It is not needed to use "console" syntax highlighting
for literal blocks.
The file is easier to read by removing the code-block lines
and simply having double colons in previous line.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Monjalon <>
 doc/guides/nics/mlx4.rst |  92 +++++++---------------------
 doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst | 128 ++++++++++-----------------------------
 2 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/nics/mlx4.rst b/doc/guides/nics/mlx4.rst
index 5c6bbdea1..d0e8a8b2f 100644
--- a/doc/guides/nics/mlx4.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/nics/mlx4.rst
@@ -272,33 +272,23 @@ Installing Mellanox OFED
 2. Install the required libraries and kernel modules either by installing
    only the required set, or by installing the entire Mellanox OFED:
-   For bare metal use:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   For bare metal use::
         ./mlnxofedinstall --dpdk --upstream-libs
-   For SR-IOV hypervisors use:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   For SR-IOV hypervisors use::
         ./mlnxofedinstall --dpdk --upstream-libs --enable-sriov --hypervisor
-   For SR-IOV virtual machine use:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   For SR-IOV virtual machine use::
         ./mlnxofedinstall --dpdk --upstream-libs --guest
-3. Verify the firmware is the correct one:
-   .. code-block:: console
+3. Verify the firmware is the correct one::
-4. Set all ports links to Ethernet, follow instructions on the screen:
-   .. code-block:: console
+4. Set all ports links to Ethernet, follow instructions on the screen::
@@ -314,9 +304,7 @@ Supported NICs
 Quick Start Guide
-1. Set all ports links to Ethernet
-   .. code-block:: console
+1. Set all ports links to Ethernet::
         PCI=<NIC PCI address>
         echo eth > "/sys/bus/pci/devices/$PCI/mlx4_port0"
@@ -331,9 +319,7 @@ Quick Start Guide
 .. _QSG_2:
 2. In case of bare metal or hypervisor, configure optimized steering mode
-   by adding the following line to ``/etc/modprobe.d/mlx4_core.conf``:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   by adding the following line to ``/etc/modprobe.d/mlx4_core.conf``::
         options mlx4_core log_num_mgm_entry_size=-7
@@ -342,15 +328,11 @@ Quick Start Guide
         If VLAN filtering is used, set log_num_mgm_entry_size=-1.
         Performance degradation can occur on this case.
-3. Restart the driver:
-   .. code-block:: console
+3. Restart the driver::
         /etc/init.d/openibd restart
-   or:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   or::
         service openibd restart
@@ -360,17 +342,13 @@ Quick Start Guide
 Performance tuning
-1. Verify the optimized steering mode is configured:
-  .. code-block:: console
+1. Verify the optimized steering mode is configured::
         cat /sys/module/mlx4_core/parameters/log_num_mgm_entry_size
 2. Use the CPU near local NUMA node to which the PCIe adapter is connected,
    for better performance. For VMs, verify that the right CPU
-   and NUMA node are pinned according to the above. Run:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   and NUMA node are pinned according to the above. Run::
@@ -382,9 +360,7 @@ Performance tuning
    This in order to forward packets from one to the other without
    NUMA performance penalty.
-4. Disable pause frames:
-   .. code-block:: console
+4. Disable pause frames::
         ethtool -A <netdev> rx off tx off
@@ -398,15 +374,11 @@ Performance tuning
         to set the PCI max read request parameter to 1K. This can be
         done in the following way:
-        To query the read request size use:
-        .. code-block:: console
+        To query the read request size use::
                 setpci -s <NIC PCI address> 68.w
-        If the output is different than 3XXX, set it by:
-        .. code-block:: console
+        If the output is different than 3XXX, set it by::
                 setpci -s <NIC PCI address> 68.w=3XXX
@@ -425,16 +397,12 @@ Usage example
 This section demonstrates how to launch **testpmd** with Mellanox ConnectX-3
 devices managed by librte_pmd_mlx4.
-#. Load the kernel modules:
-   .. code-block:: console
+#. Load the kernel modules::
       modprobe -a ib_uverbs mlx4_en mlx4_core mlx4_ib
    Alternatively if MLNX_OFED is fully installed, the following script can
-   be run:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   be run::
       /etc/init.d/openibd restart
@@ -444,24 +412,18 @@ devices managed by librte_pmd_mlx4.
       not have to be loaded.
