From: Jerin Jacob <>

The admin function driver sits in Linux kernel as mailbox
server. The DPDK AF mailbox client, send the message to mailbox
server to complete the administrative task such as get mac

This patch adds mailbox request and response definition of
existing mailbox defined between AF driver and DPDK driver.

Signed-off-by: Jerin Jacob <>
Signed-off-by: Nithin Dabilpuram <>
Signed-off-by: Pavan Nikhilesh <>
Signed-off-by: Kiran Kumar K <>
Signed-off-by: Vamsi Attunuru <>
Signed-off-by: Vivek Sharma <>
Signed-off-by: Harman Kalra <>
Signed-off-by: Sunil Kumar Kori <>
Signed-off-by: Krzysztof Kanas <>
Signed-off-by: Zyta Szpak <>
 drivers/common/octeontx2/otx2_mbox.h | 1404 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1404 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/common/octeontx2/otx2_mbox.h 
index 6d7b77ed9..47bd91a97 100644
--- a/drivers/common/octeontx2/otx2_mbox.h
+++ b/drivers/common/octeontx2/otx2_mbox.h
@@ -5,6 +5,1410 @@
 #ifndef __OTX2_MBOX_H__
 #define __OTX2_MBOX_H__
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <rte_ether.h>
+#include <rte_spinlock.h>
 #include <otx2_common.h>
+#define SZ_64K                 (64 * 1024)
+#define SZ_1K                  (1 * 1024)
+#define MBOX_SIZE              SZ_64K
+/* AF/PF: PF initiated, PF/VF VF initiated */
+#define MBOX_DOWN_RX_START     0
+#define MBOX_DOWN_RX_SIZE      (46 * SZ_1K)
+#define MBOX_DOWN_TX_SIZE      (16 * SZ_1K)
+/* AF/PF: AF initiated, PF/VF PF initiated */
+#define MBOX_UP_RX_SIZE                SZ_1K
+#define MBOX_UP_TX_SIZE                SZ_1K
+# error "Incorrect mailbox area sizes"
+#define INTR_MASK(pfvfs) ((pfvfs < 64) ? (BIT_ULL(pfvfs) - 1) : (~0ull))
+#define MBOX_RSP_TIMEOUT       3000 /* Time to wait for mbox response in ms */
+#define MBOX_MSG_ALIGN         16  /* Align mbox msg start to 16bytes */
+/* Mailbox directions */
+#define MBOX_DIR_AFPF          0  /* AF replies to PF */
+#define MBOX_DIR_PFAF          1  /* PF sends messages to AF */
+#define MBOX_DIR_PFVF          2  /* PF replies to VF */
+#define MBOX_DIR_VFPF          3  /* VF sends messages to PF */
+#define MBOX_DIR_AFPF_UP       4  /* AF sends messages to PF */
+#define MBOX_DIR_PFAF_UP       5  /* PF replies to AF */
+#define MBOX_DIR_PFVF_UP       6  /* PF sends messages to VF */
+#define MBOX_DIR_VFPF_UP       7  /* VF replies to PF */
+/* Device memory does not support unaligned access, instruct compiler to
+ * not optimize the memory access when working with mailbox memory.
+ */
+#define __otx2_io volatile
+struct otx2_mbox_dev {
+       void        *mbase;   /* This dev's mbox region */
+       rte_spinlock_t  mbox_lock;
+       uint16_t     msg_size; /* Total msg size to be sent */
+       uint16_t     rsp_size; /* Total rsp size to be sure the reply is ok */
+       uint16_t     num_msgs; /* No of msgs sent or waiting for response */
+       uint16_t     msgs_acked; /* No of msgs for which response is received */
+struct otx2_mbox {
+       uintptr_t hwbase;  /* Mbox region advertised by HW */
+       uintptr_t reg_base;/* CSR base for this dev */
+       uint64_t trigger;  /* Trigger mbox notification */
+       uint16_t tr_shift; /* Mbox trigger shift */
+       uint64_t rx_start; /* Offset of Rx region in mbox memory */
+       uint64_t tx_start; /* Offset of Tx region in mbox memory */
+       uint16_t rx_size;  /* Size of Rx region */
+       uint16_t tx_size;  /* Size of Tx region */
+       uint16_t ndevs;    /* The number of peers */
+       struct otx2_mbox_dev *dev;
+/* Header which precedes all mbox messages */
+struct mbox_hdr {
+       uint64_t __otx2_io msg_size;   /* Total msgs size embedded */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io num_msgs;   /* No of msgs embedded */
+/* Header which precedes every msg and is also part of it */
+struct mbox_msghdr {
+       uint16_t __otx2_io pcifunc; /* Who's sending this msg */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io id;      /* Mbox message ID */
