Remove grouping rules to maximize the number of words placed into
a recipe line. This will allow more recipes to be added by reducing
the number of result indices required.

Signed-off-by: Dan Nowlin <>
Signed-off-by: Paul M Stillwell Jr <>
Signed-off-by: Qi Zhang <>
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.c | 128 --------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 128 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.c 
index 1f077d562..ef12df5db 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.c
@@ -4655,17 +4655,6 @@ static const struct ice_prot_ext_tbl_entry 
ice_prot_ext[] = {
  * following combinations, then the recipe needs to be chained as per the
  * following policy.
-static const struct ice_pref_recipe_group ice_recipe_pack[] = {
-       {3, { { ICE_MAC_OFOS_HW, 0, 0 }, { ICE_MAC_OFOS_HW, 2, 0 },
-             { ICE_MAC_OFOS_HW, 4, 0 } }, { 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff } },
-       {4, { { ICE_MAC_IL_HW, 0, 0 }, { ICE_MAC_IL_HW, 2, 0 },
-             { ICE_MAC_IL_HW, 4, 0 }, { ICE_META_DATA_ID_HW, 44, 0 } },
-               { 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff } },
-       {2, { { ICE_IPV4_IL_HW, 0, 0 }, { ICE_IPV4_IL_HW, 2, 0 } },
-               { 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff } },
-       {2, { { ICE_IPV4_IL_HW, 12, 0 }, { ICE_IPV4_IL_HW, 14, 0 } },
-               { 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff } },
 static const struct ice_protocol_entry ice_prot_id_tbl[] = {
        { ICE_MAC_OFOS,         ICE_MAC_OFOS_HW },
@@ -4812,75 +4801,7 @@ ice_fill_valid_words(struct ice_adv_lkup_elem *rule,
        return ret_val;
- * ice_find_prot_off_ind - check for specific ID and offset in rule
- * @lkup_exts: an array of protocol header extractions
- * @prot_type: protocol type to check
- * @off: expected offset of the extraction
- *
- * Check if the prot_ext has given protocol ID and offset
- */
-static u8
-ice_find_prot_off_ind(struct ice_prot_lkup_ext *lkup_exts, u8 prot_type,
-                     u16 off)
-       u8 j;
-       for (j = 0; j < lkup_exts->n_val_words; j++)
-               if (lkup_exts->fv_words[j].off == off &&
-                   lkup_exts->fv_words[j].prot_id == prot_type)
-                       return j;
-       return ICE_MAX_CHAIN_WORDS;
- * ice_is_recipe_subset - check if recipe group policy is a subset of lookup
- * @lkup_exts: an array of protocol header extractions
- * @r_policy: preferred recipe grouping policy
- *
- * Helper function to check if given recipe group is subset we need to check if
- * all the words described by the given recipe group exist in the advanced rule
- * look up information
- */
-static bool
-ice_is_recipe_subset(struct ice_prot_lkup_ext *lkup_exts,
-                    const struct ice_pref_recipe_group *r_policy)
-       u8 ind[ICE_NUM_WORDS_RECIPE];
-       u8 count = 0;
-       u8 i;
-       /* check if everything in the r_policy is part of the entire rule */
-       for (i = 0; i < r_policy->n_val_pairs; i++) {
-               u8 j;
-               j = ice_find_prot_off_ind(lkup_exts, r_policy->pairs[i].prot_id,
-                                         r_policy->pairs[i].off);
-               if (j >= ICE_MAX_CHAIN_WORDS)
-                       return false;
-               /* store the indexes temporarily found by the find function
-                * this will be used to mark the words as 'done'
-                */
-               ind[count++] = j;
-       }
-       /* If the entire policy recipe was a true match, then mark the fields
-        * that are covered by the recipe as 'done' meaning that these words
-        * will be clumped together in one recipe.
-        * "Done" here means in our searching if certain recipe group
-        * matches or is subset of the given rule, then we mark all
-        * the corresponding offsets as found. So the remaining recipes should
-        * be created with whatever words that were left.
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-               u8 in = ind[i];
-               ice_set_bit(in, lkup_exts->done);
-       }
-       return true;
  * ice_create_first_fit_recp_def - Create a recipe grouping
@@ -5389,51 +5310,11 @@ static enum ice_status
 ice_create_recipe_group(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_sw_recipe *rm,
                        struct ice_prot_lkup_ext *lkup_exts)
-       struct ice_recp_grp_entry *entry;
-       struct ice_recp_grp_entry *tmp;
        enum ice_status status;
        u8 recp_count = 0;
-       u16 groups, i;
        rm->n_grp_count = 0;
-       if (lkup_exts->n_val_words > ICE_NUM_WORDS_RECIPE) {
-               /* Each switch recipe can match up to 5 words or metadata. One
-                * word in each recipe is used to match the switch ID. Four
-                * words are left for matching other values. If the new advanced
-                * recipe requires more than 4 words, it needs to be split into
-                * multiple recipes which are chained together using the
-                * intermediate result that each produces as input to the other
-                * recipes in the sequence.
-                */
-               groups = ARRAY_SIZE(ice_recipe_pack);
-               /* Check if any of the preferred recipes from the grouping
-                * policy matches.
-                */
-               for (i = 0; i < groups; i++)
-                       /* Check if the recipe from the preferred grouping
-                        * matches or is a subset of the fields that needs to be
-                        * looked up.
-                        */
-                       if (ice_is_recipe_subset(lkup_exts,
-                                                &ice_recipe_pack[i])) {
-                               /* This recipe can be used by itself or grouped
-                                * with other recipes.
-                                */
-                               entry = (struct ice_recp_grp_entry *)
-                                       ice_malloc(hw, sizeof(*entry));
-                               if (!entry) {
-                                       status = ICE_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
-                                       goto err_unroll;
-                               }
-                               entry->r_group = ice_recipe_pack[i];
-                               LIST_ADD(&entry->l_entry, &rm->rg_list);
-                               rm->n_grp_count++;
-                       }
-       }
        /* Create recipes for words that are marked not done by packing them
         * as best fit.
@@ -5446,17 +5327,8 @@ ice_create_recipe_group(struct ice_hw *hw, struct 
ice_sw_recipe *rm,
                           sizeof(rm->ext_words), ICE_NONDMA_TO_NONDMA);
                ice_memcpy(rm->word_masks, lkup_exts->field_mask,
                           sizeof(rm->word_masks), ICE_NONDMA_TO_NONDMA);
-               goto out;
-       LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(entry, tmp, &rm->rg_list, ice_recp_grp_entry,
-                                l_entry) {
-               LIST_DEL(&entry->l_entry);
-               ice_free(hw, entry);
-       }
        return status;

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