From: Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@intel.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 10:00 PM
To: Vamsi Krishna Attunuru; dev@dpdk.org
Cc: olivier.m...@6wind.com; arybche...@solarflare.com; Kiran Kumar Kokkilagadda
Subject: [EXT] Re: [PATCH v6 4/4] kernel/linux/kni: add IOVA support in kni 

External Email

On 6/25/2019 4:57 AM, vattun...@marvell.com wrote:
> From: Kiran Kumar K <kirankum...@marvell.com>
> Patch adds support for kernel module to work in IOVA = VA mode,
> the idea is to get physical address from iova address using
> iommu_iova_to_phys API and later use phys_to_virt API to
> convert the physical address to kernel virtual address.
> When compared with IOVA = PA mode, there is no performance
> drop with this approach.
> This approach does not work with the kernel versions less
> than 4.4.0 because of API compatibility issues.
> Signed-off-by: Kiran Kumar K <kirankum...@marvell.com>
> Signed-off-by: Vamsi Attunuru <vattun...@marvell.com>


> @@ -351,15 +354,56 @@ kni_ioctl_create(struct net *net, uint32_t ioctl_num,
>        strncpy(kni->name, dev_info.name, RTE_KNI_NAMESIZE);
>        /* Translate user space info into kernel space info */
> -     kni->tx_q = phys_to_virt(dev_info.tx_phys);
> -     kni->rx_q = phys_to_virt(dev_info.rx_phys);
> -     kni->alloc_q = phys_to_virt(dev_info.alloc_phys);
> -     kni->free_q = phys_to_virt(dev_info.free_phys);
> -
> -     kni->req_q = phys_to_virt(dev_info.req_phys);
> -     kni->resp_q = phys_to_virt(dev_info.resp_phys);
> -     kni->sync_va = dev_info.sync_va;
> -     kni->sync_kva = phys_to_virt(dev_info.sync_phys);
> +     if (dev_info.iova_mode) {

We have "kni/compat.h" to put the version checks, please use abstracted feature
checks only in the code.
>From experience this goes ugly quickly with the addition to distro kernels and
their specific versioning, so better to hide these all from the source code.

And this version requirement needs to be documented in kni doc.


> +             (void)pci;
> +             pr_err("Kernel version is not supported\n");

Can you please include 'iova_mode' condition into the message log, because this
kernel version is supported if user wants to use via 'iova_mode == 0' condition.


> +             return -EINVAL;
> +#else
> +             pci = pci_get_device(dev_info.vendor_id,
> +                                  dev_info.device_id, NULL);
> +             while (pci) {
> +                     if ((pci->bus->number == dev_info.bus) &&
> +                         (PCI_SLOT(pci->devfn) == dev_info.devid) &&
> +                         (PCI_FUNC(pci->devfn) == dev_info.function)) {
> +                             domain = iommu_get_domain_for_dev(&pci->dev);
> +                             break;
> +                     }
> +                     pci = pci_get_device(dev_info.vendor_id,
> +                                          dev_info.device_id, pci);
> +             }

What if 'pci' is NULL here?
In kni it is not required to provide a device at all.

Ack, will add a NULL check.
other point is not clear to me, device info is absolutely required at least
for  IOVA=VA mode, since it requires to procure iommu domain details.
Any thoughts or ways to address this without device.?


> @@ -186,7 +202,10 @@ kni_fifo_trans_pa2va(struct kni_dev *kni,
>                        return;
>                for (i = 0; i < num_rx; i++) {
> -                     kva = pa2kva(kni->pa[i]);
> +                     if (likely(kni->iova_mode == 1))
> +                             kva = iova2kva(kni, kni->pa[i]);
> +                     else
> +                             kva = pa2kva(kni->pa[i]);

To reduce the churn, what about updating the 'pa2kva()' and put the
"(kni->iova_mode == 1)" check there? Does it help? (not only 'pa2kva()' but its
friends also, and if it makes more sense agree to rename the functions)

No, in VA mode, kni->pa[i] points to iova address, pa2kva() of iova address 
crash, hence the if..else check is added.

And btw, why 'likely' case is "kni->iova_mode == 1"?

no specific case other than branch predict, will remove this if it's really 
harmful to PA mode.

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