Hi Honnappa,

On 13/10/2019 04:02, Honnappa Nagarahalli wrote:
Hi Vladimir,
        Apologies for the delayed response, I had to run few experiments.


Hi Honnappa,

On 01/10/2019 07:29, Honnappa Nagarahalli wrote:
Add resource reclamation APIs to make it simple for applications and
libraries to integrate rte_rcu library.

Signed-off-by: Honnappa Nagarahalli <honnappa.nagaraha...@arm.com>
Reviewed-by: Ola Liljedhal <ola.liljed...@arm.com>
Reviewed-by: Ruifeng Wang <ruifeng.w...@arm.com>
   app/test/test_rcu_qsbr.c           | 291 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
   lib/librte_rcu/meson.build         |   2 +
   lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_qsbr.c      | 185 ++++++++++++++++++
   lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_qsbr.h      | 169 +++++++++++++++++
   lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_qsbr_pvt.h  |  46 +++++
   lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_version.map |   4 +
   lib/meson.build                    |   6 +-
   7 files changed, 700 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
   create mode 100644 lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_qsbr_pvt.h

diff --git a/app/test/test_rcu_qsbr.c b/app/test/test_rcu_qsbr.c index
d1b9e46a2..3a6815243 100644
--- a/app/test/test_rcu_qsbr.c
+++ b/app/test/test_rcu_qsbr.c
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
   /* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright (c) 2018 Arm Limited
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Arm Limited

   #include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
   #include <rte_pause.h>
   #include <rte_rcu_qsbr.h>
   #include <rte_hash.h>
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ static uint32_t *keys;
   #define COUNTER_VALUE 4096
   static uint32_t *hash_data[RTE_MAX_LCORE][TOTAL_ENTRY];
   static uint8_t writer_done;
+static uint8_t cb_failed;

   static struct rte_rcu_qsbr *t[RTE_MAX_LCORE];
   struct rte_hash *h[RTE_MAX_LCORE];
@@ -582,6 +584,269 @@ test_rcu_qsbr_thread_offline(void)
        return 0;

