From: Wenzhuo Lu <>

With this path, the flexible descriptor is supported
in SSE path. And the legacy descriptor is not supported.

Signed-off-by: Wenzhuo Lu <>
 drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx_vec_sse.c | 243 ++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 115 insertions(+), 128 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx_vec_sse.c 
index 967a7b16b..aea00ecd0 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx_vec_sse.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx_vec_sse.c
@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ ice_rxq_rearm(struct ice_rx_queue *rxq)
        int i;
        uint16_t rx_id;
-       volatile union ice_rx_desc *rxdp;
+       volatile union ice_rx_flex_desc *rxdp;
        struct ice_rx_entry *rxep = &rxq->sw_ring[rxq->rxrearm_start];
        struct rte_mbuf *mb0, *mb1;
        __m128i hdr_room = _mm_set_epi64x(RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM,
        __m128i dma_addr0, dma_addr1;
-       rxdp = rxq->rx_ring + rxq->rxrearm_start;
+       rxdp = (union ice_rx_flex_desc *)rxq->rx_ring + rxq->rxrearm_start;
        /* Pull 'n' more MBUFs into the software ring */
        if (rte_mempool_get_bulk(rxq->mp,
@@ -88,93 +88,96 @@ ice_rx_desc_to_olflags_v(struct ice_rx_queue *rxq, __m128i 
        const __m128i mbuf_init = _mm_set_epi64x(0, rxq->mbuf_initializer);
        __m128i rearm0, rearm1, rearm2, rearm3;
-       __m128i vlan0, vlan1, rss, l3_l4e;
+       __m128i tmp_desc, flags, rss, vlan;
-       /* mask everything except RSS, flow director and VLAN flags
-        * bit2 is for VLAN tag, bit11 for flow director indication
-        * bit13:12 for RSS indication.
+       /* mask everything except checksum, RSS and VLAN flags.
+        * bit6:4 for checksum.
+        * bit12 for RSS indication.
+        * bit13 for VLAN indication.
-       const __m128i rss_vlan_msk = _mm_set_epi32(0x1c03804, 0x1c03804,
-                                                  0x1c03804, 0x1c03804);
+       const __m128i desc_mask = _mm_set_epi32(0x3070, 0x3070,
+                                               0x3070, 0x3070);
-       const __m128i cksum_mask = _mm_set_epi32(PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD |
-                                                PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_BAD |
-                                                PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD |
-                                                PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_BAD |
+       const __m128i cksum_mask = _mm_set_epi32(PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_MASK |
+                                                PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_MASK |
-                                                PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD |
-                                                PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_BAD |
-                                                PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD |
-                                                PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_BAD |
+                                                PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_MASK |
+                                                PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_MASK |
-                                                PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD |
-                                                PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_BAD |
-                                                PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD |
-                                                PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_BAD |
+                                                PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_MASK |
+                                                PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_MASK |
-                                                PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD |
-                                                PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_BAD |
-                                                PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD |
-                                                PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_BAD |
+                                                PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_MASK |
+                                                PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_MASK |
-       /* map rss and vlan type to rss hash and vlan flag */
-       const __m128i vlan_flags = _mm_set_epi8(0, 0, 0, 0,
-                       0, 0, 0, 0,
-                       0, 0, 0, PKT_RX_VLAN | PKT_RX_VLAN_STRIPPED,
-                       0, 0, 0, 0);
-       const __m128i rss_flags = _mm_set_epi8(0, 0, 0, 0,
-                       0, 0, 0, 0,
