> I think the strategy should be to progress on both GCC and Clang
> at the same time.

Remembered another issue: thread-local storage (TLS) with shared libraries.
Windows PE doesn't support TLS via special sections, so compilers use TLS
emulation layer. With static libraries, there are no issues described below.

The first aspect is a build-time issue of MinGW. When linking to DPDK shared
libraries, errors occur:

        undefined reference to `__emutls_v.per_lcore__rte_errno'
        undefined reference to `__emutls_v.per_lcore__rte_lcore_id'

DPDK declares per_lcore__XXX in a map file, but GCC places __thread symbols
in __emutls_v section, so the proper name to export becomes __emutls_v.XXX.
This can be worked around by using an additional version script with MinGW,
as I do in my port [0], however, the proper solution would be fixing the bug
on MinGW side [1]. MinGW already converts TLS variable names when generating
DEF files with `-Wl,--output-def` option (not used by DPDK, just a hint).

The second aspect is performance. Per [2], Win32 API TLS functions are ~10%
slower than non-emulated access on Linux, and MinGW emulation layer slows
access by another 20% (30% total). Clang emulation code is similar to
MinGW's [3], although I wasn't able to find any benchmarks. As a DPDK user, I
know that rte_lcore_id() is heavily used on the data-path, so this is severe.
My opinion is, for the first time Windows port should use whatever TLS
implementation the compiler provides, then attempt optimization. It should be
possible, because we don't need a general-purpose TLS, but only TLS for EAL

[0]: https://github.com/PlushBeaver/dpdk/blob/windows/lib/meson.build#L174
[1]: https://sourceforge.net/p/mingw-w64/bugs/827/

> Please Dmitry, would you like to review Pallavi's patches
> in order to make them coexist with yours?

Done. There are no logical conflicts, if code conflicts occur after merging
Pallivi's patchset, I'll resolve them before sending v3.

Dmitry Kozlyuk

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