A new DPDK release candidate is ready for testing: https://git.dpdk.org/dpdk/tag/?id=v19.08-rc3 124 patches were integrated.
The release notes are almost complete: http://doc.dpdk.org/guides/rel_notes/release_19_08.html There are some open bugs to check in bugzilla: https://bugs.dpdk.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=CONFIRMED&bug_status=IN_PROGRESS&product=DPDK Please hurry up to do the last checks and bug fixes this week, in order to have DPDK 19.08 out at the end of the next week. You may share some release validation results by replying to this message (at dev@dpdk.org). In order to prepare the next cycle, the deprecation notices must be reviewed, and the roadmap topics proposed on the mailing list. Thank you everyone