On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 02:03:35PM +0200, Andrzej Ostruszka wrote:
> On 9/23/19 9:23 AM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> [...]
> > Please can we get some numbers to understand how longer it is?
> Below numbers are for make based (make -j8) clean build on my system:
> non-LTO
> real: 144.56s, user:451.81s, sys:48.46s, CPU:346%
> real: 607.20s, user:2141.71s, sys:88.36s, CPU:367%
> So it is similar ~5x increase as Mattias has reported.  Have not
> measured it, but the lion share of that increase is due to linking of
> 'test' apps.

Interesting. Do we want to explicitly not use lto for the test app?

> I would vote for leaving LTO as an option - although I must admit I did
> not get what Ray meant by saying:
> 20/09/2019 09:38, Ray Kinsella:
> [...]
> > I would just like to see it in or out, not another build time option.
> If "in or out" means "either accept the patches with LTO on and no
> config option or reject them" then I disagree.  Even if run time
> improvements are questionable I find the additional link time warnings
> beneficial and would like to have an easy way to turn them on when doing
> final touches before pushing out.

Looking at it from the meson build view-point, support for lto is built
into the tool itself, so the support can't be removed as such - it will
either result in a working build or not. Therefore, I'm for taking a patch
to support lto in meson, whatever about supporting it through make etc.


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