Members Attending
Hemant (chair)

NOTE: The technical board meetings every second Wednesday on IRC  channel  
#dpdk-board, at 3pm UTC. Meetings are public and DPDK community members  are 
welcome to attend.
NOTE: Next meeting will be on Wednesday 2019-11-06 @3pm UTC, and will be 
chaired by Jerin

1. SPDX Discussions
        Hemant and Stephen provided an update on the gaps to be closed for 
        use of SPDX tags alone (i.e. no license text in files) in 19.11. 
        Key gaps:
        * Issue identified with pmdinfogen using GPL derived code, meaning
          it needs a license exception. Stephen to follow with GB to get 
        * Few drivers, test files are still having old licensing style.
          Patches have been created, but we are still waiting for original
                 authors to ack them. 

        * In the worst, we will apply top SPDK tag while leaving the original
           License text in the file intact for the remaining files.

2. MIT license for Windows.
        - The code has been re-submitted as BSD-3 (or MIT+BSD-3), we will check 
the legal team for any concerns. 
              -  TB will check for global exception for dual licensing. 

3. Removal of examples (standing agenda item):
        All the removed examples should be mentioned in Release notes.
        Bruce's patchset (5 examples) was agreed.  
        Jin Yu also submitted a patch to remove vhost_scsi example.

4. KNI IOVA as VA support
KNI supposes that mbufs are contiguous in kernel virtual memory. This may not 
be true when using the IOVA=VA mode.

 -  check original context at
  - It is not wise to break KNI - as customers are using it in production.
  - choice to enable it optionally with EAL FLAG is not acceptable to Jerin. 
  - Olivier's new mempool patch series for " mempool: avoid objects allocations 
across pages" will help here. 

The decision is to accelerate the review of this mempool patch series and make 
it part of 19.11 itself to resolve this issue. 

5. VFIO - PF Kernel module
 - enabling SRIOV of VFIO PF device. 
- some members raised concerns for supporting out of tree kernel modules 
(especially related to VM) as it creates lots of long term support nightmare.
- for this particular module, is not in favour on integrating these 
changes as this may cause security issue with netdev
- mcoquelin and shemminger to review it further and discuss this topic again in 
next meeting.7

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