-                       PKT_RX_RSS_HASH | PKT_RX_FDIR, PKT_RX_RSS_HASH, 0, 0,
-                       0, 0, PKT_RX_FDIR, 0);
-       const __m128i l3_l4e_flags = _mm_set_epi8(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+       /* map the checksum, rss and vlan fields to the checksum, rss
+        * and vlan flag
+        */
+       const __m128i cksum_flags = _mm_set_epi8(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                        /* shift right 1 bit to make sure it not exceed 255 */
                        (PKT_RX_EIP_CKSUM_BAD | PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_BAD |
                         PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_BAD) >> 1,
-                       (PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD | PKT_RX_EIP_CKSUM_BAD |
-                        PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_BAD) >> 1,
-                       (PKT_RX_EIP_CKSUM_BAD | PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_BAD) >> 1,
-                       (PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD | PKT_RX_EIP_CKSUM_BAD) >> 1,
+                       (PKT_RX_EIP_CKSUM_BAD | PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_BAD |
+                        PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD) >> 1,
+                       (PKT_RX_EIP_CKSUM_BAD | PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD |
+                        PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_BAD) >> 1,
+                       (PKT_RX_EIP_CKSUM_BAD | PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD |
+                        PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD) >> 1,
                        (PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_BAD | PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_BAD) >> 1,
-                       (PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD | PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_BAD) >> 1,
-                       PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_BAD >> 1,
-                       (PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD | PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD) >> 1);
-       vlan0 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(descs[0], descs[1]);
-       vlan1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(descs[2], descs[3]);
-       vlan0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(vlan0, vlan1);
-       vlan1 = _mm_and_si128(vlan0, rss_vlan_msk);
-       vlan0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(vlan_flags, vlan1);
+                       (PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_BAD | PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD) >> 1,
+                       (PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD | PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_BAD) >> 1,
+                       (PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD | PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD) >> 1);
-       rss = _mm_srli_epi32(vlan1, 11);
-       rss = _mm_shuffle_epi8(rss_flags, rss);
+       const __m128i rss_flags = _mm_set_epi8(0, 0, 0, 0,
+                       0, 0, 0, 0,
+                       0, 0, 0, 0,
+                       PKT_RX_RSS_HASH, 0, PKT_RX_RSS_HASH, 0);
-       l3_l4e = _mm_srli_epi32(vlan1, 22);
-       l3_l4e = _mm_shuffle_epi8(l3_l4e_flags, l3_l4e);
+       const __m128i vlan_flags = _mm_set_epi8(0, 0, 0, 0,
+                       0, 0, 0, 0,
+                       0, 0, 0, 0,
+                       PKT_RX_VLAN | PKT_RX_VLAN_STRIPPED,
+                       PKT_RX_VLAN | PKT_RX_VLAN_STRIPPED, 0, 0);
+       /* merge 4 descriptors */
+       flags = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(descs[0], descs[1]);
+       tmp_desc = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(descs[2], descs[3]);
+       tmp_desc = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(flags, tmp_desc);
+       tmp_desc = _mm_and_si128(flags, desc_mask);
+       /* checksum flags */
+       tmp_desc = _mm_srli_epi32(tmp_desc, 4);
+       flags = _mm_shuffle_epi8(cksum_flags, tmp_desc);
        /* then we shift left 1 bit */
-       l3_l4e = _mm_slli_epi32(l3_l4e, 1);
-       /* we need to mask out the reduntant bits */
-       l3_l4e = _mm_and_si128(l3_l4e, cksum_mask);
+       flags = _mm_slli_epi32(flags, 1);
+       /* we need to mask out the reduntant bits introduced by RSS or
+        * VLAN fields.
+        */
+       flags = _mm_and_si128(flags, cksum_mask);
+       /* RSS, VLAN flag */
+       tmp_desc = _mm_srli_epi32(tmp_desc, 8);
+       rss = _mm_shuffle_epi8(rss_flags, tmp_desc);
+       vlan = _mm_shuffle_epi8(vlan_flags, tmp_desc);
-       vlan0 = _mm_or_si128(vlan0, rss);
-       vlan0 = _mm_or_si128(vlan0, l3_l4e);
+       /* merge the flags */
+       flags = _mm_or_si128(flags, rss);
+       flags = _mm_or_si128(flags, vlan);
         * At this point, we have the 4 sets of flags in the low 16-bits
-        * of each 32-bit value in vlan0.
+        * of each 32-bit value in flags.
