@David Marchand @tho...@monjalon.net


Are there any more changes required for this patch? It's been in queue since 
last October.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: dev <dev-boun...@dpdk.org> On Behalf Of Gaetan Rivet
>Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2020 3:28 PM
>To: dev@dpdk.org
>Cc: Vamsi Krishna Attunuru <vattun...@marvell.com>; Jerin Jacob
>Kollanukkaran <jer...@marvell.com>
>Subject: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v7] eal: add manual probing option
>Add a new EAL option enabling manual probing in the EAL.
>This command line option will configure the EAL so that buses
>will not trigger their probe step on their own.
>Applications are then expected to hotplug devices as they see fit.
>Devices declared on the command line by the user (using -w and --
>will be probed using the hotplug API, in the order they are declared.
>This has the effect of offering a way for users to control probe order
>of their devices, for drivers requiring it.
>Signed-off-by: Gaetan Rivet <gr...@u256.net>
>Acked-by : Vamsi Attunuru <vattun...@marvell.com>
>Tested-by: Vamsi Attunuru <vattun...@marvell.com>
>Reviewed-by: Jerin Jacob <jer...@marvell.com>
> haven't heard many opinions on the matter, please shout if you see an
>with this approach.
>@Slava: I have tested rather quickly that it does not break anything,
>        and that it works as intended for basic cases.
>        Can you test it further for your use-case and tell me if it works fine?
>Beyond the obvious difference between both probe mode, something
>to keep in mind:
>while using -w on invalid devices would not block (PCI) bus probing, it
>will stop manual
>probing in its track. All devices need to exist and be valid device IDs.
>v2: fixed a few typos, map file (and used Travis to validate).
>    Slava, are you able to test this patch?
>v3: properly fixed the map file (inherited 19.08 instead of 19.05).
>    Added a function to set the probe manual from the application,
>    without having the user do it from the command line.
>    Stopped spamming Slava about it, Vamsi was actually the one
>interested in it!
>Standing issue worth chiming in:
>  Currently manual-probe will cut off probing from all buses.
>  It could be interesting to be able to only cut buses supporting hotplug,
>  given that they are the one able to probe devices afterward.
>  No real use-case for this right now, so leaving as-is. Might be worth
>  considering in the future.
>v4: Rebased on master,
>    Moved implementation in common EAL,
>    Used public API within the EAL to set the option,
>    Made the API experimental
>v5: added note in the Getting Started Guide.
>v6: Rebased on master
>    see https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-
>    for reference to this version, linking v7 to v5 thread.
>v7: Updated author and SoB.
> doc/guides/linux_gsg/eal_args.include.rst  | 13 ++++++
> doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_02.rst     |  9 ++++
> lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_bus.c     |  6 +++
> lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_dev.c     | 54
> lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_options.c |  8 ++++
> lib/librte_eal/common/eal_internal_cfg.h   |  1 +
> lib/librte_eal/common/eal_options.h        |  2 +
> lib/librte_eal/common/eal_private.h        |  9 ++++
> lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_eal.h    | 36 +++++++++++++++
> lib/librte_eal/rte_eal_version.map         |  4 ++
> 10 files changed, 142 insertions(+)
>diff --git a/doc/guides/linux_gsg/eal_args.include.rst
>index ed8b0e35b..d0717d4a0 100644
>--- a/doc/guides/linux_gsg/eal_args.include.rst
>+++ b/doc/guides/linux_gsg/eal_args.include.rst
>@@ -69,6 +69,19 @@ Device-related options
>        --vdev 'net_pcap0,rx_pcap=input.pcap,tx_pcap=output.pcap'
>+*   ``--manual-probe``
>+    Switch the ``EAL`` probe mode to manual. The main bus probe step
>+    is disabled and applications are expected to manually probe
>+    devices using ``rte_dev_probe()``.
>+    Devices declared on the command-line using ``-w`` and ``-vdev``
>+    are interpreted as hotplug commands. They are thus probed in the
>+    order they are declared.
>+    This makes this option useful to enforce a specific device probe
>+    order, instead of relying on each bus scan implementation details.