+#define OTX2_MBOX_REQ_SIG (0xdead)
+#define OTX2_MBOX_RSP_SIG (0xbeef)
+       /* Signature, for validating corrupted msgs */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io sig;
+#define OTX2_MBOX_VERSION (0x0001)
+       /* Version of msg's structure for this ID */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io ver;
+       /* Offset of next msg within mailbox region */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io next_msgoff;
+       int __otx2_io rc; /* Msg processed response code */
+/* Mailbox message types */
+#define MBOX_MSG_MASK                          0xFFFF
+#define MBOX_MSG_INVALID                       0xFFFE
+#define MBOX_MSG_MAX                           0xFFFF
+#define MBOX_MESSAGES                                                  \
+/* Generic mbox IDs (range 0x000 - 0x1FF) */                           \
+M(READY,               0x001, ready, msg_req, ready_msg_rsp)           \
+M(ATTACH_RESOURCES,    0x002, attach_resources, rsrc_attach_req, msg_rsp)\
+M(DETACH_RESOURCES,    0x003, detach_resources, rsrc_detach_req, msg_rsp)\
+M(FREE_RSRC_CNT,       0x004, free_rsrc_cnt, msg_req, free_rsrcs_rsp)  \
+M(MSIX_OFFSET,         0x005, msix_offset, msg_req, msix_offset_rsp)   \
+M(VF_FLR,              0x006, vf_flr, msg_req, msg_rsp)                \
+M(PTP_OP,              0x007, ptp_op, ptp_req, ptp_rsp)                \
+M(GET_HW_CAP,          0x008, get_hw_cap, msg_req, get_hw_cap_rsp)     \
+M(NDC_SYNC_OP,         0x009, ndc_sync_op, ndc_sync_op, msg_rsp)       \
+/* CGX mbox IDs (range 0x200 - 0x3FF) */                               \
+M(CGX_START_RXTX,      0x200, cgx_start_rxtx, msg_req, msg_rsp)        \
+M(CGX_STOP_RXTX,       0x201, cgx_stop_rxtx, msg_req, msg_rsp)         \
+M(CGX_STATS,           0x202, cgx_stats, msg_req, cgx_stats_rsp)       \
+M(CGX_MAC_ADDR_SET,    0x203, cgx_mac_addr_set, cgx_mac_addr_set_or_get,\
+                               cgx_mac_addr_set_or_get)                \
+M(CGX_MAC_ADDR_GET,    0x204, cgx_mac_addr_get, cgx_mac_addr_set_or_get,\
+                               cgx_mac_addr_set_or_get)                \
+M(CGX_PROMISC_ENABLE,  0x205, cgx_promisc_enable, msg_req, msg_rsp)    \
+M(CGX_PROMISC_DISABLE, 0x206, cgx_promisc_disable, msg_req, msg_rsp)   \
+M(CGX_START_LINKEVENTS, 0x207, cgx_start_linkevents, msg_req, msg_rsp) \
+M(CGX_STOP_LINKEVENTS, 0x208, cgx_stop_linkevents, msg_req, msg_rsp)   \
+M(CGX_GET_LINKINFO,    0x209, cgx_get_linkinfo, msg_req, cgx_link_info_msg)\
+M(CGX_INTLBK_ENABLE,   0x20A, cgx_intlbk_enable, msg_req, msg_rsp)     \
+M(CGX_INTLBK_DISABLE,  0x20B, cgx_intlbk_disable, msg_req, msg_rsp)    \
+M(CGX_PTP_RX_ENABLE,   0x20C, cgx_ptp_rx_enable, msg_req, msg_rsp)     \
+M(CGX_PTP_RX_DISABLE,  0x20D, cgx_ptp_rx_disable, msg_req, msg_rsp)    \
+M(CGX_CFG_PAUSE_FRM,   0x20E, cgx_cfg_pause_frm, cgx_pause_frm_cfg,    \
+                               cgx_pause_frm_cfg)                      \
+M(CGX_FW_DATA_GET,     0x20F, cgx_get_aux_link_info, msg_req, cgx_fw_data) \
+M(CGX_MAC_ADDR_ADD,     0x211, cgx_mac_addr_add, cgx_mac_addr_add_req, \
+                               cgx_mac_addr_add_rsp)                   \
+M(CGX_MAC_ADDR_DEL,     0x212, cgx_mac_addr_del, cgx_mac_addr_del_req, \
+                               msg_rsp)                                \
+M(CGX_MAC_MAX_ENTRIES_GET, 0x213, cgx_mac_max_entries_get, msg_req,    \
+                                cgx_max_dmac_entries_get_rsp)          \
+M(CGX_SET_LINK_STATE,  0x214, cgx_set_link_state,              \
+                       cgx_set_link_state_msg, msg_rsp)                \
+/* NPA mbox IDs (range 0x400 - 0x5FF) */                               \
+M(NPA_LF_ALLOC,                0x400, npa_lf_alloc, npa_lf_alloc_req,          
+                               npa_lf_alloc_rsp)                       \
+M(NPA_LF_FREE,         0x401, npa_lf_free, msg_req, msg_rsp)           \
+M(NPA_AQ_ENQ,          0x402, npa_aq_enq, npa_aq_enq_req, npa_aq_enq_rsp)\
