Test cases for PDCP with scattered input and output
buffers are added for both inplace and out of place scenarios.
1. input SG - output non SG
2. input and output both SG and inplace buffers
3. input and output both SG with different segment sizes
4. input SG and output non-SG

Signed-off-by: Akhil Goyal <akhil.go...@nxp.com>
Acked-by: Nipun Gupta <nipun.gu...@nxp.com>
 app/test/test_cryptodev.c | 354 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 354 insertions(+)

diff --git a/app/test/test_cryptodev.c b/app/test/test_cryptodev.c
index afc296bf9..ca6c35c87 100644
--- a/app/test/test_cryptodev.c
+++ b/app/test/test_cryptodev.c
@@ -7203,6 +7203,277 @@ test_pdcp_proto(int i, int oop,
        return ret;
+static int
+test_pdcp_proto_SGL(int i, int oop,
+       enum rte_crypto_cipher_operation opc,
+       enum rte_crypto_auth_operation opa,
+       uint8_t *input_vec,
+       unsigned int input_vec_len,
+       uint8_t *output_vec,
+       unsigned int output_vec_len,
+       uint32_t fragsz,
+       uint32_t fragsz_oop)
+       struct crypto_testsuite_params *ts_params = &testsuite_params;
+       struct crypto_unittest_params *ut_params = &unittest_params;
+       uint8_t *plaintext;
+       struct rte_mbuf *buf, *buf_oop = NULL;
+       int ret = TEST_SUCCESS;
+       int to_trn = 0;
+       int to_trn_tbl[16];
+       int segs = 1;
+       unsigned int trn_data = 0;
+       if (fragsz > input_vec_len)
+               fragsz = input_vec_len;
+       uint16_t plaintext_len = fragsz;
+       uint16_t frag_size_oop = fragsz_oop ? fragsz_oop : fragsz;
+       if (fragsz_oop > output_vec_len)
+               frag_size_oop = output_vec_len;
+       int ecx = 0;
+       if (input_vec_len % fragsz != 0) {
+               if (input_vec_len / fragsz + 1 > 16)
+                       return 1;
+       } else if (input_vec_len / fragsz > 16)
+               return 1;
+       /* Out of place support */
+       if (oop) {
+               /*
+                * For out-op-place we need to alloc another mbuf
+                */
+               ut_params->obuf = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(ts_params->mbuf_pool);
+               rte_pktmbuf_append(ut_params->obuf, frag_size_oop);
+               buf_oop = ut_params->obuf;
+       }
+       /* Generate test mbuf data */
+       ut_params->ibuf = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(ts_params->mbuf_pool);
+       /* clear mbuf payload */
+       memset(rte_pktmbuf_mtod(ut_params->ibuf, uint8_t *), 0,
+                       rte_pktmbuf_tailroom(ut_params->ibuf));
+       plaintext = (uint8_t *)rte_pktmbuf_append(ut_params->ibuf,
+                                                 plaintext_len);
+       memcpy(plaintext, input_vec, plaintext_len);
+       trn_data += plaintext_len;
+       buf = ut_params->ibuf;
+       /*
+        * Loop until no more fragments
+        */
+       while (trn_data < input_vec_len) {
+               ++segs;
+               to_trn = (input_vec_len - trn_data < fragsz) ?
+                               (input_vec_len - trn_data) : fragsz;
+               to_trn_tbl[ecx++] = to_trn;
+               buf->next = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(ts_params->mbuf_pool);
+               buf = buf->next;
+               memset(rte_pktmbuf_mtod(buf, uint8_t *), 0,
+                               rte_pktmbuf_tailroom(buf));
+               /* OOP */
+               if (oop && !fragsz_oop) {
+                       buf_oop->next =
+                                       rte_pktmbuf_alloc(ts_params->mbuf_pool);
+                       buf_oop = buf_oop->next;
+                       memset(rte_pktmbuf_mtod(buf_oop, uint8_t *),
+                                       0, rte_pktmbuf_tailroom(buf_oop));
+                       rte_pktmbuf_append(buf_oop, to_trn);
+               }
+               plaintext = (uint8_t *)rte_pktmbuf_append(buf,
+                               to_trn);
+               memcpy(plaintext, input_vec + trn_data, to_trn);
+               trn_data += to_trn;
+       }
+       ut_params->ibuf->nb_segs = segs;
+       segs = 1;
+       if (fragsz_oop && oop) {
+               to_trn = 0;
+               ecx = 0;
+               trn_data = frag_size_oop;
+               while (trn_data < output_vec_len) {
+                       ++segs;
+                       to_trn =
+                               (output_vec_len - trn_data <
+                                               frag_size_oop) ?
