This policy change introduces major ABI versions, these are
declared every year, typically aligned with the LTS release
and are supported by subsequent releases in the following year.
This change is intended to improve ABI stabilty for those projects
consuming DPDK.

Signed-off-by: Ray Kinsella <>
Acked-by: John Mcnamara <>
Acked-by: Stephen Hemminger <>
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 doc/guides/contributing/stable.rst                 |   12 +-
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index d4f4e9f..0965bcc 100644
--- a/doc/guides/contributing/abi_policy.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/contributing/abi_policy.rst
@@ -1,31 +1,47 @@
 ..  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-    Copyright 2018 The DPDK contributors
+    Copyright 2019 The DPDK contributors
-DPDK ABI/API policy
+ABI Policy
-This document details some methods for handling ABI management in the DPDK.
+This document details the management policy that ensures the long-term 
+of the DPDK ABI and API.
 General Guidelines
-#. Whenever possible, ABI should be preserved
-#. ABI/API may be changed with a deprecation process
-#. The modification of symbols can generally be managed with versioning
-#. Libraries or APIs marked in ``experimental`` state may change without 
-#. New APIs will be marked as ``experimental`` for at least one release to 
-   any issues found by users of the new API to be fixed quickly
-#. The addition of symbols is generally not problematic
-#. The removal of symbols generally is an ABI break and requires bumping of the
-   LIBABIVER macro
-#. Updates to the minimum hardware requirements, which drop support for 
hardware which
-   was previously supported, should be treated as an ABI change.
-What is an ABI
+#. Major ABI versions are declared no more frequently than yearly. 
+   with the major ABI version is mandatory in subsequent releases until a new
+   major ABI version is declared.
+#. Major ABI version are usually but not always declared aligned with a
+   :ref:`LTS release <stable_lts_releases>`.
+#. The ABI version is managed at a project level in DPDK, with the ABI version
+   reflected in all library's soname.
+#. The ABI should be preserved and not changed lightly. ABI changes must follow
+   the outlined :ref:`deprecation process <abi_changes>`.
+#. The addition of symbols is generally not problematic. The modification of
+   symbols is managed with ABI Versioning.
+#. The removal of symbols is considered an :ref:`ABI breakage <abi_breakages>`,
+   once approved these will form part of the next ABI version.
+#. Libraries or APIs marked as :ref:`Experimental <experimental_apis>` are not
+   considered part of an ABI version and may change without constraint.
+#. Updates to the :ref:`minimum hardware requirements <hw_rqmts>`, which drop
+   support for hardware which was previously supported, should be treated as an
+   ABI change.
+.. note::
+   In 2019, the DPDK community stated its intention to move to ABI stable
+   releases, over a number of release cycles. This change begins with
+   maintaining ABI stability through one year of DPDK releases starting from
+   DPDK 19.11. This policy will be reviewed in 2020, with intention of
+   lengthening the stability period.
+What is an ABI?
 An ABI (Application Binary Interface) is the set of runtime interfaces exposed
 by a library. It is similar to an API (Application Programming Interface) but
@@ -37,30 +53,82 @@ Therefore, in the case of dynamic linking, it is critical 
that an ABI is
 preserved, or (when modified), done in such a way that the application is 
 to behave improperly or in an unexpected fashion.
+.. _figure_what_is_an_abi:
+.. figure:: img/what_is_an_abi.*
+           Illustration of DPDK API and ABI.
-ABI/API Deprecation
+What is an ABI version?
+An ABI version is an instance of a library's ABI at a specific release. Certain
+releases are considered to be milestone releases, the yearly LTS release for
+example. The ABI of a milestone release may be declared as a 'major ABI
+version', where this ABI version is then supported for some number of 
+releases and is annotated in the library's soname.
+ABI version support in subsequent releases facilitates application upgrades, by
+enabling applications built against the milestone release to upgrade to
+subsequent releases of a library without a rebuild.
+More details on major ABI version can be found in the ABI Versioning guide.
