Hi Akhil,

I send 2 patch sets: one for new functionality support and another one for 
One patch was sent separately from both of the sets according to your 

>>   examples/fips: fix bad return code in fips_test_parse_header()
>examples/fips_validation: fix bad return value Can be a separate patch from 
>this set. Also send to stable.

Please instruct me how to send the patches to stable.


-----Original Message-----
From: Akhil Goyal <akhil.go...@nxp.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2019 1:14 PM
To: Michael Shamis <michae...@marvell.com>; marko.kovace...@intel.com
Cc: dev@dpdk.org; Liron Himi <lir...@marvell.com>
Subject: [EXT] RE: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH 00/12] FIPS improvements

External Email

Hi Michael,

Please try to improve descriptions and patch titles as per the suggestions 
given below.
There are many patches which are fixes. Are the eligible for backport to stable 
The support which is getting added, is it eligible for documentation update for 
the application.


> Added support for ECB mode in TDES and AES.
> Fixed some bugs in TDES and AES-GCM.
> Michael Shamis (12):
>   examples/fips: added support for SHA algorithm in FIPS tests
examples/fips_validation: support SHA

>   examples/fips: added support for TDES ECB mode in FIPS tests
examples/fips_validation: support TDES ECB

>   examples/fips: added support AES ECB mode in FIPS tests
examples/fips_validation: support AES ECB

>   examples/fips: fix bad return code in fips_test_parse_header()
examples/fips_validation: fix bad return value Can be a separate patch from 
this set. Also send to stable.

>   examples/fips: AES-GCM vectors will use aead structure
examples/fips_validation: use AEAD based structs for AES-GCM rather it is a fix 
and should be sent to stable and the title would be
examples/fips_validation: fix structs used for AES-GCM

>   examples/fips: set initial IV in AES-GCM if configured only salt 
> value
examples/fips_validation: initialize IV for AES-GCM

>   examples/fips: keep digest after crypto text
examples/fips_validation: move digest after cipher text

>   examples/fips: AES-GCM decryption vectors fix
examples/fips_validation: fix AES-GCM decryption vector Add fixes line and cc 
stable. Can be a separate patchset for fixes.

>   examples/fips: fix KEY and PT output prints for TDES mode
Does not have a patch description and title does not look to justify the patch.

>   examples/fips: supported IV, PT and CT init for TDES ECB mode
Again there is no patch description and title is pretty long. Try to make it 

>   examples/fips: algorithm definition by folder if it's not in file
examples/fips_validation: improve algo parsing logic update description text to 
elaborate the need for this logic

>   examples/fips: erroneous overwrite of PLAINTEXT after DECRYPT
examples/fips_validation: fix plain text overwrite send to stable and add fixes 

>  examples/fips_validation/fips_validation.c    |  92 ++++++--
>  examples/fips_validation/fips_validation.h    |   7 +
>  .../fips_validation/fips_validation_aes.c     |   1 +
>  .../fips_validation/fips_validation_gcm.c     |  39 +++-
>  .../fips_validation/fips_validation_tdes.c    |   7 +
>  examples/fips_validation/main.c               | 204 +++++++++++++++---
>  6 files changed, 301 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
> --
> 2.23.0

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