"Burakov, Anatoly" <anatoly.bura...@intel.com> writes:

> On 22-Aug-19 8:18 AM, Chaitanya Babu, TalluriX wrote:
>> Hi Aaron,
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Aaron Conole [mailto:acon...@redhat.com]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2019 9:15 PM
>>> To: Chaitanya Babu, TalluriX <tallurix.chaitanya.b...@intel.com>
>>> Cc: dev@dpdk.org; Pattan, Reshma <reshma.pat...@intel.com>;
>>> Parthasarathy, JananeeX M <jananeex.m.parthasara...@intel.com>;
>>> Burakov, Anatoly <anatoly.bura...@intel.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH 3/3] app/test: add unit tests for eal vfio
>>> Chaitanya Babu Talluri <tallurix.chaitanya.b...@intel.com> writes:
>>>> Unit test cases are added for eal vfio library.
>>>> eal_vfio_autotest added to meson build file.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Chaitanya Babu Talluri
>>>> <tallurix.chaitanya.b...@intel.com>
>>>> ---
>>> Thanks for adding unit tests for the vfio library.
>>> In this case, there seems to be some failures - can you help determine the
>>> cause:
>> As per log we observed
>> "EAL:   VFIO support not initialized"
>> Can you Please check if device is binded or not with vfio-pci.
>> If device is not binded we might get this error (EAL:   VFIO support not 
>> initialized).
>> We have binded the device and observed the tests are running fine as 
>> expected.
>>> https://travis-ci.com/ovsrobot/dpdk/jobs/227066776
> The test should be skipped if VFIO if VFIO is not initialized.

+1 - not every developer will have that set up for their systems.  And
for those developers building drive-by patches, we shouldn't make the
unit tests unusable.

> I think
> we have an API for that, although it is not meant to be used by
> application code.

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