         * We want to extract these, and merge them with the mbuf init data
         * so we can do a single 16-byte write to the mbuf to set the flags
         * and all the other initialization fields. Extracting the
         * appropriate flags means that we have to do a shift and blend for
         * each mbuf before we do the write.
-       rearm0 = _mm_blend_epi16(mbuf_init, _mm_slli_si128(vlan0, 8), 0x10);
-       rearm1 = _mm_blend_epi16(mbuf_init, _mm_slli_si128(vlan0, 4), 0x10);
-       rearm2 = _mm_blend_epi16(mbuf_init, vlan0, 0x10);
-       rearm3 = _mm_blend_epi16(mbuf_init, _mm_srli_si128(vlan0, 4), 0x10);
+       rearm0 = _mm_blend_epi16(mbuf_init, _mm_slli_si128(flags, 8), 0x10);
+       rearm1 = _mm_blend_epi16(mbuf_init, _mm_slli_si128(flags, 4), 0x10);
+       rearm2 = _mm_blend_epi16(mbuf_init, flags, 0x10);
+       rearm3 = _mm_blend_epi16(mbuf_init, _mm_srli_si128(flags, 4), 0x10);
        /* write the rearm data and the olflags in one write */
        RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, ol_flags) !=
@@ -187,22 +190,24 @@ ice_rx_desc_to_olflags_v(struct ice_rx_queue *rxq, 
__m128i descs[4],
        _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&rx_pkts[3]->rearm_data, rearm3);
-#define PKTLEN_SHIFT     10
 static inline void
 ice_rx_desc_to_ptype_v(__m128i descs[4], struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
                       uint32_t *ptype_tbl)
-       __m128i ptype0 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(descs[0], descs[1]);
-       __m128i ptype1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(descs[2], descs[3]);
-       ptype0 = _mm_srli_epi64(ptype0, 30);
-       ptype1 = _mm_srli_epi64(ptype1, 30);
-       rx_pkts[0]->packet_type = ptype_tbl[_mm_extract_epi8(ptype0, 0)];
-       rx_pkts[1]->packet_type = ptype_tbl[_mm_extract_epi8(ptype0, 8)];
-       rx_pkts[2]->packet_type = ptype_tbl[_mm_extract_epi8(ptype1, 0)];
-       rx_pkts[3]->packet_type = ptype_tbl[_mm_extract_epi8(ptype1, 8)];
+       const __m128i ptype_mask = _mm_set_epi16(0, ICE_RX_FLEX_DESC_PTYPE_M,
+                                                0, ICE_RX_FLEX_DESC_PTYPE_M,
+                                                0, ICE_RX_FLEX_DESC_PTYPE_M,
+                                                0, ICE_RX_FLEX_DESC_PTYPE_M);
+       __m128i ptype_01 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(descs[0], descs[1]);
+       __m128i ptype_23 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(descs[2], descs[3]);
+       __m128i ptype_all = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(ptype_01, ptype_23);
+       ptype_all = _mm_and_si128(ptype_all, ptype_mask);
+       rx_pkts[0]->packet_type = ptype_tbl[_mm_extract_epi16(ptype_all, 1)];
+       rx_pkts[1]->packet_type = ptype_tbl[_mm_extract_epi16(ptype_all, 3)];
+       rx_pkts[2]->packet_type = ptype_tbl[_mm_extract_epi16(ptype_all, 5)];
+       rx_pkts[3]->packet_type = ptype_tbl[_mm_extract_epi16(ptype_all, 7)];
@@ -215,21 +220,39 @@ static inline uint16_t
 _ice_recv_raw_pkts_vec(struct ice_rx_queue *rxq, struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
                       uint16_t nb_pkts, uint8_t *split_packet)
-       volatile union ice_rx_desc *rxdp;
+       volatile union ice_rx_flex_desc *rxdp;
        struct ice_rx_entry *sw_ring;
        uint16_t nb_pkts_recd;
        int pos;
        uint64_t var;
-       __m128i shuf_msk;
        uint32_t *ptype_tbl = rxq->vsi->adapter->ptype_tbl;
        __m128i crc_adjust = _mm_set_epi16
-                               (0, 0, 0,    /* ignore non-length fields */
+                               (0, 0, 0,       /* ignore non-length fields */
                                 -rxq->crc_len, /* sub crc on data_len */
                                 0,          /* ignore high-16bits of pkt_len */
                                 -rxq->crc_len, /* sub crc on pkt_len */
-                                0, 0            /* ignore pkt_type field */
