2015-12-08 18:01, Piotr Bartosiewicz:
> > cp: cannot stat
> > ?/home/tmartins/sources/dpdk/2.2.0-rc3/dpdk-2.2.0-rc3/{mk,scripts}?: No
> > such file or directory
> > /home/tmartins/sources/dpdk/2.2.0-rc3/dpdk-2.2.0-rc3/mk/
> > rte.sdkinstall.mk:137: recipe for target 'install-sdk' failed
> >
> I have the same problem and it has nothing to do with XenVirt or 32-bit 
> build.
> As a workaround you can change mk/rte.sdkinstall.mk as follows:
> -       $(Q)cp -a               $(RTE_SDK)/{mk,scripts} $(DESTDIR)$(sdkdir)
> +       $(Q)cp -a               $(RTE_SDK)/mk $(DESTDIR)$(sdkdir)
> +       $(Q)cp -a               $(RTE_SDK)/scripts $(DESTDIR)$(sdkdir)

I had a doubt when writing it.
Please what is your default shell? ls -l /bin/sh

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