+M(NPA_HWCTX_DISABLE,   0x403, npa_hwctx_disable, hwctx_disable_req, msg_rsp)\
+/* SSO/SSOW mbox IDs (range 0x600 - 0x7FF) */                          \
+M(SSO_LF_ALLOC,                0x600, sso_lf_alloc, sso_lf_alloc_req,          
+                               sso_lf_alloc_rsp)                       \
+M(SSO_LF_FREE,         0x601, sso_lf_free, sso_lf_free_req, msg_rsp)   \
+M(SSOW_LF_ALLOC,       0x602, ssow_lf_alloc, ssow_lf_alloc_req, msg_rsp)\
+M(SSOW_LF_FREE,                0x603, ssow_lf_free, ssow_lf_free_req, msg_rsp) 
+M(SSO_HW_SETCONFIG,    0x604, sso_hw_setconfig, sso_hw_setconfig,      \
+                               msg_rsp)                                \
+M(SSO_GRP_SET_PRIORITY,        0x605, sso_grp_set_priority, sso_grp_priority,  
+                               msg_rsp)                                \
+M(SSO_GRP_GET_PRIORITY,        0x606, sso_grp_get_priority, sso_info_req,      
+                               sso_grp_priority)                       \
+M(SSO_WS_CACHE_INV,    0x607, sso_ws_cache_inv, msg_req, msg_rsp)      \
+M(SSO_GRP_QOS_CONFIG,  0x608, sso_grp_qos_config, sso_grp_qos_cfg,     \
+                               msg_rsp)                                \
+M(SSO_GRP_GET_STATS,   0x609, sso_grp_get_stats, sso_info_req,         \
+                               sso_grp_stats)                          \
+M(SSO_HWS_GET_STATS,   0x610, sso_hws_get_stats, sso_info_req,         \
+                               sso_hws_stats)                          \
+/* TIM mbox IDs (range 0x800 - 0x9FF) */                               \
+M(TIM_LF_ALLOC,                0x800, tim_lf_alloc, tim_lf_alloc_req,          
+                               tim_lf_alloc_rsp)                       \
+M(TIM_LF_FREE,         0x801, tim_lf_free, tim_ring_req, msg_rsp)      \
+M(TIM_CONFIG_RING,     0x802, tim_config_ring, tim_config_req, msg_rsp)\
+M(TIM_ENABLE_RING,     0x803, tim_enable_ring, tim_ring_req,           \
+                               tim_enable_rsp)                         \
+M(TIM_DISABLE_RING,    0x804, tim_disable_ring, tim_ring_req, msg_rsp) \
+/* CPT mbox IDs (range 0xA00 - 0xBFF) */                               \
+M(CPT_RD_WR_REGISTER,  0xA02, cpt_rd_wr_register, cpt_rd_wr_reg_msg,   \
+                              cpt_rd_wr_reg_msg)                       \
+M(CPT_INLINE_IPSEC_CFG, 0xA04, cpt_inline_ipsec_cfg,                   \
+                              cpt_inline_ipsec_cfg_msg, msg_rsp)       \
+/* NPC mbox IDs (range 0x6000 - 0x7FFF) */                             \
+M(NPC_MCAM_ALLOC_ENTRY,        0x6000, npc_mcam_alloc_entry,                   
+                               npc_mcam_alloc_entry_req,               \
+                               npc_mcam_alloc_entry_rsp)               \
+M(NPC_MCAM_FREE_ENTRY, 0x6001, npc_mcam_free_entry,                    \
+                               npc_mcam_free_entry_req, msg_rsp)       \
+M(NPC_MCAM_WRITE_ENTRY,        0x6002, npc_mcam_write_entry,                   
+                               npc_mcam_write_entry_req, msg_rsp)      \
+M(NPC_MCAM_ENA_ENTRY,  0x6003, npc_mcam_ena_entry,                     \
+                               npc_mcam_ena_dis_entry_req, msg_rsp)    \
+M(NPC_MCAM_DIS_ENTRY,  0x6004, npc_mcam_dis_entry,                     \
+                               npc_mcam_ena_dis_entry_req, msg_rsp)    \
+M(NPC_MCAM_SHIFT_ENTRY,        0x6005, npc_mcam_shift_entry,                   
+                               npc_mcam_shift_entry_req,               \
+                               npc_mcam_shift_entry_rsp)               \
+M(NPC_MCAM_ALLOC_COUNTER,      0x6006, npc_mcam_alloc_counter,         \
+                               npc_mcam_alloc_counter_req,             \
+                               npc_mcam_alloc_counter_rsp)             \
+M(NPC_MCAM_FREE_COUNTER,       0x6007, npc_mcam_free_counter,          \
+                               npc_mcam_oper_counter_req,              \
