On 10/17/19 1:47 PM, Ferruh Yigit wrote:
On 10/17/2019 11:37 AM, Andrew Rybchenko wrote:
On 10/16/19 9:07 PM, Ferruh Yigit wrote:
On 10/16/2019 4:46 PM, Ciara Power wrote:
Adding promiscuous functions prevents sample applications failing when run
on this virtual PMD. The sample applications call promiscuous functions,
and fail if this function call returns an error, which occurs when the
virtual PMD does not support the promiscuous function being called.

This change will be implemented for all virtual PMDs that currently do not
have existing promiscuous functions. Multicast functions will also be
added for virtual PMDs to prevent sample application breakages here also.

With the some ethdev APIs returning error code, some sample applications stop
working with virtual interfaces,

We can,
1- update sample applications to ignore the errors
2- Add dummy dev_ops support to (almost all) virtual PMDs (what this RFC 

(1) puts us back to before the ethdev APIs updated status, and this may be wrong
for the physical devices case, so I am for this RFC.

Only perhaps we can have some common empty function and keep assigning that one
to reduce the dummy code, what do you think?
I don't like the idea to have common empty/dummy functions.
If virtual PMD behaves in accordance with enabled promiscuous mode,
it should initialize it properly on init:
       eth_dev->data->promiscuous = 1;
If so, if application requires promiscuous mode, attempt to enable will
do nothing. If application requires non-promiscuous mode, disable will
fail and it is good.
It is technically correct that we can't disable promiscuous mode in virtual PMDs
but I think mainly we don't really care so it returning error may make the
applications fail/exit unnecessarily with virtual PMDs.

If I test virtual PMD promiscuous mode, I would prefer enable/disable
callback to say me truth.

If application really does not care, it should be in the application code.

Signed-off-by: Ciara Power <ciara.po...@intel.com>
   drivers/net/null/rte_eth_null.c | 14 ++++++++++++++
   1 file changed, 14 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/net/null/rte_eth_null.c b/drivers/net/null/rte_eth_null.c
index e2ff41a22..b8472a0cf 100644
--- a/drivers/net/null/rte_eth_null.c
+++ b/drivers/net/null/rte_eth_null.c
@@ -441,11 +441,25 @@ eth_mac_address_set(__rte_unused struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
        return 0;
+static int
+eth_dev_promiscuous_enable(__rte_unused struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
+       return 0;
+static int
+eth_dev_promiscuous_disable(__rte_unused struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
+       return 0;
   static const struct eth_dev_ops ops = {
        .dev_start = eth_dev_start,
        .dev_stop = eth_dev_stop,
        .dev_configure = eth_dev_configure,
        .dev_infos_get = eth_dev_info,
+       .promiscuous_enable = eth_dev_promiscuous_enable,
+       .promiscuous_disable = eth_dev_promiscuous_disable,
        .rx_queue_setup = eth_rx_queue_setup,
        .tx_queue_setup = eth_tx_queue_setup,
        .rx_queue_release = eth_queue_release,

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