
I see this patch is already merged in next-net-intel,
but please I would prefer to have below improvements first.

07/11/2019 11:44, Haiyue Wang:
> The original design is to use rte_mbuf::udata64 to save the metadata of
> protocol extraction which has network protocol data fields and type, a
> private API is used to decode this metadata.
> Use the dynamic mbuf field and flags to register the needed fields in
> mbuf, to avoid overwriting 'rte_mbuf::udata64' if the application uses
> it. It only needs 4B size to save the protocol extraction data, and its

Yes using a dynamic field is definitely more correct.

> type and validity is indicated by related bit in 'rte_mbuf::ol_flags'.

Better to say explicitly it uses a dynamic flag.

> --- a/drivers/net/ice/rte_pmd_ice.h
> +++ b/drivers/net/ice/rte_pmd_ice.h
> +/**
> + * @file rte_pmd_ice.h
> + *
> + * ice PMD specific functions.
> + *
> + * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change, or be removed, without prior notice
> + *
> + */

Adding the file in doxygen is good.
I think it could be a separate patch for doxygen + cleanups.

> +/**
> + * The supported network protocol extraction metadata format.
> + */
> +union proto_xtr_metadata {
> -struct proto_xtr_flds {

Please add a prefix rte_ice_ or rte_net_ice_ as you wish.

> +/**
> + * The mbuf dynamic flag for VLAN protocol extraction metadata, it is valid
> + * when dev_args 'proto_xtr' has 'vlan' specified.
> + */
> +     (rte_net_ice_dynflag_proto_xtr_vlan_mask)
> +
> +/**
> + * The mbuf dynamic flag for IPv4 protocol extraction metadata, it is valid
> + * when dev_args 'proto_xtr' has 'ipv4' specified.
> + */
> +     (rte_net_ice_dynflag_proto_xtr_ipv4_mask)
> +
> +/**
> + * The mbuf dynamic flag for IPv6 protocol extraction metadata, it is valid
> + * when dev_args 'proto_xtr' has 'ipv6' specified.
> + */
> +     (rte_net_ice_dynflag_proto_xtr_ipv6_mask)
> +
> +/**
> + * The mbuf dynamic flag for IPv6 with flow protocol extraction metadata, it 
> is
> + * valid when dev_args 'proto_xtr' has 'ipv6_flow' specified.
> + */
> +     (rte_net_ice_dynflag_proto_xtr_ipv6_flow_mask)
> +
> +/**
> + * The mbuf dynamic flag for TCP protocol extraction metadata, it is valid
> + * when dev_args 'proto_xtr' has 'tcp' specified.
> + */
> +     (rte_net_ice_dynflag_proto_xtr_tcp_mask)

Those fields and flags are missing a RTE_ prefix.
(Yes I know we are missing such prefix in rte_mbuf.f)

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