+static void
+rte_rcu_qsbr_test_free_resource(void *p, void *e) {
+       if (p != NULL && e != NULL) {
+               printf("%s: Test failed\n", __func__);
+               cb_failed = 1;
+       }
+ * rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_create: create a queue used to store the data
+ * elements that can be freed later. This queue is referred to as 'defer
+ */
+static int
+       char rcu_dq_name[RTE_RING_NAMESIZE];
+       struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_parameters params;
+       struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq *dq;
+       printf("\nTest rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_create()\n");
+       /* Pass invalid parameters */
+       dq = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_create(NULL);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((dq != NULL), "dq create invalid
+       memset(&params, 0, sizeof(struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_parameters));
+       dq = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_create(&params);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((dq != NULL), "dq create invalid
+       snprintf(rcu_dq_name, sizeof(rcu_dq_name), "TEST_RCU");
+       params.name = rcu_dq_name;
+       dq = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_create(&params);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((dq != NULL), "dq create invalid
+       params.f = rte_rcu_qsbr_test_free_resource;
+       dq = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_create(&params);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((dq != NULL), "dq create invalid
+       rte_rcu_qsbr_init(t[0], RTE_MAX_LCORE);
+       params.v = t[0];
+       dq = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_create(&params);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((dq != NULL), "dq create invalid
+       params.size = 1;
+       dq = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_create(&params);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((dq != NULL), "dq create invalid
+       params.esize = 3;
+       dq = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_create(&params);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((dq != NULL), "dq create invalid
+       /* Pass all valid parameters */
+       params.esize = 16;
+       dq = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_create(&params);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((dq == NULL), "dq create valid
+       rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_delete(dq);
+       return 0;
+ * rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_enqueue: enqueue one resource to the defer queue,
+ * to be freed later after atleast one grace period is over.
+ */
+static int
+       int ret;
+       uint64_t r;
+       char rcu_dq_name[RTE_RING_NAMESIZE];
+       struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_parameters params;
+       struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq *dq;
+       printf("\nTest rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_enqueue()\n");
+       /* Create a queue with simple parameters */
+       memset(&params, 0, sizeof(struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_parameters));
+       snprintf(rcu_dq_name, sizeof(rcu_dq_name), "TEST_RCU");
+       params.name = rcu_dq_name;
+       params.f = rte_rcu_qsbr_test_free_resource;
+       rte_rcu_qsbr_init(t[0], RTE_MAX_LCORE);
+       params.v = t[0];
+       params.size = 1;
+       params.esize = 16;
+       dq = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_create(&params);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((dq == NULL), "dq create valid
+       /* Pass invalid parameters */
+       ret = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_enqueue(NULL, NULL);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((ret == 0), "dq enqueue invalid
+       ret = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_enqueue(dq, NULL);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((ret == 0), "dq enqueue invalid
+       ret = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_enqueue(NULL, &r);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((ret == 0), "dq enqueue invalid
+       ret = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_delete(dq);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((ret == 1), "dq delete valid
+       return 0;
+ * rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_reclaim: Reclaim resources from the defer queue.
+ */
+static int
+       int ret;
+       printf("\nTest rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_reclaim()\n");
+       /* Pass invalid parameters */
+       ret = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_reclaim(NULL);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((ret != 1), "dq reclaim invalid
+       return 0;
+ * rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_delete: Delete a defer queue.
+ */
+static int
+       int ret;
+       char rcu_dq_name[RTE_RING_NAMESIZE];
+       struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_parameters params;
+       struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq *dq;
+       printf("\nTest rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_delete()\n");
+       /* Pass invalid parameters */
+       ret = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_delete(NULL);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((ret != 1), "dq delete invalid
+       memset(&params, 0, sizeof(struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_parameters));
+       snprintf(rcu_dq_name, sizeof(rcu_dq_name), "TEST_RCU");
+       params.name = rcu_dq_name;
+       params.f = rte_rcu_qsbr_test_free_resource;
+       rte_rcu_qsbr_init(t[0], RTE_MAX_LCORE);
+       params.v = t[0];
+       params.size = 1;
+       params.esize = 16;
+       dq = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_create(&params);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((dq == NULL), "dq create valid
+       ret = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_delete(dq);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((ret != 0), "dq delete valid
+       return 0;
+ * rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_enqueue: enqueue one resource to the defer queue,
+ * to be freed later after atleast one grace period is over.
+ */
+static int
+test_rcu_qsbr_dq_functional(int32_t size, int32_t esize) {
+       int i, j, ret;
+       char rcu_dq_name[RTE_RING_NAMESIZE];
+       struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_parameters params;
+       struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq *dq;
+       uint64_t *e;
+       uint64_t sc = 200;
+       int max_entries;
+       printf("\nTest rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_xxx functional tests()\n");
+       printf("Size = %d, esize = %d\n", size, esize);
+       e = (uint64_t *)rte_zmalloc(NULL, esize, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
+       if (e == NULL)
+               return 0;
+       cb_failed = 0;
+       /* Initialize the RCU variable. No threads are registered */
+       rte_rcu_qsbr_init(t[0], RTE_MAX_LCORE);
+       /* Create a queue with simple parameters */
+       memset(&params, 0, sizeof(struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_parameters));
+       snprintf(rcu_dq_name, sizeof(rcu_dq_name), "TEST_RCU");
+       params.name = rcu_dq_name;
+       params.f = rte_rcu_qsbr_test_free_resource;
+       params.v = t[0];
+       params.size = size;
+       params.esize = esize;
+       dq = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_create(&params);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((dq == NULL), "dq create valid
+       /* Given the size and esize, calculate the maximum number of entries
+        * that can be stored on the defer queue (look at the logic used
+        * in capacity calculation of rte_ring).
+        */
+       max_entries = rte_align32pow2(((esize/8 + 1) * size) + 1);
+       max_entries = (max_entries - 1)/(esize/8 + 1);
+       /* Enqueue few counters starting with the value 'sc' */
+       /* The queue size will be rounded up to 2. The enqueue API also
+        * reclaims if the queue size is above certain limit. Since, there
+        * are no threads registered, reclamation succedes. Hence, it should
+        * be possible to enqueue more than the provided queue size.
+        */
+       for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+               ret = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_enqueue(dq, e);
+               TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((ret != 0),
+                       "dq enqueue functional");
+               for (j = 0; j < esize/8; j++)
+                       e[j] = sc++;
+       }
+       /* Register a thread on the RCU QSBR variable. Reclamation will not
+        * succeed. It should not be possible to enqueue more than the size
+        * number of resources.
+        */
+       rte_rcu_qsbr_thread_register(t[0], 1);
+       rte_rcu_qsbr_thread_online(t[0], 1);
+       for (i = 0; i < max_entries; i++) {
+               ret = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_enqueue(dq, e);
+               TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((ret != 0),
+                       "dq enqueue functional");
+               for (j = 0; j < esize/8; j++)
+                       e[j] = sc++;
+       }
+       /* Enqueue fails as queue is full */
+       ret = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_enqueue(dq, e);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((ret == 0), "dq enqueue
+       /* Delete should fail as there are elements in defer queue which
+        * cannot be reclaimed.
+        */
+       ret = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_delete(dq);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((ret == 0), "dq delete valid
+       /* Report quiescent state, enqueue should succeed */
+       rte_rcu_qsbr_quiescent(t[0], 1);
+       for (i = 0; i < max_entries; i++) {
+               ret = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_enqueue(dq, e);
+               TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((ret != 0),
+                       "dq enqueue functional");
+               for (j = 0; j < esize/8; j++)
+                       e[j] = sc++;
+       }
+       /* Queue is full */
+       ret = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_enqueue(dq, e);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((ret == 0), "dq enqueue
+       /* Report quiescent state, delete should succeed */
+       rte_rcu_qsbr_quiescent(t[0], 1);
+       ret = rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_delete(dq);
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((ret != 0), "dq delete valid
+       /* Validate that call back function did not return any error */
+       TEST_RCU_QSBR_RETURN_IF_ERROR((cb_failed == 1), "CB failed");
+       rte_free(e);
+       return 0;
    * rte_rcu_qsbr_dump: Dump status of a single QS variable to a file
@@ -1025,6 +1290,18 @@ test_rcu_qsbr_main(void)
        if (test_rcu_qsbr_thread_offline() < 0)
                goto test_fail;

