in = -1234567 }
[13:27:36.138469024] (+0.000000061) lib.eal.generic.i16: { cpu_id = 0,
name = "dpdk-test" }, { in = 12 }
[13:27:36.138469044] (+0.000000020) lib.eal.generic.i8: { cpu_id = 0,
name = "dpdk-test" }, { in = -3 }
[13:27:36.138469051] (+0.000000007) lib.eal.generic.string: { cpu_id =
0, name = "dpdk-test" }, { str = "my string" }
[13:27:36.138469203] (+0.000000152) lib.eal.generic.func: { cpu_id =
0, name = "dpdk-test" }, { func = "test_trace_points" }
[13:27:36.138469239] (+0.000000036) lib.eal.generic.u8: { cpu_id = 0,
name = "dpdk-test" }, { in = 0 }
[13:27:36.138469246] (+0.000000007) lib.eal.generic.u8: { cpu_id = 0,
name = "dpdk-test" }, { in = 1 }
[13:27:36.138469252] (+0.000000006) lib.eal.generic.u8: { cpu_id = 0,
name = "dpdk-test" }, { in = 2 }
[13:27:36.138469262] (+0.000000010) lib.eal.generic.u8: { cpu_id = 0,
name = "dpdk-test" }, { in = 3 }
[13:27:36.138469269] (+0.000000007) lib.eal.generic.u8: { cpu_id = 0,
name = "dpdk-test" }, { in = 4 }
[13:27:36.138469276] (+0.000000007) lib.eal.generic.u8: { cpu_id = 0,
name = "dpdk-test" }, { in = 5 }

# There is a  GUI based trace viewer available in Windows, Linux and Mac.
It is called as tracecompass.(https://www.eclipse.org/tracecompass/)

The example screenshot and Histogram of above DPDK trace using Tracecompass.


[2] Added performance test case to find the Trace overhead.
Command to test trace overhead. It is the overhead of writing
zero-argument trace.

echo "trace_perf" | sudo ./build/app/test/dpdk-test  -c 0x3 --trace-level=8
EAL: Detected 56 lcore(s)
EAL: Detected 2 NUMA nodes
EAL: Trace dir: /root/dpdk-traces/rte-2020-02-15-PM-03-37-33
Timer running at 2600.00MHz
ZERO_ARG: cycles=17.901031 ns=6.885012
Test OK

[3] The above test is ported to LTTng for finding the LTTng trace
overhead. It available at

File walkthrough:

lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_trace.h - Public API for Trace
provider and Trace control
lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_trace.c - main trace implemention
lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_trace_ctf.c - CTF metadata spec implementation
lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_trace_utils.c - command line utils
and filesystem operations.
lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_trace_points.c -  trace points for EAL library
lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_trace_eal.h - EAL tracepoint public API.
lib/librte_eal/common/eal_trace.h - Private trace header file.

> I think, based on the performance we can decide one or another?

The above performance data shows a much higher improvement with LTTng.

Let me know if anyone have any comments on this and or any suggestion.
If there are no comments, I will submit the v1 with after code clean
up before the 20.05 proposal deadline.

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