+                               msg_rsp)                                \
+M(NPC_MCAM_UNMAP_COUNTER,      0x6008, npc_mcam_unmap_counter,         \
+                               npc_mcam_unmap_counter_req,             \
+                               msg_rsp)                                \
+M(NPC_MCAM_CLEAR_COUNTER,      0x6009, npc_mcam_clear_counter,         \
+                               npc_mcam_oper_counter_req,              \
+                               msg_rsp)                                \
+M(NPC_MCAM_COUNTER_STATS,      0x600a, npc_mcam_counter_stats,         \
+                               npc_mcam_oper_counter_req,              \
+                               npc_mcam_oper_counter_rsp)              \
+M(NPC_MCAM_ALLOC_AND_WRITE_ENTRY, 0x600b, npc_mcam_alloc_and_write_entry,\
+                               npc_mcam_alloc_and_write_entry_req,     \
+                               npc_mcam_alloc_and_write_entry_rsp)     \
+M(NPC_GET_KEX_CFG,       0x600c, npc_get_kex_cfg, msg_req,             \
+                               npc_get_kex_cfg_rsp)                    \
+M(NPC_INSTALL_FLOW,      0x600d, npc_install_flow,                     \
+                                 npc_install_flow_req,                 \
+                                 npc_install_flow_rsp)                 \
+M(NPC_DELETE_FLOW,       0x600e, npc_delete_flow,                      \
+                                 npc_delete_flow_req, msg_rsp)         \
+M(NPC_MCAM_READ_ENTRY,   0x600f, npc_mcam_read_entry,                  \
+                                 npc_mcam_read_entry_req,              \
+                                 npc_mcam_read_entry_rsp)              \
+/* NIX mbox IDs (range 0x8000 - 0xFFFF) */                             \
+M(NIX_LF_ALLOC,                0x8000, nix_lf_alloc, nix_lf_alloc_req,         
+                               nix_lf_alloc_rsp)                       \
+M(NIX_LF_FREE,         0x8001, nix_lf_free, nix_lf_free_req, msg_rsp)  \
+M(NIX_AQ_ENQ,          0x8002, nix_aq_enq, nix_aq_enq_req,             \
+                               nix_aq_enq_rsp)                         \
+M(NIX_HWCTX_DISABLE,   0x8003, nix_hwctx_disable, hwctx_disable_req,   \
+                               msg_rsp)                                \
+M(NIX_TXSCH_ALLOC,     0x8004, nix_txsch_alloc, nix_txsch_alloc_req,   \
+                               nix_txsch_alloc_rsp)                    \
+M(NIX_TXSCH_FREE,      0x8005, nix_txsch_free, nix_txsch_free_req,     \
+                               msg_rsp)                                \
+M(NIX_TXSCHQ_CFG,      0x8006, nix_txschq_cfg, nix_txschq_config,      \
+                               msg_rsp)                                \
+M(NIX_STATS_RST,       0x8007, nix_stats_rst, msg_req, msg_rsp)        \
+M(NIX_VTAG_CFG,                0x8008, nix_vtag_cfg, nix_vtag_config, msg_rsp) 
+M(NIX_RSS_FLOWKEY_CFG, 0x8009, nix_rss_flowkey_cfg,                    \
+                               nix_rss_flowkey_cfg,                    \
+                               nix_rss_flowkey_cfg_rsp)                \
+M(NIX_SET_MAC_ADDR,    0x800a, nix_set_mac_addr, nix_set_mac_addr,     \
+                               msg_rsp)                                \
+M(NIX_SET_RX_MODE,     0x800b, nix_set_rx_mode, nix_rx_mode, msg_rsp)  \
+M(NIX_SET_HW_FRS,      0x800c, nix_set_hw_frs, nix_frs_cfg, msg_rsp)   \
+M(NIX_LF_START_RX,     0x800d, nix_lf_start_rx, msg_req, msg_rsp)      \
+M(NIX_LF_STOP_RX,      0x800e, nix_lf_stop_rx, msg_req, msg_rsp)       \
+M(NIX_MARK_FORMAT_CFG, 0x800f, nix_mark_format_cfg,                    \
+                               nix_mark_format_cfg,                    \
+                               nix_mark_format_cfg_rsp)                \
+M(NIX_LSO_FORMAT_CFG,  0x8011, nix_lso_format_cfg, nix_lso_format_cfg, \
+                               nix_lso_format_cfg_rsp)                 \
+M(NIX_LF_PTP_TX_ENABLE,        0x8013, nix_lf_ptp_tx_enable, msg_req,          