 The DPDK ABI policy
+A new major ABI version is declared no more frequently than yearly, with
+declarations usually aligning with a LTS release, e.g. ABI 20 for DPDK 19.11.
+Compatibility with the major ABI version is then mandatory in subsequent
+releases until the next major ABI version is declared, e.g. ABI 21 for DPDK
-ABI versions are set at the time of major release labeling, and the ABI may
-change multiple times, without warning, between the last release label and the
-HEAD label of the git tree.
+At the declaration of a major ABI version, major version numbers encoded in
+libraries' sonames are bumped to indicate the new version, with the minor
+version reset to ``0``. An example would be ```` would become
-ABI versions, once released, are available until such time as their
-deprecation has been noted in the Release Notes for at least one major release
-cycle. For example consider the case where the ABI for DPDK 2.0 has been
-shipped and then a decision is made to modify it during the development of
-DPDK 2.1. The decision will be recorded in the Release Notes for the DPDK 2.1
-release and the modification will be made available in the DPDK 2.2 release.
+The ABI may then change multiple times, without warning, between the last major
+ABI version increment and the HEAD label of the git tree, with the condition
+that ABI compatibility with the major ABI version is preserved and therefore
+sonames do not change.
-ABI versions may be deprecated in whole or in part as needed by a given
+Minor versions are incremented to indicate the release of a new ABI compatible
+DPDK release, typically the DPDK quarterly releases. An example of this, might
+be that ```` would indicate the first ABI compatible DPDK
+release, following the declaration of the new major ABI version ``20``.
-Some ABI changes may be too significant to reasonably maintain multiple
-versions. In those cases ABI's may be updated without backward compatibility
-being provided. The requirements for doing so are:
+An ABI version is supported in all new releases until the next major ABI 
+is declared. When changing the major ABI version, the release notes will detail
+all ABI changes.
+.. _figure_abi_stability_policy:
+.. figure:: img/abi_stability_policy.*
+           Mapping of new ABI versions and ABI version compatibility to DPDK
+           releases.
+.. _abi_changes:
+ABI Changes
+The ABI may still change after the declaration of a major ABI version, that is
+new APIs may be still added or existing APIs may be modified.
+.. Warning::
+   Note that, this policy details the method by which the ABI may be changed,
+   with due regard to preserving compatibility and observing deprecation
+   notices. This process however should not be undertaken lightly, as a general
+   rule ABI stability is extremely important for downstream consumers of DPDK.
+   The API should only be changed for significant reasons, such as performance
+   enhancements. API breakages due to changes such as reorganizing public
+   structure fields for aesthetic or readability purposes should be avoided.
+The requirements for changing the ABI are:
 #. At least 3 acknowledgments of the need to do so must be made on the mailing list.
@@ -69,34 +137,119 @@ being provided. The requirements for doing so are:
      no maintainer is available for the component, the tree/sub-tree maintainer
      for that component must acknowledge the ABI change instead.
+   - The acknowledgment of three members of the technical board, as delegates
+     of the `technical board <>`_ acknowledging
+     the need for the ABI change, is also mandatory.
    - It is also recommended that acknowledgments from different "areas of
      interest" be sought for each deprecation, for example: from NIC vendors,
      CPU vendors, end-users, etc.
-#. The changes (including an alternative map file) can be included with
-   deprecation notice, in wrapped way by the ``RTE_NEXT_ABI`` option,
-   to provide more details about oncoming changes.
-   ``RTE_NEXT_ABI`` wrapper will be removed when it become the default ABI.
-   More preferred way to provide this information is sending the feature
-   as a separate patch and reference it in deprecation notice.
+#. Backward compatibility with the major ABI version must be maintained through
+   ABI Versioning, with :ref:`forward-only <forward-only>` compatibility
+   offered for any ABI changes that are indicated to be part of the next ABI
+   version.
-#. A full deprecation cycle, as explained above, must be made to offer
-   downstream consumers sufficient warning of the change.
+   - In situations where backward compatibility is not possible, read the
+     section on :ref:`abi_breakages`.