+                               (output_vec_len - trn_data) :
+                                               frag_size_oop;
+                       to_trn_tbl[ecx++] = to_trn;
+                       buf_oop->next =
+                               rte_pktmbuf_alloc(ts_params->mbuf_pool);
+                       buf_oop = buf_oop->next;
+                       memset(rte_pktmbuf_mtod(buf_oop, uint8_t *),
+                                       0, rte_pktmbuf_tailroom(buf_oop));
+                       rte_pktmbuf_append(buf_oop, to_trn);
+                       trn_data += to_trn;
+               }
+               ut_params->obuf->nb_segs = segs;
+       }
+       /* Setup Cipher Parameters */
+       ut_params->cipher_xform.type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_CIPHER;
+       ut_params->cipher_xform.cipher.algo = pdcp_test_params[i].cipher_alg;
+       ut_params->cipher_xform.cipher.op = opc;
+       ut_params->cipher_xform.cipher.key.data = pdcp_test_crypto_key[i];
+       ut_params->cipher_xform.cipher.key.length =
+                                       pdcp_test_params[i].cipher_key_len;
+       ut_params->cipher_xform.cipher.iv.length = 0;
+       /* Setup HMAC Parameters if ICV header is required */
+       if (pdcp_test_params[i].auth_alg != 0) {
+               ut_params->auth_xform.type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH;
+               ut_params->auth_xform.next = NULL;
+               ut_params->auth_xform.auth.algo = pdcp_test_params[i].auth_alg;
+               ut_params->auth_xform.auth.op = opa;
+               ut_params->auth_xform.auth.key.data = pdcp_test_auth_key[i];
+               ut_params->auth_xform.auth.key.length =
+                                       pdcp_test_params[i].auth_key_len;
+               ut_params->cipher_xform.next = &ut_params->auth_xform;
+       } else {
+               ut_params->cipher_xform.next = NULL;
+       }
+       struct rte_security_session_conf sess_conf = {
+               .protocol = RTE_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_PDCP,
+               {.pdcp = {
+                       .bearer = pdcp_test_bearer[i],
+                       .domain = pdcp_test_params[i].domain,
+                       .pkt_dir = pdcp_test_packet_direction[i],
+                       .sn_size = pdcp_test_data_sn_size[i],
+                       .hfn = pdcp_test_hfn[i],
+                       .hfn_threshold = pdcp_test_hfn_threshold[i],
+               } },
+               .crypto_xform = &ut_params->cipher_xform
+       };
+       struct rte_security_ctx *ctx = (struct rte_security_ctx *)
+                               rte_cryptodev_get_sec_ctx(
+                               ts_params->valid_devs[0]);
+       /* Create security session */
+       ut_params->sec_session = rte_security_session_create(ctx,
+                               &sess_conf, ts_params->session_mpool);
+       if (!ut_params->sec_session) {
+               printf("TestCase %s()-%d line %d failed %s: ",
+                       __func__, i, __LINE__, "Failed to allocate session");
+               ret = TEST_FAILED;
+               goto on_err;
+       }
+       /* Generate crypto op data structure */
+       ut_params->op = rte_crypto_op_alloc(ts_params->op_mpool,
+                       RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC);
+       if (!ut_params->op) {
+               printf("TestCase %s()-%d line %d failed %s: ",
+                       __func__, i, __LINE__,
+                       "Failed to allocate symmetric crypto operation struct");
+               ret = TEST_FAILED;
+               goto on_err;
+       }
+       rte_security_attach_session(ut_params->op, ut_params->sec_session);
+       /* set crypto operation source mbuf */
+       ut_params->op->sym->m_src = ut_params->ibuf;
+       if (oop)
+               ut_params->op->sym->m_dst = ut_params->obuf;
+       /* Process crypto operation */
+       if (process_crypto_request(ts_params->valid_devs[0], ut_params->op)
+               == NULL) {
+               printf("TestCase %s()-%d line %d failed %s: ",
+                       __func__, i, __LINE__,
+                       "failed to process sym crypto op");
+               ret = TEST_FAILED;
+               goto on_err;
+       }
+       if (ut_params->op->status != RTE_CRYPTO_OP_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+               printf("TestCase %s()-%d line %d failed %s: ",
+                       __func__, i, __LINE__, "crypto op processing failed");
+               ret = TEST_FAILED;
+               goto on_err;
+       }
+       /* Validate obuf */
+       uint8_t *ciphertext = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(ut_params->op->sym->m_src,
+                       uint8_t *);
+       if (oop) {
+               ciphertext = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(ut_params->op->sym->m_dst,
+                               uint8_t *);
+       }
+       if (fragsz_oop)
+               fragsz = frag_size_oop;
+       if (memcmp(ciphertext, output_vec, fragsz)) {
+               printf("\n=======PDCP TestCase #%d failed: Data Mismatch ", i);
+               rte_hexdump(stdout, "encrypted", ciphertext, fragsz);
+               rte_hexdump(stdout, "reference", output_vec, fragsz);
+               ret = TEST_FAILED;
+               goto on_err;
+       }
+       buf = ut_params->op->sym->m_src->next;
+       if (oop)
