From: Vakul Garg <>

Signed-off-by: Vakul Garg <>
Signed-off-by: Hemant Agrawal <>
Acked-by: Akhil Goyal <>
 drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/hw/desc/algo.h | 94 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 94 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/hw/desc/algo.h 
index 88ab40da5..689be670b 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/hw/desc/algo.h
+++ b/drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/hw/desc/algo.h
@@ -17,6 +17,100 @@
  * Shared descriptors for algorithms (i.e. not for protocols).
+ * cnstr_shdsc_zuce - ZUC Enc (EEA2) as a shared descriptor
+ * @descbuf: pointer to descriptor-under-construction buffer
+ * @ps: if 36/40bit addressing is desired, this parameter must be true
+ * @swap: must be true when core endianness doesn't match SEC endianness
+ * @cipherdata: pointer to block cipher transform definitions
+ * @dir: Cipher direction (DIR_ENC/DIR_DEC)
+ *
+ * Return: size of descriptor written in words or negative number on error
+ */
+static inline int
+cnstr_shdsc_zuce(uint32_t *descbuf, bool ps, bool swap,
+                   struct alginfo *cipherdata, uint8_t dir)
+       struct program prg;
+       struct program *p = &prg;
+       PROGRAM_CNTXT_INIT(p, descbuf, 0);
+       if (swap)
+               PROGRAM_SET_BSWAP(p);
+       if (ps)
+               PROGRAM_SET_36BIT_ADDR(p);
+       SHR_HDR(p, SHR_ALWAYS, 1, 0);
+       KEY(p, KEY1, cipherdata->key_enc_flags, cipherdata->key,
+           cipherdata->keylen, INLINE_KEY(cipherdata));
+       SEQLOAD(p, CONTEXT1, 0, 16, 0);
+       MATHB(p, SEQINSZ, SUB, MATH2, VSEQINSZ, 4, 0);
+                     OP_ALG_AS_INITFINAL, 0, dir);
+       SEQFIFOLOAD(p, MSG1, 0, VLF | LAST1);
+       SEQFIFOSTORE(p, MSG, 0, 0, VLF);
+       return PROGRAM_FINALIZE(p);
+ * cnstr_shdsc_zuca - ZUC Auth (EIA2) as a shared descriptor
+ * @descbuf: pointer to descriptor-under-construction buffer
+ * @ps: if 36/40bit addressing is desired, this parameter must be true
+ * @swap: must be true when core endianness doesn't match SEC endianness
+ * @authdata: pointer to authentication transform definitions
+ * @chk_icv: check or generate ICV value
+ * @authlen: size of digest
+ *
+ * Return: size of descriptor written in words or negative number on error
+ */
+static inline int
+cnstr_shdsc_zuca(uint32_t *descbuf, bool ps, bool swap,
+                   struct alginfo *authdata, uint8_t chk_icv,
+                   uint32_t authlen)
+       struct program prg;
+       struct program *p = &prg;
+       int dir = chk_icv ? DIR_DEC : DIR_ENC;
+       PROGRAM_CNTXT_INIT(p, descbuf, 0);
+       if (swap)
+               PROGRAM_SET_BSWAP(p);
+       if (ps)
+               PROGRAM_SET_36BIT_ADDR(p);
+       SHR_HDR(p, SHR_ALWAYS, 1, 0);
+       KEY(p, KEY2, authdata->key_enc_flags, authdata->key,
+           authdata->keylen, INLINE_KEY(authdata));
+       SEQLOAD(p, CONTEXT2, 0, 12, 0);
+       if (chk_icv == ICV_CHECK_ENABLE)
+               MATHB(p, SEQINSZ, SUB, authlen, VSEQINSZ, 4, IMMED2);
+       else
+               MATHB(p, SEQINSZ, SUB, ZERO, VSEQINSZ, 4, 0);
+                     OP_ALG_AS_INITFINAL, chk_icv, dir);
+       SEQFIFOLOAD(p, MSG2, 0, VLF | CLASS2 | LAST2);
+       if (chk_icv == ICV_CHECK_ENABLE)
+               SEQFIFOLOAD(p, ICV2, authlen, LAST2);
+       else
+               /* Save lower half of MAC out into a 32-bit sequence */
+               SEQSTORE(p, CONTEXT2, 0, authlen, 0);
+       return PROGRAM_FINALIZE(p);
  * cnstr_shdsc_snow_f8 - SNOW/f8 (UEA2) as a shared descriptor
  * @descbuf: pointer to descriptor-under-construction buffer

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