 #. Make sure Ethernet interfaces are in working order and linked to kernel
-   verbs. Related sysfs entries should be present:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   verbs. Related sysfs entries should be present::
       ls -d /sys/class/net/*/device/infiniband_verbs/uverbs* | cut -d / -f 5
-   Example output:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   Example output::
-#. Optionally, retrieve their PCI bus addresses for whitelisting:
-   .. code-block:: console
+#. Optionally, retrieve their PCI bus addresses for whitelisting::
           for intf in eth2 eth3 eth4 eth5;
@@ -471,9 +433,7 @@ devices managed by librte_pmd_mlx4.
       } |
       sed -n 's,.*/\(.*\),-w \1,p'
-   Example output:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   Example output::
       -w 0000:83:00.0
       -w 0000:83:00.0
@@ -485,21 +445,15 @@ devices managed by librte_pmd_mlx4.
       There are only two distinct PCI bus addresses because the Mellanox
       ConnectX-3 adapters installed on this system are dual port.
-#. Request huge pages:
-   .. code-block:: console
+#. Request huge pages::
       echo 1024 > 
-#. Start testpmd with basic parameters:
-   .. code-block:: console
+#. Start testpmd with basic parameters::
       testpmd -l 8-15 -n 4 -w 0000:83:00.0 -w 0000:84:00.0 -- --rxq=2 --txq=2 
-   Example output:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   Example output::
       EAL: PCI device 0000:83:00.0 on NUMA socket 1
diff --git a/doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst b/doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst
index 59c9537c0..dcefc65ec 100644
--- a/doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/nics/mlx5.rst
@@ -774,72 +774,52 @@ Quick Start Guide on OFED/EN
 2. Install the required libraries and kernel modules either by installing
-   only the required set, or by installing the entire Mellanox OFED/EN:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   only the required set, or by installing the entire Mellanox OFED/EN::
         ./mlnxofedinstall --upstream-libs --dpdk
-3. Verify the firmware is the correct one:
-   .. code-block:: console
+3. Verify the firmware is the correct one::
-4. Verify all ports links are set to Ethernet:
-   .. code-block:: console
+4. Verify all ports links are set to Ethernet::
         mlxconfig -d <mst device> query | grep LINK_TYPE
         LINK_TYPE_P1                        ETH(2)
         LINK_TYPE_P2                        ETH(2)
-   Link types may have to be configured to Ethernet:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   Link types may have to be configured to Ethernet::
         mlxconfig -d <mst device> set LINK_TYPE_P1/2=1/2/3
         * LINK_TYPE_P1=<1|2|3> , 1=Infiniband 2=Ethernet 3=VPI(auto-sense)
-   For hypervisors verify SR-IOV is enabled on the NIC:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   For hypervisors, verify SR-IOV is enabled on the NIC::
         mlxconfig -d <mst device> query | grep SRIOV_EN
         SRIOV_EN                            True(1)
-   If needed, set enable the set the relevant fields:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   If needed, configure SR-IOV::
         mlxconfig -d <mst device> set SRIOV_EN=1 NUM_OF_VFS=16
         mlxfwreset -d <mst device> reset
-5. Restart the driver:
-   .. code-block:: console
+5. Restart the driver::
         /etc/init.d/openibd restart
-   or:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   or::
         service openibd restart
-   If link type was changed, firmware must be reset as well:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   If link type was changed, firmware must be reset as well::
         mlxfwreset -d <mst device> reset
    For hypervisors, after reset write the sysfs number of virtual functions
    needed for the PF.
-   To dynamically instantiate a given number of virtual functions (VFs):
-   .. code-block:: console
+   To dynamically instantiate a given number of virtual functions (VFs)::
         echo [num_vfs] > /sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/device/sriov_numvfs
@@ -860,54 +840,38 @@ flow should be offloaded to the E-Switch. After 
offloading the flow packet
 that the VF that are matching the flow will not be received any more by
 the DPDK application.