+       if (test_rcu_qsbr_dq_create() < 0)
+               goto test_fail;
+       if (test_rcu_qsbr_dq_reclaim() < 0)
+               goto test_fail;
+       if (test_rcu_qsbr_dq_delete() < 0)
+               goto test_fail;
+       if (test_rcu_qsbr_dq_enqueue() < 0)
+               goto test_fail;
        printf("\nFunctional tests\n");

        if (test_rcu_qsbr_sw_sv_3qs() < 0)
@@ -1033,6 +1310,18 @@ test_rcu_qsbr_main(void)
        if (test_rcu_qsbr_mw_mv_mqs() < 0)
                goto test_fail;

+       if (test_rcu_qsbr_dq_functional(1, 8) < 0)
+               goto test_fail;
+       if (test_rcu_qsbr_dq_functional(2, 8) < 0)
+               goto test_fail;
+       if (test_rcu_qsbr_dq_functional(303, 16) < 0)
+               goto test_fail;
+       if (test_rcu_qsbr_dq_functional(7, 128) < 0)
+               goto test_fail;

diff --git a/lib/librte_rcu/meson.build b/lib/librte_rcu/meson.build
index 62920ba02..e280b29c1 100644
--- a/lib/librte_rcu/meson.build
+++ b/lib/librte_rcu/meson.build
@@ -10,3 +10,5 @@ headers = files('rte_rcu_qsbr.h')
   if cc.get_id() == 'clang' and dpdk_conf.get('RTE_ARCH_64') == false
        ext_deps += cc.find_library('atomic')
+deps += ['ring']
diff --git a/lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_qsbr.c
b/lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_qsbr.c index ce7f93dd3..76814f50b 100644
--- a/lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_qsbr.c
+++ b/lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_qsbr.c
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
   #include <rte_errno.h>

   #include "rte_rcu_qsbr.h"
+#include "rte_rcu_qsbr_pvt.h"

   /* Get the memory size of QSBR variable */
@@ -267,6 +268,190 @@ rte_rcu_qsbr_dump(FILE *f, struct rte_rcu_qsbr
        return 0;