-Note that the above process for ABI deprecation should not be undertaken
-lightly. ABI stability is extremely important for downstream consumers of the
-DPDK, especially when distributed in shared object form. Every effort should
-be made to preserve the ABI whenever possible. The ABI should only be changed
-for significant reasons, such as performance enhancements. ABI breakage due to
-changes such as reorganizing public structure fields for aesthetic or
-readability purposes should be avoided.
+   - No backward or forward compatibility is offered for API changes marked as
+     ``experimental``, as described in the section on :ref:`Experimental APIs
+     and Libraries <experimental_apis>`.
-.. note::
+#. If a newly proposed API functionally replaces an existing one, when the new
+   API becomes non-experimental, then the old one is marked with
+   ``__rte_deprecated``.
+    - The depreciated API should follow the notification process to be removed,
+      see  :ref:`deprecation_notices`.
+    - At the declaration of the next major ABI version, those ABI changes then
+      become a formal part of the new ABI and the requirement to preserve ABI
+      compatibility with the last major ABI version is then dropped.
+    - The responsibility for removing redundant ABI compatibility code rests
+      with the original contributor of the ABI changes, failing that, then with
+      the contributor's company and then finally with the maintainer.
+.. _forward-only:
+.. Note::
+   Note that forward-only compatibility is offered for those changes made
+   between major ABI versions. As a library's soname can only describe
+   compatibility with the last major ABI version, until the next major ABI
+   version is declared, these changes therefore cannot be resolved as a runtime
+   dependency through the soname. Therefore any application wishing to make use
+   of these ABI changes can only ensure that its runtime dependencies are met
+   through Operating System package versioning.
+.. _hw_rqmts:
+.. Note::
    Updates to the minimum hardware requirements, which drop support for 
    which was previously supported, should be treated as an ABI change, and
-   follow the relevant deprecation policy procedures as above: 3 acks and
-   announcement at least one release in advance.
+   follow the relevant deprecation policy procedures as above: 3 acks, 
+   board approval and announcement at least one release in advance.
+.. _abi_breakages:
+ABI Breakages
+For those ABI changes that are too significant to reasonably maintain multiple
+symbol versions, there is an amended process. In these cases, ABIs may be
+updated without the requirement of backward compatibility being provided. These
+changes must follow the same process :ref:`described above <abi_changes>` as 
+changes, however with the following additional requirements:
+#. ABI breaking changes (including an alternative map file) can be included 
+   deprecation notice, in wrapped way by the ``RTE_NEXT_ABI`` option, to 
+   more details about oncoming changes. ``RTE_NEXT_ABI`` wrapper will be 
+   at the declaration of the next major ABI version.
+#. Once approved, and after the deprecation notice has been observed these
+   changes will form part of the next declared major ABI version.
+Examples of ABI Changes
+The following are examples of allowable ABI changes occurring between
+declarations of major ABI versions.
+* DPDK 19.11 release, defines the function ``rte_foo()``, and ``rte_foo()``
+  as part of the major ABI version ``20``.
+* DPDK 20.02 release defines a new function ``rte_foo(uint8_t bar)``, and
+  this is not a problem as long as the symbol ``rte_foo@DPDK20`` is
+  preserved through ABI Versioning.
+  - The new function may be marked with the ``__rte_experimental`` tag for a
+    number of releases, as described in the section :ref:`experimental_apis`.
+  - Once ``rte_foo(uint8_t bar)`` becomes non-experimental ``rte_foo()`` is 
+    declared as ``__rte_depreciated``, with an associated deprecation notice
+    provided.
+* DPDK 19.11 is not re-released to include ``rte_foo(uint8_t bar)``, the new
+  version of ``rte_foo`` only exists from DPDK 20.02 onwards as described in 
+  :ref:`note on forward-only compatibility<forward-only>`.
+* DPDK 20.02 release defines the experimental function ``__rte_experimental
+  rte_baz()``. This function may or may not exist in the DPDK 20.05 release.
