Add parameter "symm" to rss configuration APIs.
When symm is 1, Symmetric Teoplitz Hash can be enabled by
configuring GLQF_HSYMM properly.

Symmetric Teoplitz hash will work only if hash schema of
VSIQF_HASH_CTL be configured to 01b and it is assumed be enabled
in PMD.

Signed-off-by: Qi Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Paul M Stillwell Jr <>
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flow.c | 149 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flow.h |   5 +-
 drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c    |  16 ++---
 3 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flow.c b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flow.c
index d91922527..87faf5103 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flow.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flow.c
@@ -1876,6 +1876,7 @@ ice_add_rss_list(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle, 
struct ice_flow_prof *prof)
        rss_cfg->hashed_flds = prof->segs[prof->segs_cnt - 1].match;
        rss_cfg->packet_hdr = prof->segs[prof->segs_cnt - 1].hdrs;
+       rss_cfg->symm = prof->cfg.symm;
        ice_set_bit(vsi_handle, rss_cfg->vsis);
        LIST_ADD_TAIL(&rss_cfg->l_entry, &hw->rss_list_head);
@@ -1903,6 +1904,107 @@ ice_add_rss_list(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle, 
struct ice_flow_prof *prof)
              (((u64)(hdr) << ICE_FLOW_PROF_HDR_S) & ICE_FLOW_PROF_HDR_M) | \
              ((u8)((segs_cnt) - 1) ? ICE_FLOW_PROF_ENCAP_M : 0))
+static void
+ice_rss_config_xor_word(struct ice_hw *hw, u8 prof_id, u8 src, u8 dst)
+       u32 s = ((src % 4) << 3); /* byte shift */
+       u32 v = dst | 0x80; /* value to program */
+       u8 i = src / 4; /* register index */
+       u32 reg;
+       reg = rd32(hw, GLQF_HSYMM(prof_id, i));
+       reg = (reg & ~(0xff << s)) | (v << s);
+       wr32(hw, GLQF_HSYMM(prof_id, i), reg);
+static void
+ice_rss_config_xor(struct ice_hw *hw, u8 prof_id, u8 src, u8 dst, u8 len)
+       int fv_last_word =
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+               ice_rss_config_xor_word(hw, prof_id,
+                                       /* Yes, field vector in GLQF_HSYMM and
+                                        * GLQF_HINSET is inversed!
+                                        */
+                                       fv_last_word - (src + i),
+                                       fv_last_word - (dst + i));
+               ice_rss_config_xor_word(hw, prof_id,
+                                       fv_last_word - (dst + i),
+                                       fv_last_word - (src + i));
+       }
+static void
+ice_rss_update_symm(struct ice_hw *hw,
+                   struct ice_flow_prof *prof)
+       struct ice_prof_map *map;
+       u8 prof_id, m;
+       map = ice_search_prof_id(hw, ICE_BLK_RSS, prof->id);
+       prof_id = map->prof_id;
+       /* clear to default */
+       for (m = 0; m < 6; m++)
+               wr32(hw, GLQF_HSYMM(prof_id, m), 0);
+       if (prof->cfg.symm) {
+               struct ice_flow_seg_info *seg =
+                       &prof->segs[prof->segs_cnt - 1];
+               struct ice_flow_seg_xtrct *ipv4_src =
+                       &seg->fields[ICE_FLOW_FIELD_IDX_IPV4_SA].xtrct;
+               struct ice_flow_seg_xtrct *ipv4_dst =
+                       &seg->fields[ICE_FLOW_FIELD_IDX_IPV4_DA].xtrct;
+               struct ice_flow_seg_xtrct *ipv6_src =
+                       &seg->fields[ICE_FLOW_FIELD_IDX_IPV6_SA].xtrct;
+               struct ice_flow_seg_xtrct *ipv6_dst =
+                       &seg->fields[ICE_FLOW_FIELD_IDX_IPV6_DA].xtrct;
+               struct ice_flow_seg_xtrct *tcp_src =
+                       &seg->fields[ICE_FLOW_FIELD_IDX_TCP_SRC_PORT].xtrct;
+               struct ice_flow_seg_xtrct *tcp_dst =
+                       &seg->fields[ICE_FLOW_FIELD_IDX_TCP_SRC_PORT].xtrct;
+               struct ice_flow_seg_xtrct *udp_src =
+                       &seg->fields[ICE_FLOW_FIELD_IDX_UDP_SRC_PORT].xtrct;
+               struct ice_flow_seg_xtrct *udp_dst =
+                       &seg->fields[ICE_FLOW_FIELD_IDX_UDP_SRC_PORT].xtrct;
+               struct ice_flow_seg_xtrct *sctp_src =
+                       &seg->fields[ICE_FLOW_FIELD_IDX_SCTP_SRC_PORT].xtrct;
+               struct ice_flow_seg_xtrct *sctp_dst =
+                       &seg->fields[ICE_FLOW_FIELD_IDX_SCTP_SRC_PORT].xtrct;
+               /* xor IPv4 */
+               if (ipv4_src->prot_id != 0 && ipv4_dst->prot_id != 0)
+                       ice_rss_config_xor(hw, prof_id,
+                                          ipv4_src->idx, ipv4_dst->idx, 2);
+               /* xor IPv6 */
+               if (ipv6_src->prot_id != 0 && ipv6_dst->prot_id != 0)
+                       ice_rss_config_xor(hw, prof_id,
+                                          ipv6_src->idx, ipv6_dst->idx, 8);
+               /* xor TCP */
+               if (tcp_src->prot_id != 0 && tcp_dst->prot_id != 0)
+                       ice_rss_config_xor(hw, prof_id,
+                                          tcp_src->idx, tcp_dst->idx, 1);
+               /* xor UDP */
+               if (udp_src->prot_id != 0 && udp_dst->prot_id != 0)
+                       ice_rss_config_xor(hw, prof_id,
+                                          udp_src->idx, udp_dst->idx, 1);
+               /* xor SCTP */
+               if (sctp_src->prot_id != 0 && sctp_dst->prot_id != 0)
