Documentation includes separate pages of EAL command-line options for
Linux and for FreeBSD.
Links to these pages use the same text 'EAL parameters', so it is not
clear which link to use for which environment.

This patch adds the text '(Linux)' and '(FreeBSD)' where relevant, to
clearly identify the links.

Fixes: 3ee567cfec37 ("doc: document all EAL parameters in one place")

v2: update links names for clarity.

Signed-off-by: Dekel Peled <>
Acked-by: Anatoly Burakov <>
 doc/guides/sample_app_ug/intro.rst    | 6 +++---
 doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/run_app.rst | 6 +++---
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/intro.rst 
index 9070419..71d99f9 100644
--- a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/intro.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/intro.rst
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ Running Sample Applications
 Some sample applications may have their own command-line parameters described 
 their respective guides, however all of them also share the same EAL 
-Please refer to  :doc:`../linux_gsg/linux_eal_parameters` or
-:doc:`../freebsd_gsg/freebsd_eal_parameters` for a list of available EAL
-command-line options.
+Please refer to :doc:`EAL parameters (Linux) 
+or :doc:`EAL parameters (FreeBSD) <../freebsd_gsg/freebsd_eal_parameters>` for
+a list of available EAL command-line options.
 The DPDK Sample Applications
diff --git a/doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/run_app.rst 
index ef677ba..00e0c2a 100644
--- a/doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/run_app.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/run_app.rst
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ Running the Application
 EAL Command-line Options
-Please refer to  :doc:`../linux_gsg/linux_eal_parameters` or
-:doc:`../freebsd_gsg/freebsd_eal_parameters` for a list of available EAL
-command-line options.
+Please refer to :doc:`EAL parameters (Linux) 
+or :doc:`EAL parameters (FreeBSD) <../freebsd_gsg/freebsd_eal_parameters>` for
+a list of available EAL command-line options.
 Testpmd Command-line Options

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