+                               msg_rsp)                                \
+M(NIX_LF_PTP_TX_DISABLE,       0x8014, nix_lf_ptp_tx_disable, msg_req, \
+                               msg_rsp)                                \
+M(NIX_SET_VLAN_TPID,   0x8015, nix_set_vlan_tpid, nix_set_vlan_tpid,   \
+                               msg_rsp)                                \
+M(NIX_BP_ENABLE,       0x8016, nix_bp_enable, nix_bp_cfg_req,          \
+                               nix_bp_cfg_rsp)                         \
+M(NIX_BP_DISABLE,      0x8017, nix_bp_disable, nix_bp_cfg_req, msg_rsp)\
+M(NIX_GET_MAC_ADDR,    0x8018, nix_get_mac_addr, msg_req,              \
+                               nix_get_mac_addr_rsp)                   \
+M(NIX_INLINE_IPSEC_CFG,        0x8019, nix_inline_ipsec_cfg,                   
+                               nix_inline_ipsec_cfg, msg_rsp)          \
+M(NIX_INLINE_IPSEC_LF_CFG,                                             \
+                       0x801a, nix_inline_ipsec_lf_cfg,                \
+                               nix_inline_ipsec_lf_cfg, msg_rsp)
+/* Messages initiated by AF (range 0xC00 - 0xDFF) */
+#define MBOX_UP_CGX_MESSAGES                                           \
+M(CGX_LINK_EVENT,      0xC00, cgx_link_event, cgx_link_info_msg,       \
+                               msg_rsp)                                \
+M(CGX_PTP_RX_INFO,     0xC01, cgx_ptp_rx_info, cgx_ptp_rx_info_msg,    \
+                               msg_rsp)
+enum {
+#define M(_name, _id, _1, _2, _3) MBOX_MSG_ ## _name = _id,
+#undef M
+/* Mailbox message formats */
+/* Generic request msg used for those mbox messages which
+ * don't send any data in the request.
+ */
+struct msg_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+/* Generic response msg used a ack or response for those mbox
+ * messages which doesn't have a specific rsp msg format.
+ */
+struct msg_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+/* RVU mailbox error codes
+ * Range 256 - 300.
+ */
+enum rvu_af_status {
+       RVU_INVALID_VF_ID           = -256,
+struct ready_msg_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io sclk_feq;    /* SCLK frequency */
+/* Structure for requesting resource provisioning.
+ * 'modify' flag to be used when either requesting more
+ * or detach partial of a certain resource type.
+ * Rest of the fields specify how many of what type to
+ * be attached.
+ */
+struct rsrc_attach_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io modify:1;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io npalf:1;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io nixlf:1;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io sso;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io ssow;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io timlfs;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io cptlfs;
+/* Structure for relinquishing resources.
+ * 'partial' flag to be used when relinquishing all resources
+ * but only of a certain type. If not set, all resources of all
+ * types provisioned to the RVU function will be detached.
+ */
+struct rsrc_detach_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io partial:1;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io npalf:1;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io nixlf:1;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io sso:1;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io ssow:1;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io timlfs:1;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io cptlfs:1;
+/* NIX Transmit schedulers */
+#define        NIX_TXSCH_LVL_SMQ 0x0
+#define        NIX_TXSCH_LVL_MDQ 0x0
+#define        NIX_TXSCH_LVL_TL4 0x1
+#define        NIX_TXSCH_LVL_TL3 0x2
+#define        NIX_TXSCH_LVL_TL2 0x3
+#define        NIX_TXSCH_LVL_TL1 0x4
+#define        NIX_TXSCH_LVL_CNT 0x5
+ * Number of resources available to the caller.
+ * In reply to MBOX_MSG_FREE_RSRC_CNT.
