On 11/1/2019 5:04 PM, Wang, Yipeng1 wrote:
> Hi, Amit,
> I think I acked this patch. But from patchwork seems you superseded this 
> patch set accidentally. So Thomas might have missed it. 
> To make his life easier, you may submit a newer version with my acked. I 
> believe Thomas will see it. 

cc'ed David.

Hi Amit,

The patch is in "Superseded" state as Yipeng said, as far as I understand that
is not the case, I am updating their status as "New". Can you please confirm
this is the correct state?

> Thanks
> Yipeng
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Amit Gupta [mailto:agup...@marvell.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2019 9:54 PM
>> To: Wang, Yipeng1 <yipeng1.w...@intel.com>; Gobriel, Sameh 
>> <sameh.gobr...@intel.com>; Richardson, Bruce
>> <bruce.richard...@intel.com>; De Lara Guarch, Pablo 
>> <pablo.de.lara.gua...@intel.com>; Jerin Jacob Kollanukkaran
>> <jer...@marvell.com>
>> Cc: dev@dpdk.org
>> Subject: RE: [PATCH 1/2] test/meson: hash test split into shorter subtests
>> Ping!
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Amit Gupta
>>> Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2019 10:33 AM
>>> To: Wang, Yipeng1 <yipeng1.w...@intel.com>; Gobriel, Sameh
>>> <sameh.gobr...@intel.com>; Richardson, Bruce
>>> <bruce.richard...@intel.com>; De Lara Guarch, Pablo
>>> <pablo.de.lara.gua...@intel.com>
>>> Cc: dev@dpdk.org
>>> Subject: RE: [PATCH 1/2] test/meson: hash test split into shorter subtests
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Wang, Yipeng1 <yipeng1.w...@intel.com>
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 10:35 PM
>>>> To: Amit Gupta <agup...@marvell.com>; Gobriel, Sameh
>>>> <sameh.gobr...@intel.com>; Richardson, Bruce
>>>> <bruce.richard...@intel.com>; De Lara Guarch, Pablo
>>>> <pablo.de.lara.gua...@intel.com>
>>>> Cc: dev@dpdk.org
>>>> Subject: [EXT] RE: [PATCH 1/2] test/meson: hash test split into
>>>> shorter subtests
>>>> External Email
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: agup...@marvell.com [mailto:agup...@marvell.com]
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2019 10:50 PM
>>>>> To: Wang, Yipeng1 <yipeng1.w...@intel.com>; Gobriel, Sameh
>>>>> <sameh.gobr...@intel.com>; Richardson, Bruce
>>>>> <bruce.richard...@intel.com>; De Lara Guarch, Pablo
>>>>> <pablo.de.lara.gua...@intel.com>
>>>>> Cc: dev@dpdk.org; Amit Gupta <agup...@marvell.com>
>>>>> Subject: [PATCH 1/2] test/meson: hash test split into shorter
>>>>> subtests
>>>>> From: Amit Gupta <agup...@marvell.com>
>>>>> hash_readwrite meson test was taking longer time to complete.
>>>>> The test always get TIMEOUT, hence test is split into functional and
>>>>> perf test. perf test is being moved under dpdk perf testsuites in
>>>>> meson build.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Amit Gupta <agup...@marvell.com>
>>>> [Wang, Yipeng]
>>>> Acked-by: Yipeng Wang <yipeng1.w...@intel.com>
>>>> Thanks for the patch!
>>> @Wang, Yipeng1, any plan on taking this patch ?
>>> Regards,
>>> Amit

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