In ppc64le, expanding DMA areas always fail because we cannot remove
a DMA window. As a result, we cannot allocate more than one memseg in
ppc64le. This is because vfio_spapr_dma_mem_map() doesn't unmap all
the mapped DMA before removing the window. This patch fixes this
incorrect behavior.

I also fixed the order of ioctl for unregister and unmap. The ioctl
for unregister sometimes report device busy errors due to the
existence of mapped area.

Signed-off-by: Takeshi Yoshimura <>
 lib/librte_eal/linux/eal/eal_vfio.c | 99 +++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/librte_eal/linux/eal/eal_vfio.c 
index fadef427f..ed04231b1 100644
--- a/lib/librte_eal/linux/eal/eal_vfio.c
+++ b/lib/librte_eal/linux/eal/eal_vfio.c
@@ -1354,14 +1354,6 @@ vfio_spapr_dma_do_map(int vfio_container_fd, uint64_t 
vaddr, uint64_t iova,
        } else {
-               ret = ioctl(vfio_container_fd,
-                               VFIO_IOMMU_SPAPR_UNREGISTER_MEMORY, &reg);
-               if (ret) {
-                       RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "  cannot unregister vaddr for IOMMU, 
error %i (%s)\n",
-                                       errno, strerror(errno));
-                       return -1;
-               }
                memset(&dma_unmap, 0, sizeof(dma_unmap));
                dma_unmap.argsz = sizeof(struct vfio_iommu_type1_dma_unmap);
                dma_unmap.size = len;
@@ -1374,28 +1366,56 @@ vfio_spapr_dma_do_map(int vfio_container_fd, uint64_t 
vaddr, uint64_t iova,
                                        errno, strerror(errno));
                        return -1;
+               ret = ioctl(vfio_container_fd,
+                               VFIO_IOMMU_SPAPR_UNREGISTER_MEMORY, &reg);
+               if (ret) {
+                       RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "  cannot unregister vaddr for IOMMU, 
error %i (%s)\n",
+                                       errno, strerror(errno));
+                       return -1;
+               }
        return 0;
+struct spapr_remap_walk_param {
+       int vfio_container_fd;
+       uint64_t addr_64;
 static int
 vfio_spapr_map_walk(const struct rte_memseg_list *msl,
                const struct rte_memseg *ms, void *arg)
-       int *vfio_container_fd = arg;
+       struct spapr_remap_walk_param *param = arg;
-       if (msl->external)
+       if (msl->external || ms->addr_64 == param->addr_64)
                return 0;
-       return vfio_spapr_dma_do_map(*vfio_container_fd, ms->addr_64, ms->iova,
+       return vfio_spapr_dma_do_map(param->vfio_container_fd, ms->addr_64, 
                        ms->len, 1);
+static int
+vfio_spapr_unmap_walk(const struct rte_memseg_list *msl,
+               const struct rte_memseg *ms, void *arg)
+       struct spapr_remap_walk_param *param = arg;
+       if (msl->external || ms->addr_64 == param->addr_64)
+               return 0;
+       return vfio_spapr_dma_do_map(param->vfio_container_fd, ms->addr_64, 
+                       ms->len, 0);
 struct spapr_walk_param {
        uint64_t window_size;
        uint64_t hugepage_sz;
+       uint64_t addr_64;
 static int
 vfio_spapr_window_size_walk(const struct rte_memseg_list *msl,
                const struct rte_memseg *ms, void *arg)
@@ -1406,6 +1426,10 @@ vfio_spapr_window_size_walk(const struct rte_memseg_list 
        if (msl->external)
                return 0;
+       /* do not iterate ms we haven't mapped yet  */
+       if (param->addr_64 && ms->addr_64 == param->addr_64)
+               return 0;
        if (max > param->window_size) {
                param->hugepage_sz = ms->hugepage_sz;
                param->window_size = max;
@@ -1503,6 +1527,7 @@ vfio_spapr_dma_mem_map(int vfio_container_fd, uint64_t 
vaddr, uint64_t iova,
        /* check if window size needs to be adjusted */
        memset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));
+       param.addr_64 = vaddr;
        /* we're inside a callback so use thread-unsafe version */
        if (rte_memseg_walk_thread_unsafe(vfio_spapr_window_size_walk,
@@ -1516,7 +1541,7 @@ vfio_spapr_dma_mem_map(int vfio_container_fd, uint64_t 
vaddr, uint64_t iova,
        for (i = 0; i < user_mem_maps->n_maps; i++) {
                uint64_t max = user_mem_maps->maps[i].iova +
-               create.window_size = RTE_MAX(create.window_size, max);
+               param.window_size = RTE_MAX(param.window_size, max);
