
Please reconsider your interpretation of the word "debuggability". Debugging is 
not only something that R&D staff does in a lab. Debuggability can also be 
interpreted as a network engineer's ability to debug what is happening in a 
production network.

Referring to the link you kindly provided (to the discussion on the OVF mailing 
list), in my eyes the context of the itemized requirements is a production 
environment, not a development environment. Daniele Di Proietto wrote:

>I think we can agree that there are a few rough spots that prevent it from 
>being easily deployed and used.

>I was hoping to get some feedback from the community about those rough spots, 
>i.e. areas where OVS+DPDK can/needs to improve to become more "production 
>ready" and user-friendly.

Med venlig hilsen / kind regards
- Morten Br?rup

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Richardson [] 
Sent: 21. december 2015 16:40
To: Matthew Hall
Cc: Morten Br?rup; Kyle Larose; dev at
Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] tcpdump support in DPDK 2.3

On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 01:15:57PM -0500, Matthew Hall wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 11:56:11AM +0000, Bruce Richardson wrote:
> > Having this work with any application is one of our primary targets here. 
> > The app author should not have to worry too much about getting basic 
> > debug support. Even if it doesn't work at 40G small packet rates, 
> > you can get a lot of benefit from a scheme that provides functional 
> > debugging for an app.
> I think my issue is that I don't think I buy into this particular set 
> of assumptions above.
> I don't think a capture mechanism that doesn't work right in the real 
> use cases of the apps actually buys us much. If all we care about is 
> quickly dumping some frames to a pcap for occasional debugging, I 
> already have some C code for that I can donate which is a lot less 
> complicated than the trouble being proposed for "basic debug support". 
> Or we could use libpcap's equivalent... but it's quite a lot more complicated 
> than the code I have.
> If we're going to assign engineers to this it's costing somebody a lot 
> of time and money. So I'd prefer to get them focused on something that 
> will always work even with high loads, such as real bpfjit support.
> Matthew.


I think it basic boils down to the fact that we are trying to solve different 
problems. Our current focus is the generic usability of all DPDK applications, 
as discussed at the DPDK Userspace Summit. Our plan is to provide some way to 
allow standard packet capture apps, such as tcpdump, to be used easily with 
DPDK. This is something also being looked for by folks such as those working on 
OVS e.g. called out at

  "- Insight into the system and debuggability: nothing beats tcpdump for the
    kernel datapath.  Can something similar be done for the userspace

  - Consistency of the tools: some commands are slightly different for the
    userspace/kernel datapath.  Ideally there shouldn't be any difference."

Providing libraries for packet capture at high packet rates is a related, but 
different problem, that we'll maybe look to investigate in the future - 
assuming that nobody else solves it first.


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