+/* Create a queue used to store the data structure elements that can
+ * be freed later. This queue is referred to as 'defer queue'.
+ */
+struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq *
+rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_create(const struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_parameters
+*params) {
+       struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq *dq;
+       uint32_t qs_fifo_size;
+       if (params == NULL || params->f == NULL ||
+               params->v == NULL || params->name == NULL ||
+               params->size == 0 || params->esize == 0 ||
+               (params->esize % 8 != 0)) {
+               rte_log(RTE_LOG_ERR, rte_rcu_log_type,
+                       "%s(): Invalid input parameter\n", __func__);
+               rte_errno = EINVAL;
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       dq = rte_zmalloc(NULL,
+               (sizeof(struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq) + params->esize),
+               RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
+       if (dq == NULL) {
+               rte_errno = ENOMEM;
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       /* round up qs_fifo_size to next power of two that is not less than
+        * max_size.
+        */
+       qs_fifo_size = rte_align32pow2((((params->esize/8) + 1)
+                                       * params->size) + 1);
+       dq->r = rte_ring_create(params->name, qs_fifo_size,
+                                       SOCKET_ID_ANY, 0);
+       if (dq->r == NULL) {
+               rte_log(RTE_LOG_ERR, rte_rcu_log_type,
+                       "%s(): defer queue create failed\n", __func__);
+               rte_free(dq);
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       dq->v = params->v;
+       dq->size = params->size;
+       dq->esize = params->esize;
+       dq->f = params->f;
+       dq->p = params->p;
+       return dq;
+/* Enqueue one resource to the defer queue to free after the grace
+ * period is over.
+ */
+int rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_enqueue(struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq *dq, void *e) {
+       uint64_t token;
+       uint64_t *tmp;
+       uint32_t i;
+       uint32_t cur_size, free_size;
+       if (dq == NULL || e == NULL) {
+               rte_log(RTE_LOG_ERR, rte_rcu_log_type,
+                       "%s(): Invalid input parameter\n", __func__);
+               rte_errno = EINVAL;
+               return 1;
+       }
+       /* Start the grace period */
+       token = rte_rcu_qsbr_start(dq->v);
+       /* Reclaim resources if the queue is 1/8th full. This helps
+        * the queue from growing too large and allows time for reader
+        * threads to report their quiescent state.
+        */
+       cur_size = rte_ring_count(dq->r) / (dq->esize/8 + 1);
+       if (cur_size > (dq->size >> RTE_RCU_QSBR_AUTO_RECLAIM_LIMIT)) {
+               rte_log(RTE_LOG_INFO, rte_rcu_log_type,
+                       "%s(): Triggering reclamation\n", __func__);
+               rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_reclaim(dq);
+       }
There are two problems I see:

1. rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_reclaim() reclaims only 1/16 of the defer queue while it
triggers on 1/8. This means that there will always be 1/16 of non reclaimed
entries in the queue.
There will be 'at least' 1/16 non-reclaimed entries.
Correct, that's what I meant :)
  It could be more depending on the length of the grace period and the rate of 

Right, the number of entries to reclaim depends on:

- grace period which is application specific

- cost of delete operation which is library (algorithm) specific

- rate of deletion which depends on runtime.

So it is very hard to predict how big should be threshold to trigger reclamation and how many entries should it reclaim.

The trigger of 1/8 is used to give sufficient time for the readers to report 
their quiescent state. 1/16 is used to spread the load of reclamation across 
multiple calls and provide a upper bound on the cycles consumed.

1/16 of max entries to reclaim within single call can cost a lot. Moreover, it could have an impact on the readers through massive cache evictions.

Consider a set of routes from test_lpm_perf.c. To install all routes you need to have at least 65k tbl8 entries (now it has 2k). So when reclaiming, besides the costs of rte_rcu_qsbr_check(), you'll need to rewrite 4k cache lines.

So 1/16 of max entries is relatively big and it's better to spread this load across multiple calls.

2. Number of entries to reclaim depend on dq->size. So,
rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_reclaim() could take a lot of cycles. For LPM library this
That is true. It depends on dq->size (number of tbl8 groups). However, note 
that there is patch [1] which provides batch reclamation kind of behavior which 
reduces the cycles consumed by reclamation significantly.

[1] https://patches.dpdk.org/patch/58960/

means that rte_lpm_delete() sometimes takes a long time.
Agree, sometimes takes additional time. It is good to spread it over multiple 
Right, with batch reclamation we have here classic throughput vs latency problem. Either reclaiming big number of entries relatively infrequently spreading the cost of readers quiescent state check or reclaiming small amount of entries more often spending more cycles in average. I'd prefer latency here because as I mentioned earlier huge batches could have an impact on readers and lead to big difference in cost of delete().

