12/11/2019 14:15, Ferruh Yigit:
> This patch functionally reverts the patch in fixes line to not have any
> hardcoded library path in the final binary for the security reasons, in
> case this binary distributed to production environment.

What about meson?
There are these rpaths:

> RPATH only added in RTE_DEVEL_BUILD case and this binary shouldn't
> distributed, but still removing it to be cautious.

For convenience, we could keep adding rpath for internal apps.

> --- a/devtools/test-null.sh
> +++ b/devtools/test-null.sh

>  if ldd $testpmd | grep -q librte_ ; then
> +     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$build/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>       libs='-d librte_mempool_ring.so -d librte_pmd_null.so'

There is an issue in this change, because $build may be undefined.
It can be fixed with adding this line:

+[ -f "$testpmd" ] && build=$(dirname $(dirname $testpmd))
 [ -f "$testpmd" ] || testpmd=$build/app/dpdk-testpmd
 [ -f "$testpmd" ] || testpmd=$build/app/testpmd

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