Hi all,

We need to define the deadlines for the next releases.
During 2015, we were doing a release every 4 months.
If we keep the same pace, the next releases would be:
        2.3: end of March
        2.4: end of July
        2.5: end of November

However, things move fast and it may be a bit long to wait 4 months for
a feature. That's why I suggest to progressively shorten release terms:
        2.3: end of March
        2.4: mid July
        2.5: end of October
and continue with a release every 3 months:
        2.6: end of January
        2.7: end of April
        2.8: end of July
This planning would preserve some of the major holiday periods
(February, May, August, December).

The first period, for the first submission of a feature, was 2 months long.
Then we had 2 other months to discuss, merge and fix.
We should shorten only the first period.

Anyway, the next deadlines should be unchanged:
        - January 31: end of first submission phase
        - March 31: release 2.3

Opinions are welcome.

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