> -----Original Message-----
> From: Zhang, Xiao
> Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2019 1:02 AM
> To: dev@dpdk.org
> Cc: Lu, Wenzhuo <wenzhuo...@intel.com>; Zhao1, Wei
> <wei.zh...@intel.com>; Zhang, Qi Z <qi.z.zh...@intel.com>; Zhang, Xiao
> <xiao.zh...@intel.com>; sta...@dpdk.org
> Subject: [v2] net/e1000: fix buffer overrun while i219 processing DMA
> transactions
> IntelĀ® 100/200 Series Chipset platforms reduced the round-trip latency for the
> LAN Controller DMA accesses, causing in some high performance cases a buffer
> overrun while the I219 LAN Connected Device is processing the DMA
> transactions. I219LM and I219V devices can fall into unrecovered Tx hang
> under very stressfully UDP traffic and multiple reconnection of Ethernet 
> cable.
> This Tx hang of the LAN Controller is only recovered if the system is 
> rebooted.
> Slightly slow down DMA access by reducing the number of outstanding
> requests.
> This workaround could have an impact on TCP traffic performance on the
> platform. Disabling TSO eliminates performance loss for TCP traffic without a
> noticeable impact on CPU performance.
> Please, refer to I218/I219 specification update:
> https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/embedded/products/networking
> /
> ethernet-connection-i218-family-documentation.html
> Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
> Signed-off-by: Xiao Zhang <xiao.zh...@intel.com>

Acked-by: Qi Zhang <qi.z.zh...@intel.com>

Applied to dpdk-next-net-intel and v1 is reverted.


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