While we use a single linked list to maintain all devices, we could
use a static array to achieve the same goal, just like what we did
to maintain the eth devices with rte_eth_devices array. This could
simplifies the code a bit.

Signed-off-by: Yuanhan Liu <yuanhan.liu at linux.intel.com>

Note that there is a slight functional change to the old code: this
patch limits the vhost devices to 1024. We could either make it
configurable to increase the limit, or dynamically re-allocate a
bigger array when necessary to totally get rid of the limit.

Need a bit thoughts on that.
 lib/librte_vhost/virtio-net.c | 209 ++++++++++--------------------------------
 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 159 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/librte_vhost/virtio-net.c b/lib/librte_vhost/virtio-net.c
index de78a0f..2f83438 100644
--- a/lib/librte_vhost/virtio-net.c
+++ b/lib/librte_vhost/virtio-net.c
@@ -55,18 +55,11 @@
 #include "vhost-net.h"
 #include "virtio-net.h"

- * Device linked list structure for configuration.
- */
-struct virtio_net_config_ll {
-       struct virtio_net dev;                  /* Virtio device.*/
-       struct virtio_net_config_ll *next;      /* Next dev on linked list.*/
+#define MAX_VHOST_DEVICE       1024
+static struct virtio_net *vhost_devices[MAX_VHOST_DEVICE];

 /* device ops to add/remove device to/from data core. */
 struct virtio_net_device_ops const *notify_ops;
-/* root address of the linked list of managed virtio devices */
-static struct virtio_net_config_ll *ll_root;


@@ -108,77 +101,17 @@ qva_to_vva(struct virtio_net *dev, uint64_t qemu_va)

- * Retrieves an entry from the devices configuration linked list.
- */
-static struct virtio_net_config_ll *
-get_config_ll_entry(struct vhost_device_ctx ctx)
-       struct virtio_net_config_ll *ll_dev = ll_root;
-       /* Loop through linked list until the device_fh is found. */
-       while (ll_dev != NULL) {
-               if (ll_dev->dev.device_fh == ctx.fh)
-                       return ll_dev;
-               ll_dev = ll_dev->next;
-       }
-       return NULL;
- * Searches the configuration core linked list and
- * retrieves the device if it exists.
- */
 struct virtio_net *
 get_device(struct vhost_device_ctx ctx)
-       struct virtio_net_config_ll *ll_dev;
-       ll_dev = get_config_ll_entry(ctx);
-       if (ll_dev)
-               return &ll_dev->dev;
+       struct virtio_net *dev = vhost_devices[ctx.fh];

-               "(%"PRIu64") Device not found in linked list.\n", ctx.fh);
-       return NULL;
- * Add entry containing a device to the device configuration linked list.
- */
-static void
-add_config_ll_entry(struct virtio_net_config_ll *new_ll_dev)
-       struct virtio_net_config_ll *ll_dev = ll_root;
-       /* If ll_dev == NULL then this is the first device so go to else */
-       if (ll_dev) {
-               /* If the 1st device_fh != 0 then we insert our device here. */
-               if (ll_dev->dev.device_fh != 0) {
-                       new_ll_dev->dev.device_fh = 0;
-                       new_ll_dev->next = ll_dev;
-                       ll_root = new_ll_dev;
-               } else {
-                       /*
-                        * Increment through the ll until we find un unused
-                        * device_fh. Insert the device at that entry.
-                        */
-                       while ((ll_dev->next != NULL) &&
-                               (ll_dev->dev.device_fh ==
-                                       (ll_dev->next->dev.device_fh - 1)))
-                               ll_dev = ll_dev->next;
-                       new_ll_dev->dev.device_fh = ll_dev->dev.device_fh + 1;
-                       new_ll_dev->next = ll_dev->next;
-                       ll_dev->next = new_ll_dev;
-               }
-       } else {
-               ll_root = new_ll_dev;
-               ll_root->dev.device_fh = 0;
+       if (unlikely(!dev)) {
+               RTE_LOG(ERR, VHOST_CONFIG,
+                       "(%"PRIu64") device not found.\n", ctx.fh);