+ */
+struct free_rsrcs_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io schq[NIX_TXSCH_LVL_CNT];
+       uint16_t __otx2_io sso;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io tim;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io ssow;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io cpt;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io npa;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io nix;
+#define MAX_RVU_BLKLF_CNT      256
+struct msix_offset_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io npa_msixoff;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io nix_msixoff;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io sso;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io ssow;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io timlfs;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io cptlfs;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io sso_msixoff[MAX_RVU_BLKLF_CNT];
+       uint16_t __otx2_io ssow_msixoff[MAX_RVU_BLKLF_CNT];
+       uint16_t __otx2_io timlf_msixoff[MAX_RVU_BLKLF_CNT];
+       uint16_t __otx2_io cptlf_msixoff[MAX_RVU_BLKLF_CNT];
+/* CGX mbox message formats */
+struct cgx_stats_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+#define CGX_RX_STATS_COUNT     13
+#define CGX_TX_STATS_COUNT     18
+       uint64_t __otx2_io rx_stats[CGX_RX_STATS_COUNT];
+       uint64_t __otx2_io tx_stats[CGX_TX_STATS_COUNT];
+/* Structure for requesting the operation for
+ * setting/getting mac address in the CGX interface
+ */
+struct cgx_mac_addr_set_or_get {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io mac_addr[RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN];
+/* Structure for requesting the operation to
+ * add DMAC filter entry into CGX interface
+ */
+struct cgx_mac_addr_add_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io mac_addr[RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN];
+/* Structure for response against the operation to
+ * add DMAC filter entry into CGX interface
+ */
+struct cgx_mac_addr_add_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io index;
+/* Structure for requesting the operation to
+ * delete DMAC filter entry from CGX interface
+ */
+struct cgx_mac_addr_del_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io index;
+/* Structure for response against the operation to
+ * get maximum supported DMAC filter entries
+ */
+struct cgx_max_dmac_entries_get_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io max_dmac_filters;
+struct cgx_link_user_info {
+       uint64_t __otx2_io link_up:1;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io full_duplex:1;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io lmac_type_id:4;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io speed:20; /* speed in Mbps */
+#define LMACTYPE_STR_LEN 16
+       char lmac_type[LMACTYPE_STR_LEN];
+struct cgx_link_info_msg {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       struct cgx_link_user_info link_info;
+struct cgx_pause_frm_cfg {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io set;
+       /* set = 1 if the request is to config pause frames */
+       /* set = 0 if the request is to fetch pause frames config */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io rx_pause;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io tx_pause;
+struct cgx_ptp_rx_info_msg {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io ptp_en;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io ptp_offset;
+struct sfp_eeprom_s {
+#define SFP_EEPROM_SIZE 256
+       uint16_t __otx2_io sff_id;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io buf[SFP_EEPROM_SIZE];
+struct cgx_lmac_fwdata_s {
+       uint16_t __otx2_io rw_valid;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io supported_fec;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io supported_an;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io supported_link_modes;
+       /* Only applicable if AN is supported */
+       uint64_t __otx2_io advertised_fec;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io advertised_link_modes;
+       /* Only applicable if SFP/QSFP slot is present */
+       struct sfp_eeprom_s sfp_eeprom;
+struct cgx_fw_data {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       struct cgx_lmac_fwdata_s fwdata;
+struct cgx_set_link_state_msg {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io enable;
+/* NPA mbox message formats */
+/* NPA mailbox error codes
+ * Range 301 - 400.
+ */
+enum npa_af_status {
+       NPA_AF_ERR_PARAM            = -301,
+       NPA_AF_ERR_AQ_FULL          = -302,
+       NPA_AF_ERR_AQ_ENQUEUE       = -303,
+       NPA_AF_ERR_AF_LF_INVALID    = -304,
+       NPA_AF_ERR_AF_LF_ALLOC      = -305,
+       NIX_AF_ERR_X2P_CALIBRATE    = -398,
+       NIX_AF_ERR_RAN_OUT_BPID     = -399,
+#define NPA_AURA_SZ_0          0
+#define NPA_AURA_SZ_128                1
+#define        NPA_AURA_SZ_256         2
+#define        NPA_AURA_SZ_512         3
+#define        NPA_AURA_SZ_1K          4
+#define        NPA_AURA_SZ_2K          5
+#define        NPA_AURA_SZ_4K          6
+#define        NPA_AURA_SZ_8K          7
+#define        NPA_AURA_SZ_16K         8
+#define        NPA_AURA_SZ_32K         9
+#define        NPA_AURA_SZ_64K         10
+#define        NPA_AURA_SZ_128K        11
+#define        NPA_AURA_SZ_256K        12
+#define        NPA_AURA_SZ_512K        13
+#define        NPA_AURA_SZ_1M          14
+#define        NPA_AURA_SZ_MAX         15
+/* For NPA LF context alloc and init */
+struct npa_lf_alloc_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       int __otx2_io node;
+       int __otx2_io aura_sz; /* No of auras. See NPA_AURA_SZ_* */
+       uint32_t __otx2_io nr_pools; /* No of pools */
+       uint64_t __otx2_io way_mask;
+struct npa_lf_alloc_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint32_t __otx2_io stack_pg_ptrs;  /* No of ptrs per stack page */
+       uint32_t __otx2_io stack_pg_bytes; /* Size of stack page */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io qints; /* NPA_AF_CONST::QINTS */
+/* NPA AQ enqueue msg */
+struct npa_aq_enq_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint32_t __otx2_io aura_id;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io ctype;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io op;
+       union {
+               /* Valid when op == WRITE/INIT and ctype == AURA.
+                * LF fills the pool_id in aura.pool_addr. AF will translate
+                * the pool_id to pool context pointer.
