From: Anoob Joseph <>

Add routines to display the eventmode configuration and provide
an overview of the devices used.

Signed-off-by: Anoob Joseph <>
Signed-off-by: Lukasz Bartosik <>
 examples/ipsec-secgw/event_helper.c | 207 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 examples/ipsec-secgw/event_helper.h |  14 +++
 2 files changed, 221 insertions(+)

diff --git a/examples/ipsec-secgw/event_helper.c 
index e6569c1..883cb19 100644
--- a/examples/ipsec-secgw/event_helper.c
+++ b/examples/ipsec-secgw/event_helper.c
@@ -822,6 +822,210 @@ eh_initialize_tx_adapter(struct eventmode_conf *em_conf)
        return 0;
+static void
+eh_display_operating_mode(struct eventmode_conf *em_conf)
+       char sched_types[][32] = {
+               "RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ORDERED",
+               "RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC",
+               "RTE_SCHED_TYPE_PARALLEL",
+       };
+       EH_LOG_INFO("Operating mode:");
+       EH_LOG_INFO("\tScheduling type: \t%s",
+               sched_types[em_conf->ext_params.sched_type]);
+       EH_LOG_INFO("");
+static void
+eh_display_event_dev_conf(struct eventmode_conf *em_conf)
+       char queue_mode[][32] = {
+               "",
+               "ATQ (ALL TYPE QUEUE)",
+               "SINGLE LINK",
+       };
+       char print_buf[256] = { 0 };
+       int i;
+       EH_LOG_INFO("Event Device Configuration:");
+       for (i = 0; i < em_conf->nb_eventdev; i++) {
+               sprintf(print_buf,
+                       "\tDev ID: %-2d \tQueues: %-2d \tPorts: %-2d",
+                       em_conf->eventdev_config[i].eventdev_id,
+                       em_conf->eventdev_config[i].nb_eventqueue,
+                       em_conf->eventdev_config[i].nb_eventport);
+               sprintf(print_buf + strlen(print_buf),
+                       "\tQueue mode: %s",
+                       queue_mode[em_conf->eventdev_config[i].ev_queue_mode]);
+               EH_LOG_INFO("%s", print_buf);
+       }
+       EH_LOG_INFO("");
+static void
+eh_display_rx_adapter_conf(struct eventmode_conf *em_conf)
+       int nb_rx_adapter = em_conf->nb_rx_adapter;
+       struct rx_adapter_connection_info *conn;
+       struct rx_adapter_conf *adapter;
+       char print_buf[256] = { 0 };
+       int i, j;
+       EH_LOG_INFO("Rx adapters configured: %d", nb_rx_adapter);
+       for (i = 0; i < nb_rx_adapter; i++) {
+               adapter = &(em_conf->rx_adapter[i]);
+               EH_LOG_INFO(
+                       "\tRx adaper ID: %-2d\tConnections: %-2d\tEvent dev ID: 
+                       "\tRx core: %-2d",
+                       adapter->adapter_id,
+                       adapter->nb_connections,
+                       adapter->eventdev_id,
+                       adapter->rx_core_id);
+               for (j = 0; j < adapter->nb_connections; j++) {
+                       conn = &(adapter->conn[j]);
+                       sprintf(print_buf,
+                               "\t\tEthdev ID: %-2d", conn->ethdev_id);
+                       if (conn->ethdev_rx_qid == -1)
+                               sprintf(print_buf + strlen(print_buf),
+                                       "\tEth rx queue: %-2s", "ALL");
+                       else
+                               sprintf(print_buf + strlen(print_buf),
+                                       "\tEth rx queue: %-2d",
+                                       conn->ethdev_rx_qid);
+                       sprintf(print_buf + strlen(print_buf),
+                               "\tEvent queue: %-2d", conn->eventq_id);
+                       EH_LOG_INFO("%s", print_buf);
+               }
+       }
+       EH_LOG_INFO("");
+static void
+eh_display_tx_adapter_conf(struct eventmode_conf *em_conf)
+       int nb_tx_adapter = em_conf->nb_tx_adapter;
+       struct tx_adapter_connection_info *conn;
+       struct tx_adapter_conf *adapter;
+       char print_buf[256] = { 0 };
+       int i, j;
+       EH_LOG_INFO("Tx adapters configured: %d", nb_tx_adapter);
+       for (i = 0; i < nb_tx_adapter; i++) {
+               adapter = &(em_conf->tx_adapter[i]);
+               sprintf(print_buf,
+                       "\tTx adapter ID: %-2d\tConnections: %-2d\tEvent dev 
ID: %-2d",
+                       adapter->adapter_id,
+                       adapter->nb_connections,
+                       adapter->eventdev_id);
+               if (adapter->tx_core_id == (uint32_t)-1)
+                       sprintf(print_buf + strlen(print_buf),
