Hi Shahaf,

On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 12:00:30PM +0000, Shahaf Shuler wrote:
> Hi Olivier, 
> Thursday, October 17, 2019 5:42 PM, Olivier Matz:
> > Subject: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v2] mbuf: support dynamic fields and flags
> > 
> > Many features require to store data inside the mbuf. As the room in mbuf
> > structure is limited, it is not possible to have a field for each feature. 
> > Also,
> > changing fields in the mbuf structure can break the API or ABI.
> > 
> > This commit addresses these issues, by enabling the dynamic registration of
> > fields or flags:
> > 
> > - a dynamic field is a named area in the rte_mbuf structure, with a
> >   given size (>= 1 byte) and alignment constraint.
> > - a dynamic flag is a named bit in the rte_mbuf structure.
> > 
> > The typical use case is a PMD that registers space for an offload feature,
> > when the application requests to enable this feature.  As the space in mbuf 
> > is
> > limited, the space should only be reserved if it is going to be used (i.e 
> > when
> > the application explicitly asks for it).
> According to description, the dynamic field enables custom application and 
> supported PMDs to use the dynamic part of the mbuf for their specific needs. 
> However the mechanism to report and activate the field/flag registration 
> comes from the general OFFLOAD flags. 
> Maybe it will be better to an option to query and select dynamic fields for 
> PMD outside of the standard ethdev offload flags? 

It is not mandatory to use the ethdev layer to register a dynamic field
or flag in the mbuf. It is just the typical use case.

It can also be enabled when using a library that have specific needs,
for instance, you call rte_reorder_init(), and it will register the
sequence number dynamic field.

An application that requires a specific mbuf field can also do the
registration by itself.

In other words, when you initialize a subpart that needs a dynamic field
or flag, you have to do the registration there.

> > 
> > The registration can be done at any moment, but it is not possible to
> > unregister fields or flags for now.
> > 
> > Signed-off-by: Olivier Matz <olivier.m...@6wind.com>
> > Acked-by: Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net>

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