So, my suggestions here would be

- trigger rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_reclaim() with every enqueue
Given that the LPM APIs are mainly for control plane, I would think that, the 
next time LPM API is called, the readers have completed the grace period. But 
if there are frequent updates, we might end up with empty reclaims which will 
waste cycles. IMO, this trigger should happen after at least few entries are in 
the queue.

- reclaim small amount of entries (could be configurable of creation time)
Agree. I would keep it a smaller than the trigger amount knowing that the 
elements added right before the trigger might not have completed the grace 

- provide API to trigger reclaim from the application manually.
IMO, this will add additional complexity to the application. I agree that there 
will be special needs for some applications. I think those applications might 
have to implement their own methods using the base RCU APIs.
Instead, as agreed in other threads, I suggest we expose the parameters (when 
to trigger and how much to reclaim) to the application as optional configurable 
parameters. i.e. if the application does not provide we can use default values. 
I think this should provide enough flexibility to the application.


Regarding default values, one strategy could be:

- if reported threshold isn't set (i.e. is equal 0) then call reclaim with every enqueue (i.e. threshold == 1)

- if max_entries_to_reclaim isn't set then reclaim as much as we can

+       /* Check if there is space for atleast for 1 resource */
+       free_size = rte_ring_free_count(dq->r) / (dq->esize/8 + 1);
+       if (!free_size) {
+               rte_log(RTE_LOG_ERR, rte_rcu_log_type,
+                       "%s(): Defer queue is full\n", __func__);
+               rte_errno = ENOSPC;
+               return 1;
+       }
+       /* Enqueue the resource */
+       rte_ring_sp_enqueue(dq->r, (void *)(uintptr_t)token);
+       /* The resource to enqueue needs to be a multiple of 64b
+        * due to the limitation of the rte_ring implementation.
+        */
+       for (i = 0, tmp = (uint64_t *)e; i < dq->esize/8; i++, tmp++)
+               rte_ring_sp_enqueue(dq->r, (void *)(uintptr_t)*tmp);
+       return 0;
+/* Reclaim resources from the defer queue. */ int
+rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_reclaim(struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq *dq) {
+       uint32_t max_cnt;
+       uint32_t cnt;
+       void *token;
+       uint64_t *tmp;
+       uint32_t i;
+       if (dq == NULL) {
+               rte_log(RTE_LOG_ERR, rte_rcu_log_type,
+                       "%s(): Invalid input parameter\n", __func__);
+               rte_errno = EINVAL;
+               return 1;
+       }
+       /* Anything to reclaim? */
+       if (rte_ring_count(dq->r) == 0)
+               return 0;
+       /* Reclaim at the max 1/16th the total number of entries. */
+       max_cnt = dq->size >> RTE_RCU_QSBR_MAX_RECLAIM_LIMIT;
+       max_cnt = (max_cnt == 0) ? dq->size : max_cnt;
+       cnt = 0;
+       /* Check reader threads quiescent state and reclaim resources */
+       while ((cnt < max_cnt) && (rte_ring_peek(dq->r, &token) == 0) &&
+               (rte_rcu_qsbr_check(dq->v, (uint64_t)((uintptr_t)token), false)
+                       == 1)) {
+               (void)rte_ring_sc_dequeue(dq->r, &token);
+               /* The resource to dequeue needs to be a multiple of 64b
+                * due to the limitation of the rte_ring implementation.
+                */
+               for (i = 0, tmp = (uint64_t *)dq->e; i < dq->esize/8;
+                       i++, tmp++)
+                       (void)rte_ring_sc_dequeue(dq->r,
+                                       (void *)(uintptr_t)tmp);
+               dq->f(dq->p, dq->e);
+               cnt++;
+       }
+       rte_log(RTE_LOG_INFO, rte_rcu_log_type,
+               "%s(): Reclaimed %u resources\n", __func__, cnt);
+       if (cnt == 0) {
+               /* No resources were reclaimed */
+               rte_errno = EAGAIN;
+               return 1;
+       }
+       return 0;
+/* Delete a defer queue. */
+rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_delete(struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq *dq) {
+       if (dq == NULL) {
+               rte_log(RTE_LOG_ERR, rte_rcu_log_type,
+                       "%s(): Invalid input parameter\n", __func__);
+               rte_errno = EINVAL;
+               return 1;
+       }
+       /* Reclaim all the resources */
+       if (rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_reclaim(dq) != 0)
+               /* Error number is already set by the reclaim API */
+               return 1;
+       rte_ring_free(dq->r);
+       rte_free(dq);
+       return 0;
   int rte_rcu_log_type;

