Minutes 9 January 2020

* Release Dates
* Subtrees
* OvS

* Debian/Microsoft
* Intel
* Marvell
* Mellanox
* Red Hat

Release Dates

* v20.02 dates:
  * Integration deadline:       Wednesday 15 January 2020
    * RC1 is expected before the weekend, possibly on Friday 17 January
  * Release:                    Friday 14 February 2020

* v20.05 proposal:
  * Proposal/V1:                Friday 6 March 2020
  * Integration/Merge/RC1:      Friday 10 April 2020
  * Release:                    Friday 1 May || Wed 13 May
    * 1-5 May holiday on PRC, we need to do the release before or after that
      Please comment on between 1 May or 13 May.


* main
  * Should be fine for rc1
  * Reviewing ring rework and vdpa
  * Working on ABI tooling

* next-net
  * Merging going on, trying to close ethdev patches for rc1

* next-net-crypto
  * Will do reviews/merges next week

* next-net-eventdev
  * Will merge next week

* next-net-virtio
  * Reviews are going on

* next-net-intel
  * Merges going on, some base code updates merged more to go


  * 18.11.6-rc1 is ready for testing


* Soft freeze was on 1 January for 2.13
  * Feature freeze 17 January
  * Release is expected on mid February
* There were two issues related to DPDK
  * i40e TSO, can be put as known issue and not block the TSO feature, can
    use dpdk19.11.1 for the fix
  * A required API is experimental in DPDK, can workaround this in OvS by adding
    additional compiler flag to let experimental APIs but need to remove the
    experimental flag from DPDK for long term solution.
    * DPDK need to clarify if backporting the removing experimental flags to the
      LTS will be safe from ABI point of view. It may be required to make ABI
      versioning because of the symbol change, will discuss offline.

DPDK Release Status Meetings

The DPDK Release Status Meeting is intended for DPDK Committers to discuss
the status of the master tree and sub-trees, and for project managers to
track progress or milestone dates.

The meeting occurs on Thursdays at 8:30 UTC. If you wish to attend just
send an email to "John McNamara <john.mcnam...@intel.com>" for the invite.

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