> *   ``-d <path to shared object or directory>``
>     Load external drivers. An argument can be a single shared object file,
>or a
>diff --git a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_02.rst
>index 50e2c1484..f6b3b3def 100644
>--- a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_02.rst
>+++ b/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_20_02.rst
>@@ -56,6 +56,15 @@ New Features
>      Also, make sure to start the actual text at the margin.
>+* **EAL will now allow probing devices manually.**
>+  Previously, a user could not force an order when probing declared
>+  This could cause issues for drivers depending on another device being
>+  A new option ``--manual-probe`` is now available to do just that.
>+  This new option relies on the device bus supporting hotplug. It can
>+  also be used to disable automatic probing from the ``PCI`` bus without
>+  having to disable the whole bus.
> * **Added Wait Until Equal API.**
>   A new API has been added to wait for a memory location to be
>updated with a
>diff --git a/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_bus.c
>index baa5b532a..145a96812 100644
>--- a/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_bus.c
>+++ b/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_bus.c
>@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
> #include <string.h>
> #include <sys/queue.h>
>+#include <rte_eal.h>
> #include <rte_bus.h>
> #include <rte_debug.h>
> #include <rte_string_fns.h>
>@@ -63,6 +64,11 @@ rte_bus_probe(void)
>       int ret;
>       struct rte_bus *bus, *vbus = NULL;
>+      if (rte_eal_manual_probe()) {
>+              RTE_LOG(DEBUG, EAL, "Manual probing enabled.\n");
>+              return rte_dev_probe_devargs_list();
>+      }
>       TAILQ_FOREACH(bus, &rte_bus_list, next) {
>               if (!strcmp(bus->name, "vdev")) {
>                       vbus = bus;
>diff --git a/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_dev.c
>index 9e4f09d83..368afa273 100644
>--- a/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_dev.c
>+++ b/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_dev.c
>@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
> #include <rte_malloc.h>
> #include <rte_string_fns.h>
>+#include "eal_internal_cfg.h"
> #include "eal_private.h"
> #include "hotplug_mp.h"
>@@ -83,6 +84,59 @@ rte_dev_is_probed(const struct rte_device *dev)
>       return dev->driver != NULL;
> }
>+      return internal_config.manual_probe;
>+rte_eal_manual_probe_set(int enabled)
>+      internal_config.manual_probe = !!enabled;
>+      struct rte_device *dev;
>+      struct rte_devargs *da;
>+      int ret;
>+              dev = da->bus->find_device(NULL, cmp_dev_name,
>+              if (dev == NULL) {
>+                      RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Unable to find device %s
>on bus %s\n",
>+                              da->name, da->bus->name);
>+                      continue;
>+              }
>+              if (rte_dev_is_probed(dev))
>+                      continue;
>+              if (dev->bus->plug == NULL) {
>+                      RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Manual probing (hotplug)
>not supported by bus %s, "
>+                                        "required by device %s\n",
>+                              dev->bus->name, dev->name);
>+                      continue;
>+              }
>+              ret = dev->bus->plug(dev);
>+              /* Ignore positive return values, they are possibly
>+               * triggered by blacklisted devices on the PCI bus.
>+               * should then continue.
