> <snip>
> >
> > 22/10/2019 22:19, Honnappa Nagarahalli:
> > > From: Akhil Goyal <akhil.go...@nxp.com>
> > > > We can have 2 possible solutions to this situation
> > > >
> > > > 1. Arm host it somewhere and let people contribute to that.
> > > > 2. Integrate it inside DPDK repo.
> > >
> > > [Honnappa] I don't have any issues with the 2nd option.
> >
> > So you want this code to be part of the PMD?
> I have asked similar question in the patch email. If it is moving to DPDK, 
> where
> in DPDK?
> > You think no other project would like to use such crypto code?
> I would say it depends on the library and what it offers. I definitely think 
> it will
> be useful for other projects when it is fully developed. This is just my 
> view, may
> be others have a different opinion. I believe we (Arm community) are trying to
> find a solution for the current problem. The solution can be a short term
> solution.
> > What are the export restrictions for this code?
> I am aware of the export restrictions around crypto code in general. I am not
> sure about these restrictions in DPDK's context.
Can this be a 'hosted-project' (like pktgen, NFF-Go etc)? Are the 
'hosted-projects' also subjected to export restrictions?

> I have a question here. If the library was broken (in whatever way) and nobody
> asked it to be fixed, I am wondering if it is getting used by anyone.
> >
> >

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