+                       ice_rss_config_xor(hw, prof_id,
+                                          sctp_src->idx, sctp_dst->idx, 1);
+       }
  * ice_add_rss_cfg_sync - add an RSS configuration
  * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
@@ -1910,12 +2012,13 @@ ice_add_rss_list(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle, 
struct ice_flow_prof *prof)
  * @hashed_flds: hash bit fields (ICE_FLOW_HASH_*) to configure
  * @addl_hdrs: protocol header fields
  * @segs_cnt: packet segment count
+ * @symm: symmetric hash enable/disable
  * Assumption: lock has already been acquired for RSS list
 static enum ice_status
 ice_add_rss_cfg_sync(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle, u64 hashed_flds,
-                    u32 addl_hdrs, u8 segs_cnt)
+                    u32 addl_hdrs, u8 segs_cnt, bool symm)
        const enum ice_block blk = ICE_BLK_RSS;
        struct ice_flow_prof *prof = NULL;
@@ -1944,8 +2047,12 @@ ice_add_rss_cfg_sync(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle, 
u64 hashed_flds,
                                        ICE_FLOW_FIND_PROF_CHK_FLDS |
-       if (prof)
-               goto exit;
+       if (prof) {
+               if (prof->cfg.symm == symm)
+                       goto exit;
+               prof->cfg.symm = symm;
+               goto update_symm;
+       }
        /* Check if a flow profile exists with the same protocol headers and
         * associated with the input VSI. If so disasscociate the VSI from
@@ -1976,9 +2083,18 @@ ice_add_rss_cfg_sync(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle, 
u64 hashed_flds,
        if (prof) {
-               status = ice_flow_assoc_prof(hw, blk, prof, vsi_handle);
-               if (!status)
-                       status = ice_add_rss_list(hw, vsi_handle, prof);
+               if (prof->cfg.symm == symm) {
+                       status = ice_flow_assoc_prof(hw, blk, prof,
+                                                    vsi_handle);
+                       if (!status)
+                               status = ice_add_rss_list(hw, vsi_handle,
+                                                         prof);
+               } else {
+                       /* if a profile exist but with different symmetric
+                        * requirement, just return error.
+                        */
+                       status = ICE_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
+               }
                goto exit;
@@ -2004,6 +2120,13 @@ ice_add_rss_cfg_sync(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle, 
u64 hashed_flds,
        status = ice_add_rss_list(hw, vsi_handle, prof);
+       prof->cfg.symm = symm;
+       if (!symm)
+               goto exit;
+       ice_rss_update_symm(hw, prof);
        ice_free(hw, segs);
        return status;
@@ -2015,6 +2138,7 @@ ice_add_rss_cfg_sync(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle, 
u64 hashed_flds,
  * @vsi_handle: software VSI handle
  * @hashed_flds: hash bit fields (ICE_FLOW_HASH_*) to configure
  * @addl_hdrs: protocol header fields
+ * @symm: symmetric hash enable/disable
  * This function will generate a flow profile based on fields associated with
  * the input fields to hash on, the flow type and use the VSI number to add
@@ -2022,7 +2146,7 @@ ice_add_rss_cfg_sync(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle, 
u64 hashed_flds,
 enum ice_status
 ice_add_rss_cfg(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle, u64 hashed_flds,
-               u32 addl_hdrs)
+               u32 addl_hdrs, bool symm)
        enum ice_status status;
@@ -2032,10 +2156,11 @@ ice_add_rss_cfg(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle, u64 
        status = ice_add_rss_cfg_sync(hw, vsi_handle, hashed_flds, addl_hdrs,
-                                     ICE_RSS_OUTER_HEADERS);
+                                     ICE_RSS_OUTER_HEADERS, symm);
        if (!status)
                status = ice_add_rss_cfg_sync(hw, vsi_handle, hashed_flds,
-                                             addl_hdrs, ICE_RSS_INNER_HEADERS);
+                                             addl_hdrs, ICE_RSS_INNER_HEADERS,
+                                             symm);
        return status;
@@ -2148,13 +2273,15 @@ enum ice_status ice_replay_rss_cfg(struct ice_hw *hw, 
u16 vsi_handle)
                        status = ice_add_rss_cfg_sync(hw, vsi_handle,
-                                                     ICE_RSS_OUTER_HEADERS);
+                                                     ICE_RSS_OUTER_HEADERS,
+                                                     r->symm);
                        if (status)
                        status = ice_add_rss_cfg_sync(hw, vsi_handle,
-                                                     ICE_RSS_INNER_HEADERS);
+                                                     ICE_RSS_INNER_HEADERS,
+                                                     r->symm);
                        if (status)
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flow.h b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flow.h
index 3afd201c4..6f26f3935 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flow.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flow.h
@@ -315,6 +315,8 @@ struct ice_flow_prof {
                /* struct sw_recipe */
                /* struct fd */
                u32 data;
+               /* Symmetric Hash for RSS */