+                */
+               struct npa_aura_s aura;
+               /* Valid when op == WRITE/INIT and ctype == POOL */
+               struct npa_pool_s pool;
+       };
+       /* Mask data when op == WRITE (1=write, 0=don't write) */
+       union {
+               /* Valid when op == WRITE and ctype == AURA */
+               struct npa_aura_s aura_mask;
+               /* Valid when op == WRITE and ctype == POOL */
+               struct npa_pool_s pool_mask;
+       };
+struct npa_aq_enq_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       union {
+               /* Valid when op == READ and ctype == AURA */
+               struct npa_aura_s aura;
+               /* Valid when op == READ and ctype == POOL */
+               struct npa_pool_s pool;
+       };
+/* Disable all contexts of type 'ctype' */
+struct hwctx_disable_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io ctype;
+/* NIX mbox message formats */
+/* NIX mailbox error codes
+ * Range 401 - 500.
+ */
+enum nix_af_status {
+       NIX_AF_ERR_PARAM            = -401,
+       NIX_AF_ERR_AQ_FULL          = -402,
+       NIX_AF_ERR_AQ_ENQUEUE       = -403,
+       NIX_AF_ERR_AF_LF_INVALID    = -404,
+       NIX_AF_ERR_AF_LF_ALLOC      = -405,
+       NIX_AF_ERR_TLX_ALLOC_FAIL   = -406,
+       NIX_AF_ERR_TLX_INVALID      = -407,
+       NIX_AF_ERR_FRS_INVALID      = -410,
+       NIX_AF_ERR_RX_LINK_INVALID  = -411,
+       NIX_AF_INVAL_TXSCHQ_CFG     = -412,
+       NIX_AF_SMQ_FLUSH_FAILED     = -413,
+       NIX_AF_MACADDR_SET_FAILED   = -414,
+       NIX_AF_RX_MODE_SET_FAILED   = -415,
+       NIX_AF_ERR_RSS_NOSPC_ALGO   = -416,
+       NIX_AF_ERR_RSS_NOSPC_FIELD  = -417,
+       NIX_AF_ERR_MARK_ALLOC_FAIL  = -418,
+       NIX_AF_ERR_LSOFMT_CFG_FAIL  = -419,
+/* For NIX LF context alloc and init */
+struct nix_lf_alloc_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       int __otx2_io node;
+       uint32_t __otx2_io rq_cnt;   /* No of receive queues */
+       uint32_t __otx2_io sq_cnt;   /* No of send queues */
+       uint32_t __otx2_io cq_cnt;   /* No of completion queues */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io xqe_sz;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io rss_sz;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io rss_grps;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io npa_func;
+       /* RVU_DEFAULT_PF_FUNC == default pf_func associated with lf */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io sso_func;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io rx_cfg;   /* See NIX_AF_LF(0..127)_RX_CFG */
+       uint64_t __otx2_io way_mask;
+struct nix_lf_alloc_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io sqb_size;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io rx_chan_base;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io tx_chan_base;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io rx_chan_cnt; /* Total number of RX channels */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io tx_chan_cnt; /* Total number of TX channels */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io lso_tsov4_idx;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io lso_tsov6_idx;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io mac_addr[RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN];
+       uint8_t __otx2_io lf_rx_stats; /* NIX_AF_CONST1::LF_RX_STATS */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io lf_tx_stats; /* NIX_AF_CONST1::LF_TX_STATS */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io cints; /* NIX_AF_CONST2::CINTS */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io qints; /* NIX_AF_CONST2::QINTS */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io ptp; /* boolean; true iff PTP block is supported */
+struct nix_lf_free_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+#define NIX_LF_DISABLE_FLOWS   0x1
+       uint64_t __otx2_io flags;
+/* NIX AQ enqueue msg */
+struct nix_aq_enq_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint32_t __otx2_io qidx;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io ctype;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io op;
+       union {
+               /* Valid when op == WRITE/INIT and ctype == NIX_AQ_CTYPE_RQ */
+               struct nix_rq_ctx_s rq;
+               /* Valid when op == WRITE/INIT and ctype == NIX_AQ_CTYPE_SQ */
+               struct nix_sq_ctx_s sq;
+               /* Valid when op == WRITE/INIT and ctype == NIX_AQ_CTYPE_CQ */
+               struct nix_cq_ctx_s cq;
+               /* Valid when op == WRITE/INIT and ctype == NIX_AQ_CTYPE_RSS */
+               struct nix_rsse_s rss;
+               /* Valid when op == WRITE/INIT and ctype == NIX_AQ_CTYPE_MCE */
+               struct nix_rx_mce_s mce;
+       };
+       /* Mask data when op == WRITE (1=write, 0=don't write) */
+       union {
+               /* Valid when op == WRITE and ctype == NIX_AQ_CTYPE_RQ */