+                               "\tTx core: %-2s", "[INTERNAL PORT]");
+               else if (adapter->tx_core_id == RTE_MAX_LCORE)
+                       sprintf(print_buf + strlen(print_buf),
+                               "\tTx core: %-2s", "[NONE]");
+               else
+                       sprintf(print_buf + strlen(print_buf),
+                               "\tTx core: %-2d,\tInput event queue: %-2d",
+                               adapter->tx_core_id, adapter->tx_ev_queue);
+               EH_LOG_INFO("%s", print_buf);
+               for (j = 0; j < adapter->nb_connections; j++) {
+                       conn = &(adapter->conn[j]);
+                       sprintf(print_buf,
+                               "\t\tEthdev ID: %-2d", conn->ethdev_id);
+                       if (conn->ethdev_tx_qid == -1)
+                               sprintf(print_buf + strlen(print_buf),
+                                       "\tEth tx queue: %-2s", "ALL");
+                       else
+                               sprintf(print_buf + strlen(print_buf),
+                                       "\tEth tx queue: %-2d",
+                                       conn->ethdev_tx_qid);
+                       EH_LOG_INFO("%s", print_buf);
+               }
+       }
+       EH_LOG_INFO("");
+static void
+eh_display_link_conf(struct eventmode_conf *em_conf)
+       struct eh_event_link_info *link;
+       char print_buf[256] = { 0 };
+       int i;
+       EH_LOG_INFO("Links configured: %d", em_conf->nb_link);
+       for (i = 0; i < em_conf->nb_link; i++) {
+               link = &(em_conf->link[i]);
+               sprintf(print_buf,
+                       "\tEvent dev ID: %-2d\tEvent port: %-2d",
+                       link->eventdev_id,
+                       link->event_port_id);
+               if (em_conf->ext_params.all_ev_queue_to_ev_port)
+                       sprintf(print_buf + strlen(print_buf),
+                               "Event queue: %-2s\t", "ALL");
+               else
+                       sprintf(print_buf + strlen(print_buf),
+                               "Event queue: %-2d\t", link->eventq_id);
+               sprintf(print_buf + strlen(print_buf),
+                       "Lcore: %-2d", link->lcore_id);
+               EH_LOG_INFO("%s", print_buf);
+       }
+       EH_LOG_INFO("");
+eh_display_conf(struct eh_conf *conf)
+       struct eventmode_conf *em_conf;
+       if (conf == NULL) {
+               EH_LOG_ERR("Invalid event helper configuration");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (conf->mode != EH_PKT_TRANSFER_MODE_EVENT)
+               return;
+       if (conf->mode_params == NULL) {
+               EH_LOG_ERR("Invalid event mode parameters");
+               return;
+       }
+       /* Get eventmode conf */
+       em_conf = (struct eventmode_conf *)(conf->mode_params);
+       /* Display user exposed operating modes */
+       eh_display_operating_mode(em_conf);
+       /* Display event device conf */
+       eh_display_event_dev_conf(em_conf);
+       /* Display Rx adapter conf */
+       eh_display_rx_adapter_conf(em_conf);
+       /* Display Tx adapter conf */
+       eh_display_tx_adapter_conf(em_conf);
+       /* Display event-lcore link */
+       eh_display_link_conf(em_conf);
 eh_devs_init(struct eh_conf *conf)
@@ -855,6 +1059,9 @@ eh_devs_init(struct eh_conf *conf)
                return ret;
+       /* Display the current configuration */
+       eh_display_conf(conf);
        /* Stop eth devices before setting up adapter */
        RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(port_id) {
diff --git a/examples/ipsec-secgw/event_helper.h 
index e76d764..d7191a6 100644
--- a/examples/ipsec-secgw/event_helper.h
+++ b/examples/ipsec-secgw/event_helper.h
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ extern "C" {
                RTE_FMT("%s() line %u: " RTE_FMT_HEAD(__VA_ARGS__ ,) "\n", \
                        __func__, __LINE__, RTE_FMT_TAIL(__VA_ARGS__ ,)))
+#define EH_LOG_INFO(...) \
+       RTE_LOG(INFO, EH, \
+               RTE_FMT("%s() line %u: " RTE_FMT_HEAD(__VA_ARGS__ ,) "\n", \
+                       __func__, __LINE__, RTE_FMT_TAIL(__VA_ARGS__ ,)))
 /* Max event devices supported */
@@ -218,6 +223,15 @@ eh_devs_uninit(struct eh_conf *conf);
 eh_get_tx_queue(struct eh_conf *conf, uint8_t eventdev_id);
+ * Display event mode configuration
+ *
+ * @param conf
+ *   Event helper configuration
+ */
+eh_display_conf(struct eh_conf *conf);
 #ifdef __cplusplus

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