>+               */
>+              if (ret < 0) {
>+                      RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Driver cannot attach device
>+                              dev->name);
>+                      /* Fail on first real probe error. */
>+                      return ret;
>+              }
>+      }
>+      return 0;
> /* helper function to build devargs, caller should free the memory */
> static int
> build_devargs(const char *busname, const char *devname,
>diff --git a/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_options.c
>index 5920233bc..f899eea4d 100644
>--- a/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_options.c
>+++ b/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_options.c
>@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ eal_long_options[] = {
>+      {OPT_MANUAL_PROBE,      0, NULL,
>       {0,                     0, NULL, 0                        }
> };
>@@ -1443,6 +1444,9 @@ eal_parse_common_option(int opt, const
>char *optarg,
>                       return -1;
>               }
>               break;
>+      case OPT_MANUAL_PROBE_NUM:
>+              rte_eal_manual_probe_set(1);
>+              break;
>       /* don't know what to do, leave this to caller */
>       default:
>@@ -1669,6 +1673,10 @@ eal_common_usage(void)
>              "  --"OPT_VDEV"              Add a virtual device.\n"
>              "                      The argument format is
>              "                      (ex: --vdev=net_pcap0,iface=eth2).\n"
>+             "  --"OPT_MANUAL_PROBE"      Enable manual probing.\n"
>+             "                      Disable probe step for all buses.\n"
>+             "                      Devices will need to be probed using the 
>+             "                      PCI and vdev declarations will be treated 
>order as hotplug commands.\n"
>              "  --"OPT_IOVA_MODE"   Set IOVA mode. 'pa' for
>              "                      'va' for IOVA_VA\n"
>              "  -d LIB.so|DIR       Add a driver or driver directory\n"
>diff --git a/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_internal_cfg.h
>index a42f34923..0006f903f 100644
>--- a/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_internal_cfg.h
>+++ b/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_internal_cfg.h
>@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ struct internal_config {
>       unsigned hugepage_unlink;         /**< true to unlink backing files
>       volatile unsigned no_pci;         /**< true to disable PCI */
>       volatile unsigned no_hpet;        /**< true to disable HPET */
>+      volatile unsigned manual_probe;   /**< true to enable manual
>device probing. */
>       volatile unsigned vmware_tsc_map; /**< true to use VMware
>TSC mapping
>       * instead of native TSC */
>       volatile unsigned no_shconf;      /**< true if there is no shared
>config */
>diff --git a/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_options.h
>index 9855429e5..588fa32a6 100644
>--- a/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_options.h
>+++ b/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_options.h
>@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ enum {
> #define OPT_MATCH_ALLOCATIONS  "match-allocations"
>+#define OPT_MANUAL_PROBE "manual-probe"
> };
>diff --git a/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_private.h
>index ddcfbe2e4..680c7db88 100644
>--- a/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_private.h
>+++ b/lib/librte_eal/common/eal_private.h
>@@ -443,4 +443,13 @@ rte_option_usage(void);
> uint64_t
> eal_get_baseaddr(void);
>+ * Go through the devargs list and probe everything in order.
>+ *
>+ * @return
>+ *   0 on success, negative on error.
>+ */
> #endif /* _EAL_PRIVATE_H_ */
>diff --git a/lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_eal.h
>index 2f9ed298d..7195f6859 100644
>--- a/lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_eal.h
>+++ b/lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_eal.h
>@@ -421,6 +421,42 @@ int rte_eal_has_hugepages(void);
>  */
> int rte_eal_has_pci(void);
>+ * Whether EAL probe is manual.
>+ * Enabled by the --manual-probe option or by
>+ * using rte_eal_manual_probe_set().
>+ *
>+ * When manual probing is enabled, batched bus probe of
>+ * their devices is disabled. All devices need to be probed
>+ * using the proper rte_dev API.
>+ *
>+ * In this mode, devices declared on the command line will
>+ * be probed using the bus hotplug API. It is used to enforce
>+ * a specific probe order.
>+ *
>+ * @return
>+ *   Nonzero if manual device probing is enabled.
>+ *
>+ * @see rte_eal_manual_probe_set
>+ */
>+int rte_eal_manual_probe(void);
>+ * Configure EAL probe mode -- manual or automatic.
>+ *
>+ * Enable or disable manual probe mode in EAL.
>+ * This function can be called at any time, but must be used
>+ * before calling rte_eal_init() to have any effect.
>+ *
>+ * @param enabled
>+ *   zero to disable manual probe, non-zero to enable it.
>+ *
>+ * @see rte_eal_manual_probe
>+ */
>+void rte_eal_manual_probe_set(int enabled);
> /**
>  * Whether the EAL was asked to create UIO device.
>  *
>diff --git a/lib/librte_eal/rte_eal_version.map
>index e38d02530..13d04a8bc 100644
>--- a/lib/librte_eal/rte_eal_version.map
>+++ b/lib/librte_eal/rte_eal_version.map
>@@ -332,4 +332,8 @@ EXPERIMENTAL {
>       # added in 19.11
>       rte_log_get_stream;
>       rte_mcfg_get_single_file_segments;
>+      # added in 20.02
>+      rte_eal_manual_probe;
>+      rte_eal_manual_probe_set;
> };

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