+               bool symm;
        } cfg;
        /* Default actions */
@@ -327,6 +329,7 @@ struct ice_rss_cfg {
        ice_declare_bitmap(vsis, ICE_MAX_VSI);
        u64 hashed_flds;
        u32 packet_hdr;
+       bool symm;
 enum ice_flow_action_type {
@@ -402,7 +405,7 @@ ice_add_avf_rss_cfg(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle, u64 
 enum ice_status ice_rem_vsi_rss_cfg(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle);
 enum ice_status
 ice_add_rss_cfg(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle, u64 hashed_flds,
-               u32 addl_hdrs);
+               u32 addl_hdrs, bool symm);
 enum ice_status
 ice_rem_rss_cfg(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle, u64 hashed_flds,
                u32 addl_hdrs);
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c b/drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c
index 44a14cb8a..d5e0281c5 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c
@@ -1778,50 +1778,50 @@ static int ice_init_rss(struct ice_pf *pf)
        /* configure RSS for IPv4 with input set IPv4 src/dst */
        ret = ice_add_rss_cfg(hw, vsi->idx, ICE_FLOW_HASH_IPV4,
-                             ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_IPV4);
+                             ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_IPV4, 0);
        if (ret)
                PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%s IPV4 rss flow fail %d", __func__, ret);
        /* configure RSS for IPv6 with input set IPv6 src/dst */
        ret = ice_add_rss_cfg(hw, vsi->idx, ICE_FLOW_HASH_IPV6,
-                             ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_IPV6);
+                             ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_IPV6, 0);
        if (ret)
                PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%s IPV6 rss flow fail %d", __func__, ret);
        /* configure RSS for tcp6 with input set IPv6 src/dst, TCP src/dst */
        ret = ice_add_rss_cfg(hw, vsi->idx, ICE_HASH_TCP_IPV6,
-                             ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_TCP | ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_IPV6);
+                             ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_TCP | ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_IPV6, 0);
        if (ret)
                PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%s TCP_IPV6 rss flow fail %d", __func__, ret);
        /* configure RSS for udp6 with input set IPv6 src/dst, UDP src/dst */
        ret = ice_add_rss_cfg(hw, vsi->idx, ICE_HASH_UDP_IPV6,
-                             ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_UDP | ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_IPV6);
+                             ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_UDP | ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_IPV6, 0);
        if (ret)
                PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%s UDP_IPV6 rss flow fail %d", __func__, ret);
        /* configure RSS for sctp6 with input set IPv6 src/dst */
        ret = ice_add_rss_cfg(hw, vsi->idx, ICE_FLOW_HASH_IPV6,
-                             ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_SCTP | ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_IPV6);
+                             ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_SCTP | ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_IPV6, 0);
        if (ret)
                PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%s SCTP_IPV6 rss flow fail %d",
                                __func__, ret);
        /* configure RSS for tcp4 with input set IP src/dst, TCP src/dst */
        ret = ice_add_rss_cfg(hw, vsi->idx, ICE_HASH_TCP_IPV4,
-                             ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_TCP | ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_IPV4);
+                             ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_TCP | ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_IPV4, 0);
        if (ret)
                PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%s TCP_IPV4 rss flow fail %d", __func__, ret);
        /* configure RSS for udp4 with input set IP src/dst, UDP src/dst */
        ret = ice_add_rss_cfg(hw, vsi->idx, ICE_HASH_UDP_IPV4,
-                             ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_UDP | ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_IPV4);
+                             ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_UDP | ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_IPV4, 0);
        if (ret)
                PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%s UDP_IPV4 rss flow fail %d", __func__, ret);
        /* configure RSS for sctp4 with input set IP src/dst */
        ret = ice_add_rss_cfg(hw, vsi->idx, ICE_FLOW_HASH_IPV4,
-                             ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_SCTP | ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_IPV4);
+                             ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_SCTP | ICE_FLOW_SEG_HDR_IPV4, 0);
        if (ret)
                PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "%s SCTP_IPV4 rss flow fail %d",
                                __func__, ret);

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