On 12/12/2019 13:58, Luca Boccassi wrote:
> On Thu, 2019-12-12 at 11:14 +0000, Ray Kinsella wrote:
>> On 11/12/2019 11:11, Bruce Richardson wrote:
>>> On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 11:04:01AM +0000, Luca Boccassi wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 2019-12-11 at 10:26 +0000, Bruce Richardson wrote:
>>>>> The soname for each stable ABI version should be just the ABI
>>>>> version
>>>>> major
>>>>> number without the minor number. Unfortunately both major and
>>>>> minor
>>>>> were
>>>>> used causing version 20.1 to be incompatible with 20.0.
>>>>> This patch fixes the issue by switching from 2-part to 3-part
>>>>> ABI
>>>>> version
>>>>> numbers so that we can keep 20.0 as soname and using the final
>>>>> digits
>>>>> to
>>>>> identify the 20.x releases which are ABI compatible. This
>>>>> requires
>>>>> changes
>>>>> to both make and meson builds to handle the three-digit version
>>>>> and
>>>>> shrink
>>>>> it to 2-digit for soname.
>>>>> Fixes: cba806e07d6f ("build: change ABI versioning to global")
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Thomas Monjalon <
>>>>> tho...@monjalon.net
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Bruce Richardson <
>>>>> bruce.richard...@intel.com
>>>>> ---
>>>>> This patch contains an alternative fix to that implied by the
>>>>> previous patches:
>>>>> http://patches.dpdk.org/patch/63726/
>>>>> http://patches.dpdk.org/patch/63728/
>>>>> ---
>>>>> ABI_VERSION | 2 +-
>>>>> drivers/meson.build | 4 ++--
>>>>> lib/meson.build | 4 ++--
>>>>> mk/rte.lib.mk | 5 ++++-
>>>>> 4 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
>>>> Acked-by: Luca Boccassi <
>>>> bl...@debian.org
>>>> Thank you! I've set a reminder in my calendar for September to
>>>> revert
>>>> it :-)
>>> Lol, don't forget to put another reminder to fix things properly
>>> then too.
>>> :-)
>>> We also still need consensus in the community as to whether to take
>>> this
>>> approach or to do a re-spin of 19.11. At this point, I'm swayed by
>>> your
>>> arguments and think we should keep compatibility at the cost of a
>>> little
>>> pain and weirdness in our .so filenames.
>>> /Bruce
>> My vote would be for a respin.
>> We don't yet know what challenges the weirdness or pain will be.
>> Why we would bother for the sake of a respin?
>> Ray K
> We already uploaded 19.11 to Debian last week, which means the tarball
> is in the archive and it's hashsummed and signed:
> http://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/d/dpdk/dpdk_19.11.orig.tar.xz
> (it's in experimental, but the archive is the same)
> A respin at this point would make my life not impossible, but quite
> difficult.
> IMHO respins are acceptable within a few hours - two weeks later it's
> no longer a respin, it's a new version :-)
Understood, we are stretching the acceptable terms of a re-spin.
If the version that is in the archive fundamentally broken, what are you going
to do.
This is not a relatively easy circumstance that we can simply fix it with an
apt-get update.
Is there precedent for pulling and re-releasing something that is broken in
this way?
Ray K