18/07/2019 15:29, Herakliusz Lipiec:
> When building dpdk with differnt kernel headers by specifying
> RTE_KERNELDIR igb_uio is compiled to directory with a name of the
> version of kernel thats running on the system instead of the one that
> dpdk is actually compiled against. Fixed by replacing hardcoded value
> with value from RTE_KERNELDIR.
> Cc: sta...@intel.com
> Cc: bruce.richard...@intel.com
> Signed-off-by: Herakliusz Lipiec <herakliusz.lip...@intel.com>
> ---
> --- a/mk/rte.sdkinstall.mk
> +++ b/mk/rte.sdkinstall.mk
>  ifeq ($(RTE_EXEC_ENV),linux)
> -kerneldir   ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/extra/dpdk
> +kerneldir ?= $(subst /build,/extra/dpdk,$(RTE_KERNELDIR))
>  else
>  kerneldir   ?= /boot/modules
>  endif

You are changing the alignment :)

This change is only for the "make" system.
How does it work for meson?

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