+       return dev;

 static void
@@ -217,43 +150,14 @@ cleanup_device(struct virtio_net *dev, int destroy)
  * Release virtqueues and device memory.
 static void
-free_device(struct virtio_net_config_ll *ll_dev)
+free_device(struct virtio_net *dev)
        uint32_t i;

-       for (i = 0; i < ll_dev->dev.virt_qp_nb; i++)
-               rte_free(ll_dev->dev.virtqueue[i * VIRTIO_QNUM]);
-       rte_free(ll_dev);
+       for (i = 0; i < dev->virt_qp_nb; i++)
+               rte_free(dev->virtqueue[i * VIRTIO_QNUM]);

- * Remove an entry from the device configuration linked list.
- */
-static struct virtio_net_config_ll *
-rm_config_ll_entry(struct virtio_net_config_ll *ll_dev,
-       struct virtio_net_config_ll *ll_dev_last)
-       /* First remove the device and then clean it up. */
-       if (ll_dev == ll_root) {
-               ll_root = ll_dev->next;
-               cleanup_device(&ll_dev->dev, 1);
-               free_device(ll_dev);
-               return ll_root;
-       } else {
-               if (likely(ll_dev_last != NULL)) {
-                       ll_dev_last->next = ll_dev->next;
-                       cleanup_device(&ll_dev->dev, 1);
-                       free_device(ll_dev);
-                       return ll_dev_last->next;
-               } else {
-                       cleanup_device(&ll_dev->dev, 1);
-                       free_device(ll_dev);
-                       RTE_LOG(ERR, VHOST_CONFIG,
-                               "Remove entry from config_ll failed\n");
-                       return NULL;
-               }
-       }
+       rte_free(dev);

 static void
@@ -351,23 +255,31 @@ reset_device(struct virtio_net *dev)
 static int
 new_device(struct vhost_device_ctx ctx)
-       struct virtio_net_config_ll *new_ll_dev;
+       struct virtio_net *dev;
+       int i;

-       /* Setup device and virtqueues. */
-       new_ll_dev = rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(struct virtio_net_config_ll), 0);
-       if (new_ll_dev == NULL) {
+       dev = rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(struct virtio_net), 0);
+       if (dev == NULL) {
                RTE_LOG(ERR, VHOST_CONFIG,
                        "(%"PRIu64") Failed to allocate memory for dev.\n",
                return -1;

-       new_ll_dev->next = NULL;
+       for (i = 0; i < MAX_VHOST_DEVICE; i++) {
+               if (vhost_devices[i] == NULL)
+                       break;
+       }
+       if (i == MAX_VHOST_DEVICE) {
+               RTE_LOG(ERR, VHOST_CONFIG,
+                       "Failed to find a free slot for new device.\n");
+               return -1;
+       }

-       /* Add entry to device configuration linked list. */
-       add_config_ll_entry(new_ll_dev);
+       vhost_devices[i] = dev;
+       dev->device_fh   = i;

-       return new_ll_dev->dev.device_fh;
+       return i;

