It depends on the datastructure.

If you use rte_hash, with the thread safety flags, it's safe.

In any case having a lot of cores accessing the same DS will lead to bad 
performance. You should try to have per-core data structures whenever possible.


De : dev <> de la part de Perugu Hemasai Chandra Prasad 
Envoyé : jeudi 5 décembre 2019 11:16
À :;
Objet : [dpdk-dev] Sharing Data structure between logical cores in DPDK-        

Hi All,
          I have a small doubt, can we share a data structure between
multiple logical cores in DPDK without locking? I have tested it by sharing
a small structure with two variable and incrementing them in all logical
cores. It ran smooth I didn't get any issue. But I doubt if we can run it
for long time with some huge data structure having many elements getting
accessed by multiple logical cores.
     Can anyone please clarify this.

Thanks and regards,

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