+               buf = ut_params->op->sym->m_dst->next;
+       unsigned int off = fragsz;
+       ecx = 0;
+       while (buf) {
+               ciphertext = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(buf,
+                               uint8_t *);
+               if (memcmp(ciphertext, output_vec + off, to_trn_tbl[ecx])) {
+                       printf("\n=======PDCP TestCase #%d failed: Data 
Mismatch ", i);
+                       rte_hexdump(stdout, "encrypted", ciphertext, 
+                       rte_hexdump(stdout, "reference", output_vec + off,
+                                       to_trn_tbl[ecx]);
+                       ret = TEST_FAILED;
+                       goto on_err;
+               }
+               off += to_trn_tbl[ecx++];
+               buf = buf->next;
+       }
+       rte_crypto_op_free(ut_params->op);
+       ut_params->op = NULL;
+       if (ut_params->sec_session)
+               rte_security_session_destroy(ctx, ut_params->sec_session);
+       ut_params->sec_session = NULL;
+       rte_pktmbuf_free(ut_params->ibuf);
+       ut_params->ibuf = NULL;
+       if (oop) {
+               rte_pktmbuf_free(ut_params->obuf);
+               ut_params->obuf = NULL;
+       }
+       return ret;
 test_pdcp_proto_cplane_encap(int i)
@@ -7276,6 +7547,71 @@ test_pdcp_proto_uplane_decap_with_int(int i)
+static int
+       /* i can be used for running any PDCP case
+        * In this case it is uplane 12-bit AES-SNOW DL encap
+        */
+       return test_pdcp_proto_SGL(i, IN_PLACE,
+                       RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_OP_ENCRYPT,
+                       RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_OP_GENERATE,
+                       pdcp_test_data_in[i],
+                       pdcp_test_data_in_len[i],
+                       pdcp_test_data_out[i],
+                       pdcp_test_data_in_len[i]+4,
+                       32, 0);
+static int
+       /* i can be used for running any PDCP case
+        * In this case it is uplane 18-bit NULL-NULL DL encap
+        */
+       return test_pdcp_proto_SGL(i, OUT_OF_PLACE,
+                       RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_OP_ENCRYPT,
+                       RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_OP_GENERATE,
+                       pdcp_test_data_in[i],
+                       pdcp_test_data_in_len[i],
+                       pdcp_test_data_out[i],
+                       pdcp_test_data_in_len[i]+4,
+                       32, 128);
+static int
+       /* i can be used for running any PDCP case
+        * In this case it is uplane 18-bit AES DL encap
+        */
+                       + DOWNLINK;
+       return test_pdcp_proto_SGL(i, OUT_OF_PLACE,
+                       RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_OP_ENCRYPT,
+                       RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_OP_GENERATE,
+                       pdcp_test_data_in[i],
+                       pdcp_test_data_in_len[i],
+                       pdcp_test_data_out[i],
+                       pdcp_test_data_in_len[i],
+                       32, 40);
+static int
+       /* i can be used for running any PDCP case
+        * In this case it is cplane 12-bit AES-ZUC DL encap
+        */
+       return test_pdcp_proto_SGL(i, OUT_OF_PLACE,
+                       RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_OP_ENCRYPT,
+                       RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_OP_GENERATE,
+                       pdcp_test_data_in[i],
+                       pdcp_test_data_in_len[i],
+                       pdcp_test_data_out[i],
+                       pdcp_test_data_in_len[i]+4,
+                       128, 32);
 static int
@@ -11702,6 +12038,15 @@ static struct unit_test_suite 
cryptodev_dpaa_sec_testsuite  = {
                TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown,
+               TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown,
+                       test_PDCP_PROTO_SGL_in_place_32B),
+               TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown,
+                       test_PDCP_PROTO_SGL_oop_32B_128B),
+               TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown,
+                       test_PDCP_PROTO_SGL_oop_32B_40B),
+               TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown,
+                       test_PDCP_PROTO_SGL_oop_128B_32B),
                /** AES GCM Authenticated Encryption */
                TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown,
@@ -11820,6 +12165,15 @@ static struct unit_test_suite 
cryptodev_dpaa2_sec_testsuite  = {
                TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown,
+               TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown,
+                       test_PDCP_PROTO_SGL_in_place_32B),
+               TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown,
+                       test_PDCP_PROTO_SGL_oop_32B_128B),
+               TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown,
+                       test_PDCP_PROTO_SGL_oop_32B_40B),
+               TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown,
+                       test_PDCP_PROTO_SGL_oop_128B_32B),
                /** AES GCM Authenticated Encryption */
                TEST_CASE_ST(ut_setup, ut_teardown,

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