On 9/11/2019 9:27 PM, Thomas Monjalon wrote: > 11/09/2019 19:55, Ferruh Yigit: >> There are two constraints for the .02 releases which makes it harder to plan, >> the Christmas/New Year's holidays and Chinese Spring Festival Holiday. >> >> This years schedule for them is: >> >> * Christmas/New Year's: >> 25,26 December; 1 January. In practice many people will be on leave on >> WW52. >> >> * Chinese Spring Festival Holiday: >> 24-30 January (inclusive). >> >> >> According above dates proposed dates are: >> >> Proposal/V1: 6 December (4 weeks) [WW49] >> Integration/Merge/RC1: 10 January (5 weeks including Christmas) >> [WW2] >> Release: 7 February (4 weeks including Spring Festival) [WW6] > > 10 January for integration deadline is short. > And we should give more time after China holiday. > I suggest to shift rc1 and final release dates by one week. > >
It seems there is no objection to shift, also in new dates Cathal suggested pulling rc1 from Friday 17 to Wednesday 15 January, to give enough time to PRC team before holidays, so final proposed dates are as following: Proposal/V1: 6 December Integration/Merge/RC1: 15 January Release: 14 February