+* An application ``dPacket`` wishes to use ``rte_foo(uint8_t bar)``, before the
+  declaration of the DPDK ``21`` major API version. The application can only
+  ensure its runtime dependencies are met by specifying ``DPDK (>= 20.2)`` as
+  an explicit package dependency, as the soname only may only indicate the
+  supported major ABI version.
+* At the release of DPDK 20.11, the function ``rte_foo(uint8_t bar)`` becomes
+  formally part of then new major ABI version DPDK 21.0 and ``rte_foo()`` may 
+  removed.
+.. _deprecation_notices:
 Examples of Deprecation Notices
@@ -104,46 +257,42 @@ Examples of Deprecation Notices
 The following are some examples of ABI deprecation notices which would be
 added to the Release Notes:
-* The Macro ``#RTE_FOO`` is deprecated and will be removed with version 2.0,
-  to be replaced with the inline function ``rte_foo()``.
+* The Macro ``#RTE_FOO`` is deprecated and will be removed with ABI version
+  21, to be replaced with the inline function ``rte_foo()``.
 * The function ``rte_mbuf_grok()`` has been updated to include a new parameter
-  in version 2.0. Backwards compatibility will be maintained for this function
-  until the release of version 2.1
+  in version 20.2. Backwards compatibility will be maintained for this function
+  until the release of the new DPDK major ABI version 21, in DPDK version
+  20.11.
-* The members of ``struct rte_foo`` have been reorganized in release 2.0 for
+* The members of ``struct rte_foo`` have been reorganized in DPDK 20.02 for
   performance reasons. Existing binary applications will have backwards
-  compatibility in release 2.0, while newly built binaries will need to
-  reference the new structure variant ``struct rte_foo2``. Compatibility will
-  be removed in release 2.2, and all applications will require updating and
+  compatibility in release 20.02, while newly built binaries will need to
+  reference the new structure variant ``struct rte_foo2``. Compatibility will 
+  removed in release 20.11, and all applications will require updating and
   rebuilding to the new structure at that time, which will be renamed to the
   original ``struct rte_foo``.
 * Significant ABI changes are planned for the ``librte_dostuff`` library. The
-  upcoming release 2.0 will not contain these changes, but release 2.1 will,
+  upcoming release 20.02 will not contain these changes, but release 20.11 
   and no backwards compatibility is planned due to the extensive nature of
-  these changes. Binaries using this library built prior to version 2.1 will
+  these changes. Binaries using this library built prior to ABI version 21 will
   require updating and recompilation.
-New API replacing previous one
-If a new API proposed functionally replaces an existing one, when the new API
-becomes non-experimental then the old one is marked with ``__rte_deprecated``.
-Deprecated APIs are removed completely just after the next LTS.
+.. _experimental_apis:
-Reminder that old API should follow deprecation process to be removed.
-Experimental APIs
-APIs marked as ``experimental`` are not considered part of the ABI and may
-change without warning at any time.  Since changes to APIs are most likely
-immediately after their introduction, as users begin to take advantage of
-those new APIs and start finding issues with them, new DPDK APIs will be
-automatically marked as ``experimental`` to allow for a period of stabilization
-before they become part of a tracked ABI.
+APIs marked as ``experimental`` are not considered part of an ABI version and
+may change without warning at any time. Since changes to APIs are most likely
+immediately after their introduction, as users begin to take advantage of those
+new APIs and start finding issues with them, new DPDK APIs will be 
+marked as ``experimental`` to allow for a period of stabilization before they
+become part of a tracked ABI version.
 Note that marking an API as experimental is a multi step process.
 To mark an API as experimental, the symbols which are desired to be exported
@@ -161,7 +310,16 @@ In addition to tagging the code with 
 the doxygen markup must also contain the EXPERIMENTAL string,
 and the MAINTAINERS file should note the EXPERIMENTAL libraries.
-For removing the experimental tag associated with an API, deprecation notice
-is not required. Though, an API should remain in experimental state for at 
-one release. Thereafter, normal process of posting patch for review to mailing
-list can be followed.
