Hello! > After a migration, to avoid netwotk outage, all interfaces of the guest must > send a packet to update switches mapping (ideally a GARP). > As some interfaces do not do it QEMU does it in behalf of the guest by > sending a RARP (his RARP is not forged by the guest but by QEMU). This is the > qemu_self_announce purpose that "spoofs" a RARP to all backend of guest > ethernet interfaces. For vhost-user backend, QEMU can not do it directly
Aha, see it now. qemu_announce_self() uses qemu_foreach_nic(), which actually iterates only over NET_CLIENT_OPTIONS_KIND_NIC interfaces. I expect these are fully emulated hardware controllers. virtio uses another type (see enum NetClientOptionsKind). So, we can happily ignore qemu_announce_self(), it does not do anything for us. Thanks for pointing it out. Kind regards, Pavel Fedin Expert Engineer Samsung Electronics Research center Russia