+                                0, 0           /* ignore pkt_type field */
+       const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
+       /* mask to shuffle from desc. to mbuf */
+       const __m128i shuf_msk = _mm_set_epi8
+                       (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,  /* rss not supported */
+                        11, 10,      /* octet 10~11, 16 bits vlan_macip */
+                        5, 4,        /* octet 4~5, 16 bits data_len */
+                        0xFF, 0xFF,  /* skip high 16 bits pkt_len, zero out */
+                        5, 4,        /* octet 4~5, low 16 bits pkt_len */
+                        0xFF, 0xFF,  /* pkt_type set as unknown */
+                        0xFF, 0xFF   /* pkt_type set as unknown */
+                       );
+       const __m128i eop_shuf_mask = _mm_set_epi8(0xFF, 0xFF,
+                                                  0xFF, 0xFF,
+                                                  0xFF, 0xFF,
+                                                  0xFF, 0xFF,
+                                                  0xFF, 0xFF,
+                                                  0xFF, 0xFF,
+                                                  0x04, 0x0C,
+                                                  0x00, 0x08);
         * compile-time check the above crc_adjust layout is correct.
         * NOTE: the first field (lowest address) is given last in set_epi16
@@ -239,7 +262,13 @@ _ice_recv_raw_pkts_vec(struct ice_rx_queue *rxq, struct 
rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
                         offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, rx_descriptor_fields1) + 4);
        RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, data_len) !=
                         offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, rx_descriptor_fields1) + 8);
-       __m128i dd_check, eop_check;
+       /* 4 packets DD mask */
+       const __m128i dd_check = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0000000100000001LL,
+                                               0x0000000100000001LL);
+       /* 4 packets EOP mask */
+       const __m128i eop_check = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0000000200000002LL,
+                                                0x0000000200000002LL);
        /* nb_pkts shall be less equal than ICE_MAX_RX_BURST */
        nb_pkts = RTE_MIN(nb_pkts, ICE_MAX_RX_BURST);
@@ -250,7 +279,7 @@ _ice_recv_raw_pkts_vec(struct ice_rx_queue *rxq, struct 
rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
        /* Just the act of getting into the function from the application is
         * going to cost about 7 cycles
-       rxdp = rxq->rx_ring + rxq->rx_tail;
+       rxdp = (union ice_rx_flex_desc *)rxq->rx_ring + rxq->rx_tail;
@@ -263,26 +292,10 @@ _ice_recv_raw_pkts_vec(struct ice_rx_queue *rxq, struct 
rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
        /* Before we start moving massive data around, check to see if
         * there is actually a packet available
-       if (!(rxdp->wb.qword1.status_error_len &
-             rte_cpu_to_le_32(1 << ICE_RX_DESC_STATUS_DD_S)))
+       if (!(rxdp->wb.status_error0 &
+             rte_cpu_to_le_32(1 << ICE_RX_FLEX_DESC_STATUS0_DD_S)))
                return 0;
-       /* 4 packets DD mask */
-       dd_check = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0000000100000001LL, 0x0000000100000001LL);
-       /* 4 packets EOP mask */
-       eop_check = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0000000200000002LL, 0x0000000200000002LL);
-       /* mask to shuffle from desc. to mbuf */
-       shuf_msk = _mm_set_epi8
-                       (7, 6, 5, 4,  /* octet 4~7, 32bits rss */
-                        3, 2,        /* octet 2~3, low 16 bits vlan_macip */
-                        15, 14,      /* octet 15~14, 16 bits data_len */
-                        0xFF, 0xFF,  /* skip high 16 bits pkt_len, zero out */
-                        15, 14,      /* octet 15~14, low 16 bits pkt_len */
