On 1/13/2020 11:50 AM, Rory Sexton wrote: > This patch adds the new flow item RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_L2TPV3OIP to > flow API to match a L2TPv3 over IP header. This patch supports only > L2TPv3 over IP header format which is different to L2TPv2/L2TPv3 > over UDP. The difference in header formats between L2TPv3 over IP > and L2TP over UDP require a separate implementation for each. > > Signed-off-by: Rory Sexton <rory.sex...@intel.com> > Signed-off-by: Dariusz Jagus <dariuszx.ja...@intel.com> > Acked-by: Ori Kam <or...@mellanox.com>
Series applied to dpdk-next-net/master, thanks. (3/3 doc patch distributed into other two patches)