On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 11:45:56AM +0300, Pavel Fedin wrote:
>  Hello!
> > I mean I do find that qemu_annouce_self composes an ARP
> > broadcoast request, but it seems that I didn't catch it on
> > the target host.
> > 
> > Something wrong, or someting I missed?
>  To tell the truth, i don't know. I am also learning qemu internals on the 
> fly. Indeed, i see that it should announce itself.

I was acutally asking Peter. Sorry for not making it clear and
thanks for your reply, anyway :)

> But
> this brings up a question: why do we need special announce procedure in 
> vhost-user then?

Note quite sure. I found Thibaut submitted a patch to send
VHOST_USER_SEND_RARP request after migration is done months
ago. Thibaut, would you please elaborate it a bit more what
should be done on vhost-user backend? To construct a gratuitous
ARP request and broadcast it?

>  I think you can add some debug output and see how it works in realtime. This 
> is what i normally do when i don't understand in which
> sequence things happen.


> Kind regards,
> Pavel Fedin
> Expert Engineer
> Samsung Electronics Research center Russia

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