@@ -377,30 +289,15 @@ new_device(struct vhost_device_ctx ctx)
 static void
 destroy_device(struct vhost_device_ctx ctx)
-       struct virtio_net_config_ll *ll_dev_cur_ctx, *ll_dev_last = NULL;
-       struct virtio_net_config_ll *ll_dev_cur = ll_root;
-       /* Find the linked list entry for the device to be removed. */
-       ll_dev_cur_ctx = get_config_ll_entry(ctx);
-       while (ll_dev_cur != NULL) {
-               /*
-                * If the device is found or
-                * a device that doesn't exist is found then it is removed.
-                */
-               if (ll_dev_cur == ll_dev_cur_ctx) {
-                       /*
-                        * If the device is running on a data core then call
-                        * the function to remove it from the data core.
-                        */
-                       if ((ll_dev_cur->dev.flags & VIRTIO_DEV_RUNNING))
-                               notify_ops->destroy_device(&(ll_dev_cur->dev));
-                       ll_dev_cur = rm_config_ll_entry(ll_dev_cur,
-                                       ll_dev_last);
-               } else {
-                       ll_dev_last = ll_dev_cur;
-                       ll_dev_cur = ll_dev_cur->next;
-               }
-       }
+       struct virtio_net *dev = get_device(ctx);
+       if (dev->flags & VIRTIO_DEV_RUNNING)
+               notify_ops->destroy_device(dev);
+       cleanup_device(dev, 1);
+       free_device(dev);
+       vhost_devices[ctx.fh] = NULL;

 static void
@@ -544,17 +441,17 @@ static struct virtio_net*
 numa_realloc(struct virtio_net *dev, int index)
        int oldnode, newnode;
-       struct virtio_net_config_ll *old_ll_dev, *new_ll_dev = NULL;
+       struct virtio_net *old_dev, *new_dev = NULL;
        struct vhost_virtqueue *old_vq, *new_vq = NULL;
        int ret;
        int realloc_dev = 0, realloc_vq = 0;

-       old_ll_dev = (struct virtio_net_config_ll *)dev;
-       old_vq = dev->virtqueue[index];
+       old_dev = dev;
+       old_vq  = dev->virtqueue[index];

        ret  = get_mempolicy(&newnode, NULL, 0, old_vq->desc,
                        MPOL_F_NODE | MPOL_F_ADDR);
-       ret = ret | get_mempolicy(&oldnode, NULL, 0, old_ll_dev,
+       ret = ret | get_mempolicy(&oldnode, NULL, 0, old_dev,
                        MPOL_F_NODE | MPOL_F_ADDR);
        if (ret) {
                RTE_LOG(ERR, VHOST_CONFIG,
@@ -578,36 +475,30 @@ numa_realloc(struct virtio_net *dev, int index)
                return dev;

        if (realloc_dev)
-               new_ll_dev = rte_malloc_socket(NULL,
-                       sizeof(struct virtio_net_config_ll), 0, newnode);
+               new_dev = rte_malloc_socket(NULL,
+                       sizeof(struct virtio_net), 0, newnode);
        if (realloc_vq)
                new_vq = rte_malloc_socket(NULL,
                        sizeof(struct vhost_virtqueue), 0, newnode);
-       if (!new_ll_dev && !new_vq)
+       if (!new_dev && !new_vq)
                return dev;

        if (realloc_vq)
                memcpy(new_vq, old_vq, sizeof(*new_vq));
        if (realloc_dev)
-               memcpy(new_ll_dev, old_ll_dev, sizeof(*new_ll_dev));
-       (new_ll_dev ? new_ll_dev : old_ll_dev)->dev.virtqueue[index] =
+               memcpy(new_dev, old_dev, sizeof(*new_dev));
+       (new_dev ? new_dev : old_dev)->virtqueue[index] =
                new_vq ? new_vq : old_vq;
        if (realloc_vq)
        if (realloc_dev) {
-               if (ll_root == old_ll_dev)
-                       ll_root = new_ll_dev;
-               else {
-                       struct virtio_net_config_ll *prev = ll_root;
-                       while (prev->next != old_ll_dev)
-                               prev = prev->next;
-                       prev->next = new_ll_dev;
-                       new_ll_dev->next = old_ll_dev->next;
-               }
-               rte_free(old_ll_dev);
+               rte_free(old_dev);
+               vhost_devices[new_dev->device_fh] = new_dev;

-       return realloc_dev ? &new_ll_dev->dev : dev;
+       return realloc_dev ? new_dev: dev;
 static struct virtio_net*

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