-1. Enable SRIOV mode:
-  .. code-block:: console
+1. Enable SRIOV mode::
         mlxconfig -d <mst device> set SRIOV_EN=true
-2. Configure the max number of VFs:
-  .. code-block:: console
+2. Configure the max number of VFs::
         mlxconfig -d <mst device> set NUM_OF_VFS=<num of vfs>
-3. Reset the FW:
-  .. code-block:: console
+3. Reset the FW::
         mlxfwreset -d <mst device> reset
-3. Configure the actual number of VFs:
-  .. code-block:: console
+3. Configure the actual number of VFs::
         echo <num of vfs > /sys/class/net/<net device>/device/sriov_numvfs
-4. Unbind the device (can be rebind after the switchdev mode):
-  .. code-block:: console
+4. Unbind the device (can be rebind after the switchdev mode)::
         echo -n "<device pci address" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/mlx5_core/unbind
-5. Enbale switchdev mode:
-  .. code-block:: console
+5. Enbale switchdev mode::
         echo switchdev > /sys/class/net/<net device>/compat/devlink/mode
 Performance tuning
-1. Configure aggressive CQE Zipping for maximum performance:
-  .. code-block:: console
+1. Configure aggressive CQE Zipping for maximum performance::
         mlxconfig -d <mst device> s CQE_COMPRESSION=1
-  To set it back to the default CQE Zipping mode use:
-  .. code-block:: console
+  To set it back to the default CQE Zipping mode use::
         mlxconfig -d <mst device> s CQE_COMPRESSION=0
@@ -921,9 +885,7 @@ Performance tuning
 3. Use the CPU near local NUMA node to which the PCIe adapter is connected,
    for better performance. For VMs, verify that the right CPU
-   and NUMA node are pinned according to the above. Run:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   and NUMA node are pinned according to the above. Run::
@@ -935,9 +897,7 @@ Performance tuning
    This in order to forward packets from one to the other without
    NUMA performance penalty.
-5. Disable pause frames:
-   .. code-block:: console
+5. Disable pause frames::
         ethtool -A <netdev> rx off tx off
@@ -951,15 +911,11 @@ Performance tuning
         to set the PCI max read request parameter to 1K. This can be
         done in the following way:
-        To query the read request size use:
-        .. code-block:: console
+        To query the read request size use::
                 setpci -s <NIC PCI address> 68.w
-        If the output is different than 3XXX, set it by:
-        .. code-block:: console
+        If the output is different than 3XXX, set it by::
                 setpci -s <NIC PCI address> 68.w=3XXX
@@ -1034,9 +990,7 @@ port, librte_pmd_mlx5 supports per-protocol RSS 
 Since ``testpmd`` defaults to IP RSS mode and there is currently no
 command-line parameter to enable additional protocols (UDP and TCP as well
 as IP), the following commands must be entered from its CLI to get the same
-behavior as librte_pmd_mlx4:
-.. code-block:: console
+behavior as librte_pmd_mlx4::
    > port stop all
    > port config all rss all
@@ -1048,16 +1002,12 @@ Usage example
 This section demonstrates how to launch **testpmd** with Mellanox
 ConnectX-4/ConnectX-5/ConnectX-6/BlueField devices managed by librte_pmd_mlx5.
-#. Load the kernel modules:
-   .. code-block:: console
+#. Load the kernel modules::
       modprobe -a ib_uverbs mlx5_core mlx5_ib
    Alternatively if MLNX_OFED/MLNX_EN is fully installed, the following script
-   can be run:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   can be run::
       /etc/init.d/openibd restart
@@ -1067,24 +1017,18 @@ ConnectX-4/ConnectX-5/ConnectX-6/BlueField devices 
managed by librte_pmd_mlx5.
       not have to be loaded.
 #. Make sure Ethernet interfaces are in working order and linked to kernel
-   verbs. Related sysfs entries should be present:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   verbs. Related sysfs entries should be present::
       ls -d /sys/class/net/*/device/infiniband_verbs/uverbs* | cut -d / -f 5
-   Example output:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   Example output::
-#. Optionally, retrieve their PCI bus addresses for whitelisting:
-   .. code-block:: console
+#. Optionally, retrieve their PCI bus addresses for whitelisting::
           for intf in eth2 eth3 eth4 eth5;
@@ -1094,30 +1038,22 @@ ConnectX-4/ConnectX-5/ConnectX-6/BlueField devices 
managed by librte_pmd_mlx5.
       } |
       sed -n 's,.*/\(.*\),-w \1,p'
-   Example output:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   Example output::
       -w 0000:05:00.1
       -w 0000:06:00.0
       -w 0000:06:00.1
       -w 0000:05:00.0
-#. Request huge pages:
-   .. code-block:: console
+#. Request huge pages::
       echo 1024 > 
-#. Start testpmd with basic parameters:
-   .. code-block:: console
+#. Start testpmd with basic parameters::
       testpmd -l 8-15 -n 4 -w 05:00.0 -w 05:00.1 -w 06:00.0 -w 06:00.1 -- 
--rxq=2 --txq=2 -i
-   Example output:
-   .. code-block:: console
+   Example output::
       EAL: PCI device 0000:05:00.0 on NUMA socket 0

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