On 7/30/2019 1:49 PM, Marcin Zapolski wrote:
> Remove rte_eth_dev, rte_eth_dev_data and rte_eth_dev_ops from
> public API (make rte_ethdev_core APIs private). They are DPDK internal
> structures and as such should not be accessed by user applications
> directly.
> Signed-off-by: Marcin Zapolski <marcinx.a.zapol...@intel.com>

Hi Marcin,

"rte_ethdev_core.h" has been created explicitly to hold the code that should be
private but needs to be public because of the static inline functions.

Since static inline functions removed, I think we should remove
"rte_ethdev_core.h" too.

And split its content to "ethdev_private.h" & "rte_ethdev_driver.h".
I didn't investigate details but code should go as much as possible to
"ethdev_private.h" and if it has to it should go to "rte_ethdev_driver.h"

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