
On Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 6:10 AM Takeshi T Yoshimura <t...@jp.ibm.com> wrote:
> Here's the full debug log I got. I ran upstream SPDK on NVMe on IBM Power9 
> AC922.
> The operating system is Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux 4.17.
> Starting SPDK v19.07-pre / DPDK 19.08.0-rc3 initialization...
> [ DPDK EAL parameters: identify --no-shconf -c 0x1 -n 1 -m 0 
> --log-level=lib.eal:6 --log-level=lib.cryptodev:5 --log-level=user1:6 
> --log-level=lib.eal:8 --base-virtaddr=0x200000000000 --match-allocations 
> --file-prefix=spdk_pid139059 ]

We are missing the initial logs here (eal log level is set twice, but
this should not be a problem).
Is it truncated by spdk ? Is there a way to get them ?


David Marchand

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