diff --git a/lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_qsbr.h
b/lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_qsbr.h index c80f15c00..185d4b50a 100644
--- a/lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_qsbr.h
+++ b/lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_qsbr.h
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ extern "C" {
   #include <rte_lcore.h>
   #include <rte_debug.h>
   #include <rte_atomic.h>
+#include <rte_ring.h>

   extern int rte_rcu_log_type;

@@ -109,6 +110,67 @@ struct rte_rcu_qsbr {
   } __rte_cache_aligned;

+ * Call back function called to free the resources.
+ *
+ * @param p
+ *   Pointer provided while creating the defer queue
+ * @param e
+ *   Pointer to the resource data stored on the defer queue
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   None
+ */
+typedef void (*rte_rcu_qsbr_free_resource)(void *p, void *e);
+ *  Trigger automatic reclamation after 1/8th the defer queue is full.
+ */
+ *  Reclaim at the max 1/16th the total number of resources.
+ */
+ * Parameters used when creating the defer queue.
+ */
+struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_parameters {
+       const char *name;
+       /**< Name of the queue. */
+       uint32_t size;
+       /**< Number of entries in queue. Typically, this will be
+        *   the same as the maximum number of entries supported in the
+        *   lock free data structure.
+        *   Data structures with unbounded number of entries is not
+        *   supported currently.
+        */
+       uint32_t esize;
+       /**< Size (in bytes) of each element in the defer queue.
+        *   This has to be multiple of 8B as the rte_ring APIs
+        *   support 8B element sizes only.
+        */
+       rte_rcu_qsbr_free_resource f;
+       /**< Function to call to free the resource. */
+       void *p;
+       /**< Pointer passed to the free function. Typically, this is the
+        *   pointer to the data structure to which the resource to free
+        *   belongs. This can be NULL.
+        */
+       struct rte_rcu_qsbr *v;
+       /**< RCU QSBR variable to use for this defer queue */ };
+/* RTE defer queue structure.
+ * This structure holds the defer queue. The defer queue is used to
+ * hold the deleted entries from the data structure that are not
+ * yet freed.
+ */
+struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq;
    * @warning
    * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice @@
-648,6 +710,113 @@ __rte_experimental
   rte_rcu_qsbr_dump(FILE *f, struct rte_rcu_qsbr *v);

