On 21/10/2019 15:38, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> 21/10/2019 12:10, Ray Kinsella:
>> On 21/10/2019 10:50, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
>>> 27/09/2019 18:54, Ray Kinsella:
>>>> TL;DR abbreviation:
>>>> A major ABI version that all DPDK releases during a one year period
>>>> support. ABI versioning is managed at a project-level, in place of 
>>>> library-level
>>>> management. ABI changes to add new features are permitted, as long as ABI
>>>> compatibility with the major ABI version is maintained.
>>>> Detail:
>>>> This patch introduces major ABI versions, supported for one year and 
>>>> released
>>>> aligned with the LTS release. This ABI version is then supported by all
>>>> subsequent releases within that one year period. The intention is that the 
>>>> one
>>>> year support period, will then be reviewed after the initial year with the
>>>> intention of lengthing the support period for the next ABI version.
>>> For the record, I would prefer a v7 saying it is a fixed period of time,
>>> being one year at first and should be longer next.
>>> Please don't state "supported for one year", which can be understood as a 
>>> general truth.
>> Well I was very careful to only state an _intention_ to lengthen the fix 
>> period,
>> I though it prudent to avoid words like "should", as nothing is known until 
>> the year is behind us. 
>> Where I used the word "support", I talk about "abi support".
>> I suggest rewording as follows:-
>> This patch introduces major ABI versions, released aligned with the LTS 
>> release,
>> maintained for one year through all subsequent releases within that one year 
>> period. 
>> The intention is that the one year abi support period, will then be reviewed 
>> after 
>> the initial year with the intention of lengthening the period for the next 
>> ABI version.
> Yes, looks better.
> I am going to review carefully the series.

Ok - I will hold fire on any changes then.

Ray K

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