-                        0xFF, 0xFF,  /* pkt_type set as unknown */
-                        0xFF, 0xFF  /*pkt_type set as unknown */
-                       );
         * Compile-time verify the shuffle mask
         * NOTE: some field positions already verified above, but duplicated
@@ -315,7 +328,7 @@ _ice_recv_raw_pkts_vec(struct ice_rx_queue *rxq, struct 
rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
             rxdp += ICE_DESCS_PER_LOOP) {
                __m128i descs[ICE_DESCS_PER_LOOP];
                __m128i pkt_mb1, pkt_mb2, pkt_mb3, pkt_mb4;
-               __m128i zero, staterr, sterr_tmp1, sterr_tmp2;
+               __m128i staterr, sterr_tmp1, sterr_tmp2;
                /* 2 64 bit or 4 32 bit mbuf pointers in one XMM reg. */
                __m128i mbp1;
 #if defined(RTE_ARCH_X86_64)
@@ -359,14 +372,6 @@ _ice_recv_raw_pkts_vec(struct ice_rx_queue *rxq, struct 
rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
                /* avoid compiler reorder optimization */
-               /* pkt 3,4 shift the pktlen field to be 16-bit aligned*/
-               const __m128i len3 = _mm_slli_epi32(descs[3], PKTLEN_SHIFT);
-               const __m128i len2 = _mm_slli_epi32(descs[2], PKTLEN_SHIFT);
-               /* merge the now-aligned packet length fields back in */
-               descs[3] = _mm_blend_epi16(descs[3], len3, 0x80);
-               descs[2] = _mm_blend_epi16(descs[2], len2, 0x80);
                /* D.1 pkt 3,4 convert format from desc to pktmbuf */
                pkt_mb4 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(descs[3], shuf_msk);
                pkt_mb3 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(descs[2], shuf_msk);
@@ -382,20 +387,11 @@ _ice_recv_raw_pkts_vec(struct ice_rx_queue *rxq, struct 
rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
                pkt_mb4 = _mm_add_epi16(pkt_mb4, crc_adjust);
                pkt_mb3 = _mm_add_epi16(pkt_mb3, crc_adjust);
-               /* pkt 1,2 shift the pktlen field to be 16-bit aligned*/
-               const __m128i len1 = _mm_slli_epi32(descs[1], PKTLEN_SHIFT);
-               const __m128i len0 = _mm_slli_epi32(descs[0], PKTLEN_SHIFT);
-               /* merge the now-aligned packet length fields back in */
-               descs[1] = _mm_blend_epi16(descs[1], len1, 0x80);
-               descs[0] = _mm_blend_epi16(descs[0], len0, 0x80);
                /* D.1 pkt 1,2 convert format from desc to pktmbuf */
                pkt_mb2 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(descs[1], shuf_msk);
                pkt_mb1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(descs[0], shuf_msk);
                /* C.2 get 4 pkts staterr value  */
-               zero = _mm_xor_si128(dd_check, dd_check);
                staterr = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(sterr_tmp1, sterr_tmp2);
                /* D.3 copy final 3,4 data to rx_pkts */
@@ -412,15 +408,6 @@ _ice_recv_raw_pkts_vec(struct ice_rx_queue *rxq, struct 
rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
                /* C* extract and record EOP bit */
                if (split_packet) {
-                       __m128i eop_shuf_mask = _mm_set_epi8(0xFF, 0xFF,
-                                                            0xFF, 0xFF,
-                                                            0xFF, 0xFF,
-                                                            0xFF, 0xFF,
-                                                            0xFF, 0xFF,
-                                                            0xFF, 0xFF,
-                                                            0x04, 0x0C,
-                                                            0x00, 0x08);
                        /* and with mask to extract bits, flipping 1-0 */
                        __m128i eop_bits = _mm_andnot_si128(staterr, eop_check);
                        /* the staterr values are not in order, as the count

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