Hi Avinash, > -----Original Message----- > From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Yeddula, Avinash > Sent: Friday, December 18, 2015 10:26 PM > To: dev at dpdk.org > Subject: [dpdk-dev] testpmd loopback mode > > Hello All, > Would someone please let me know, how to run "testpmd" app in a > loopback mode. > > Port1 ----------------testpmd -app ---------traffic back to---------port1 >
I assume you have two ports and you only want to use Port 1? If you had only one port (the port that you want to use), by default you wouldn't need to do anything, just run testpmd without any parameters. If you have two ports, you can either: 1 - Run testpmd on interactive mode and configure forwarding only on port 1: ./build/app/testpmd -c f -n 4 -- -i Testpmd> set portlist 1 Testpmd> start 2 - Run testpmd with portmask parameter, doing the same as above: ./build/app/testpmd -c f -n 4 -- --portmask=0x2 By the way, for these kind of questions, you should use our other list users at dpdk.org. Any further questions, let me know. Pablo > Thanks > -Avinash