+For removing the experimental tag associated with an API, deprecation notice is
+not required. Though, an API should remain in experimental state for at least
+one release. Thereafter, the normal process of posting patch for review to
+mailing list can be followed.
+Libraries marked as ``experimental`` are entirely not considered part of an ABI
+version, and may change without warning at any time. Experimental libraries
+always have a major version of ``0`` to indicate they exist outside of
+ABI Versioning, with the minor version incremented with each ABI change
+to library.
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1.98662,2.02661 1.10664,0.0133 1.99995,-0.87998 2.01328,-1.98662 z m 
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88.072922 92.762283 99.754204 107.04096 110.38248 117.10764 120.33684 123.56604 
130.17888 137.50777 144.49968 151.78644 155.12796 165.16656 168.43788 173.14128 
180.44208 183.67128 190.01736 197.13564 204.19775 207.77795 214.89624 221.94432 
225.17352 229.9752 236.70036">v20 ABI is declared aligned with v19.11 
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140.3306 147.62981 154.94308 158.16374 164.52068 171.60893 178.68312 181.90378 
187.17778 193.54877 204.70152 212.0148 219.42653 222.66125 228.20247 231.32468 
238.06133 242.73058 249.69226 252.81447 263.98129 271.39301 278.77661 282.01132 
286.30084 289.53555 296.53943 303.82458 307.34061 310.51904 316.0462 323.3595 
330.67276 337.98605 345.39777 350.30612 355.01755 358.13977 362.21832 369.63004 
374.53839 377.5762 383.93314 391.02139 398.09558 401.2178 409.36084 417.03979 
420.51361 423.6358 429.40204 436.81378 444.04266 448.75412 451.98883 459.28806 
466.60132 473.56302 479.06204">v21 symbols are added and v20 symbols are 
modified, support for v20 ABI continues.</tspan></text>
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+     inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
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0.31999,126.15684 c 0,1.10664 -0.89331,2.01328 -1.99995,2.01328 -1.0933,0 
-1.99995,-0.89331 -1.99995,-1.99995 z m 7.9998,-2.01328 -5.97318,12.01303 
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88.072922 92.762283 99.754204 107.04096 110.38248 117.10764 120.33684 123.56604 
130.17888 137.50777 144.49968 151.78644 155.12796 165.16656 168.43788 173.14128 
180.44208 183.67128 190.01736 197.13564 204.19775 207.77795 214.89624 221.94432 
225.17352 229.9752 236.70036 243.14471 246.65472 249.78564 254.46095 261.45288 
272.58661 279.31177 282.54095 289.86984 293.09903 300.47003 307.02673 310.36823 
316.71432 323.83261 330.89471 334.12393 339.40295 345.76309 356.92487 364.23972 
371.63879 374.91013 380.39975 383.4324 390.15756 394.83289 401.8248 404.99783 
409.71527 416.70721 427.84091 435.23999 441.51587 448.50781 455.79456">v21 ABI 
is declared aligned with v20.11 LTS, remaining v20 symbols are 
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125.95632 129.18024 139.63403 149.36964 155.56212">Calling 
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/guides/contributing/stable.rst 
index 6a5eee9..4d38bb8 100644
--- a/doc/guides/contributing/stable.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/contributing/stable.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ..  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
     Copyright 2018 The DPDK contributors
-.. stable_lts_releases:
+.. _stable_lts_releases:
 DPDK Stable Releases and Long Term Support
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ year's November (X.11) release will be maintained as an LTS 
for 2 years.
 After the X.11 release, an LTS branch will be created for it at where bugfixes will be backported to.
+A LTS release may align with the declaration of a new major ABI version,
+please read the :doc:`abi_policy` for more information.
 It is anticipated that there will be at least 4 releases per year of the LTS
 or approximately 1 every 3 months. However, the cadence can be shorter or
 longer depending on the number and criticality of the backported
@@ -119,10 +122,3 @@ A Stable Release will be released by:
 Stable releases are available on the ` download page 
-The Stable Release should not be seen as a way of breaking or circumventing
-the DPDK ABI policy.

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