        /* sPAPR requires window size to be a power of 2 */
@@ -1525,9 +1550,33 @@ vfio_spapr_dma_mem_map(int vfio_container_fd, uint64_t 
vaddr, uint64_t iova,
        create.levels = 1;
        if (do_map) {
-               void *addr;
                /* re-create window and remap the entire memory */
-               if (iova > create.window_size) {
+               if (iova + len > create.window_size) {
+                       struct spapr_remap_walk_param remap_param = {
+                               .vfio_container_fd = vfio_container_fd,
+                               .addr_64 = vaddr,
+                       };
+                       /* release all maps before recreating the window */
+                       if (rte_memseg_walk_thread_unsafe(vfio_spapr_unmap_walk,
+                                       &remap_param) < 0) {
+                               RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Could not release DMA 
+                               ret = -1;
+                               goto out;
+                       }
+                       /* release all user maps */
+                       for (i = 0; i < user_mem_maps->n_maps; i++) {
+                               struct user_mem_map *map =
+                                               &user_mem_maps->maps[i];
+                               if (vfio_spapr_dma_do_map(vfio_container_fd,
+                                               map->addr, map->iova, map->len,
+                                               0)) {
+                                       RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Could not release 
user DMA maps\n");
+                                       ret = -1;
+                                       goto out;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       create.window_size = rte_align64pow2(iova + len);
                        if (vfio_spapr_create_new_dma_window(vfio_container_fd,
                                        &create) < 0) {
                                RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Could not create new DMA 
@@ -1537,7 +1586,7 @@ vfio_spapr_dma_mem_map(int vfio_container_fd, uint64_t 
vaddr, uint64_t iova,
                        /* we're inside a callback, so use thread-unsafe version
                        if (rte_memseg_walk_thread_unsafe(vfio_spapr_map_walk,
-                                       &vfio_container_fd) < 0) {
+                                       &remap_param) < 0) {
                                RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Could not recreate DMA 
                                ret = -1;
                                goto out;
@@ -1555,23 +1604,8 @@ vfio_spapr_dma_mem_map(int vfio_container_fd, uint64_t 
vaddr, uint64_t iova,
-               /* now that we've remapped all of the memory that was present
-                * before, map the segment that we were requested to map.
-                *
-                * however, if we were called by the callback, the memory we
-                * were called with was already in the memseg list, so previous
-                * mapping should've mapped that segment already.
-                *
-                * virt2memseg_list is a relatively cheap check, so use that. if
-                * memory is within any memseg list, it's a memseg, so it's
-                * already mapped.
-                */
-               addr = (void *)(uintptr_t)vaddr;
-               if (rte_mem_virt2memseg_list(addr) == NULL &&
-                               vfio_spapr_dma_do_map(vfio_container_fd,
-                                       vaddr, iova, len, 1) < 0) {
-                       RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Could not map segment\n");
+               if (vfio_spapr_dma_do_map(vfio_container_fd, vaddr, iova, len, 
1)) {
+                       RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Failed to map DMA\n");
                        ret = -1;
                        goto out;
@@ -1599,6 +1633,7 @@ vfio_spapr_dma_map(int vfio_container_fd)
        struct spapr_walk_param param;
        memset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));
+       param.addr_64 = 0UL;
        /* create DMA window from 0 to max(phys_addr + len) */
        rte_memseg_walk(vfio_spapr_window_size_walk, &param);

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