Some example applications have references to rte_eth_dev structure,
which is not a part of public API. These patches replace them with
calls to API functions.

Marcin Zapolski (3):
  examples/l3fwd*: remove references to rte_eth_devices
  examples/ip_fragmentation: remove usage of internal struct
  examples/ipsec-secgw: remove usage of internal structure

 examples/ip_fragmentation/main.c                | 2 +-
 examples/ipsec-secgw/ipsec.c                    | 9 ++++-----
 examples/l3fwd-acl/main.c                       | 6 +-----
 examples/l3fwd-power/main.c                     | 6 +-----
 examples/l3fwd-vf/main.c                        | 7 +------
 examples/l3fwd/main.c                           | 6 +-----
 examples/performance-thread/l3fwd-thread/main.c | 6 +-----
 7 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)


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