On 11/11/2019 1:19 PM, pbhagavat...@marvell.com wrote:
> +static int
> +validate_offloads(uint16_t port_id, uint64_t req_offloads,
> +               uint64_t set_offloads, const char *offload_type,
> +               const char *(*offload_name)(uint64_t))
> +{
> +     uint64_t offloads_diff = req_offloads ^ set_offloads;
> +     uint64_t offload;
> +     int ret = 0;
> +
> +     while (offloads_diff != 0) {
> +             /* Check if any offload is requested but not enabled. */
> +             offload = 1ULL << __builtin_ctzll(offloads_diff);
> +             if (offload & req_offloads) {
> +                     RTE_ETHDEV_LOG(ERR,
> +                             "Port %u failed to enable %s offload %s\n",
> +                             port_id, offload_type, offload_name(offload));
> +                     ret = -EINVAL;
> +             }
> +
> +             /* Chech if offload couldn't be disabled. */
> +             if (offload & set_offloads) {
> +                     RTE_ETHDEV_LOG(INFO,
> +                             "Port %u failed to disable %s offload %s\n",
> +                             port_id, offload_type, offload_name(offload));

Since many PMDs now doesn't support to disable RSS_HASH config, keep getting
this log, and the message saying 'failed' confusing people.

My initial comment was to add the log in the PMDs and as "disabling not
supported ...", but since this is in the ethdev, we can we really say if
disabling not supported or failed? Can we figure out a less confusing message?

And second, to not keep getting this message, what do you think reducing the log
level to DEBUG?

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