+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
+ *
+ * Create a queue used to store the data structure elements that can
+ * be freed later. This queue is referred to as 'defer queue'.
+ *
+ * @param params
+ *   Parameters to create a defer queue.
+ * @return
+ *   On success - Valid pointer to defer queue
+ *   On error - NULL
+ *   Possible rte_errno codes are:
+ *   - EINVAL - NULL parameters are passed
+ *   - ENOMEM - Not enough memory
+ */
+struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq *
+rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_create(const struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_parameters
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
+ *
+ * Enqueue one resource to the defer queue and start the grace period.
+ * The resource will be freed later after at least one grace period
+ * is over.
+ *
+ * If the defer queue is full, it will attempt to reclaim resources.
+ * It will also reclaim resources at regular intervals to avoid
+ * the defer queue from growing too big.
+ *
+ * This API is not multi-thread safe. It is expected that the caller
+ * provides multi-thread safety by locking a mutex or some other means.
+ *
+ * A lock free multi-thread writer algorithm could achieve
+ * safety by creating and using one defer queue per thread.
+ *
+ * @param dq
+ *   Defer queue to allocate an entry from.
+ * @param e
+ *   Pointer to resource data to copy to the defer queue. The size of
+ *   the data to copy is equal to the element size provided when the
+ *   defer queue was created.
+ * @return
+ *   On success - 0
+ *   On error - 1 with rte_errno set to
+ *   - EINVAL - NULL parameters are passed
+ *   - ENOSPC - Defer queue is full. This condition can not happen
+ *             if the defer queue size is equal (or larger) than the
+ *             number of elements in the data structure.
+ */
+rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_enqueue(struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq *dq, void *e);
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
+ *
+ * Reclaim resources from the defer queue.
+ *
+ * This API is not multi-thread safe. It is expected that the caller
+ * provides multi-thread safety by locking a mutex or some other means.
+ *
+ * A lock free multi-thread writer algorithm could achieve
+ * safety by creating and using one defer queue per thread.
+ *
+ * @param dq
+ *   Defer queue to reclaim an entry from.
+ * @return
+ *   On successful reclamation of at least 1 resource - 0
+ *   On error - 1 with rte_errno set to
+ *   - EINVAL - NULL parameters are passed
+ *   - EAGAIN - None of the resources have completed at least 1 grace
+ *             try again.
+ */
+rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_reclaim(struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq *dq);
+ * @warning
+ * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
+ *
+ * Delete a defer queue.
+ *
+ * It tries to reclaim all the resources on the defer queue.
+ * If any of the resources have not completed the grace period
+ * the reclamation stops and returns immediately. The rest of
+ * the resources are not reclaimed and the defer queue is not
+ * freed.
+ *
+ * @param dq
+ *   Defer queue to delete.
+ * @return
+ *   On success - 0
+ *   On error - 1
+ *   Possible rte_errno codes are:
+ *   - EINVAL - NULL parameters are passed
+ *   - EAGAIN - Some of the resources have not completed at least 1 grace
+ *             period, try again.
+ */
+rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_delete(struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq *dq);
   #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_qsbr_pvt.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2122bc36a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_qsbr_pvt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Arm Limited
+ */
+#ifndef _RTE_RCU_QSBR_PVT_H_
+#define _RTE_RCU_QSBR_PVT_H_
+ * This file is private to the RCU library. It should not be included
+ * by the user of this library.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include "rte_rcu_qsbr.h"
+/* RTE defer queue structure.
+ * This structure holds the defer queue. The defer queue is used to
+ * hold the deleted entries from the data structure that are not
+ * yet freed.
+ */
+struct rte_rcu_qsbr_dq {
+       struct rte_rcu_qsbr *v; /**< RCU QSBR variable used by this queue.*/
+       struct rte_ring *r;     /**< RCU QSBR defer queue. */
+       uint32_t size;
+       /**< Number of elements in the defer queue */
+       uint32_t esize;
+       /**< Size (in bytes) of data stored on the defer queue */
+       rte_rcu_qsbr_free_resource f;
+       /**< Function to call to free the resource. */
+       void *p;
+       /**< Pointer passed to the free function. Typically, this is the
+        *   pointer to the data structure to which the resource to free
+        *   belongs.
+        */
+       char e[0];
+       /**< Temporary storage to copy the defer queue element. */ };
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _RTE_RCU_QSBR_PVT_H_ */
diff --git a/lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_version.map
index f8b9ef2ab..dfac88a37 100644
--- a/lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_version.map
+++ b/lib/librte_rcu/rte_rcu_version.map
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ EXPERIMENTAL {
+       rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_create;
+       rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_enqueue;
+       rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_reclaim;
+       rte_rcu_qsbr_dq_delete;

        local: *;
diff --git a/lib/meson.build b/lib/meson.build index
e5ff83893..0e1be8407 100644
--- a/lib/meson.build
+++ b/lib/meson.build
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
   libraries = [
        'kvargs', # eal depends on kvargs
        'eal', # everything depends on eal
-       'ring', 'mempool', 'mbuf', 'net', 'meter', 'ethdev', 'pci', # core
+       'ring',
+       'rcu', # rcu depends on ring
+       'mempool', 'mbuf', 'net', 'meter', 'ethdev', 'pci', # core
        'metrics', # bitrate/latency stats depends on this
        'hash',    # efd depends on this
@@ -22,7 +24,7 @@ libraries = [
        'gro', 'gso', 'ip_frag', 'jobstats',
        'kni', 'latencystats', 'lpm', 'member',
        'power', 'pdump', 'rawdev',
-       'rcu', 'reorder', 'sched', 'security', 'stack', 'vhost',
+       'reorder', 'sched', 'security', 'stack', 'vhost',
        # ipsec lib depends on net, crypto and security
        # add pkt framework libs which use other libs from above


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