+               struct nix_rq_ctx_s rq_mask;
+               /* Valid when op == WRITE and ctype == NIX_AQ_CTYPE_SQ */
+               struct nix_sq_ctx_s sq_mask;
+               /* Valid when op == WRITE and ctype == NIX_AQ_CTYPE_CQ */
+               struct nix_cq_ctx_s cq_mask;
+               /* Valid when op == WRITE and ctype == NIX_AQ_CTYPE_RSS */
+               struct nix_rsse_s rss_mask;
+               /* Valid when op == WRITE and ctype == NIX_AQ_CTYPE_MCE */
+               struct nix_rx_mce_s mce_mask;
+       };
+struct nix_aq_enq_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       union {
+               struct nix_rq_ctx_s rq;
+               struct nix_sq_ctx_s sq;
+               struct nix_cq_ctx_s cq;
+               struct nix_rsse_s   rss;
+               struct nix_rx_mce_s mce;
+       };
+/* Tx scheduler/shaper mailbox messages */
+#define MAX_TXSCHQ_PER_FUNC    128
+struct nix_txsch_alloc_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       /* Scheduler queue count request at each level */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io schq_contig[NIX_TXSCH_LVL_CNT]; /* Contig. queues */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io schq[NIX_TXSCH_LVL_CNT]; /* Non-Contig. queues */
+struct nix_txsch_alloc_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       /* Scheduler queue count allocated at each level */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io schq_contig[NIX_TXSCH_LVL_CNT]; /* Contig. queues */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io schq[NIX_TXSCH_LVL_CNT]; /* Non-Contig. queues */
+       /* Scheduler queue list allocated at each level */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io
+               schq_contig_list[NIX_TXSCH_LVL_CNT][MAX_TXSCHQ_PER_FUNC];
+       uint16_t __otx2_io schq_list[NIX_TXSCH_LVL_CNT][MAX_TXSCHQ_PER_FUNC];
+       /* Traffic aggregation scheduler level */
+       uint8_t  __otx2_io aggr_level;
+       /* Aggregation lvl's RR_PRIO config */
+       uint8_t  __otx2_io aggr_lvl_rr_prio;
+       /* LINKX_CFG CSRs mapped to TL3 or TL2's index ? */
+       uint8_t  __otx2_io link_cfg_lvl;
+struct nix_txsch_free_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io flags;
+       /* Scheduler queue level to be freed */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io schq_lvl;
+       /* List of scheduler queues to be freed */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io schq;
+struct nix_txschq_config {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io lvl; /* SMQ/MDQ/TL4/TL3/TL2/TL1 */
+#define TXSCHQ_IDX_SHIFT 16
+#define TXSCHQ_IDX_MASK (BIT_ULL(10) - 1)
+#define TXSCHQ_IDX(reg, shift) (((reg) >> (shift)) & TXSCHQ_IDX_MASK)
+       uint8_t __otx2_io num_regs;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io reg[MAX_REGS_PER_MBOX_MSG];
+       uint64_t __otx2_io regval[MAX_REGS_PER_MBOX_MSG];
+struct nix_vtag_config {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       /* '0' for 4 octet VTAG, '1' for 8 octet VTAG */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io vtag_size;
+       /* cfg_type is '0' for tx vlan cfg
+        * cfg_type is '1' for rx vlan cfg
+        */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io cfg_type;
+       union {
+               /* Valid when cfg_type is '0' */
+               struct {
+                       uint64_t __otx2_io vtag0;
+                       uint64_t __otx2_io vtag1;
+                       /* cfg_vtag0 & cfg_vtag1 fields are valid
+                        * when free_vtag0 & free_vtag1 are '0's.
+                        */
+                       /* cfg_vtag0 = 1 to configure vtag0 */
+                       uint8_t __otx2_io cfg_vtag0 :1;
+                       /* cfg_vtag1 = 1 to configure vtag1 */
+                       uint8_t __otx2_io cfg_vtag1 :1;
+                       /* vtag0_idx & vtag1_idx are only valid when
+                        * both cfg_vtag0 & cfg_vtag1 are '0's,
+                        * these fields are used along with free_vtag0
+                        * & free_vtag1 to free the nix lf's tx_vlan
+                        * configuration.
+                        *
+                        * Denotes the indices of tx_vtag def registers
+                        * that needs to be cleared and freed.
+                        */
+                       int __otx2_io vtag0_idx;
+                       int __otx2_io vtag1_idx;
+                       /* Free_vtag0 & free_vtag1 fields are valid
+                        * when cfg_vtag0 & cfg_vtag1 are '0's.
+                        */
+                       /* Free_vtag0 = 1 clears vtag0 configuration
+                        * vtag0_idx denotes the index to be cleared.
+                        */
+                       uint8_t __otx2_io free_vtag0 :1;
+                       /* Free_vtag1 = 1 clears vtag1 configuration
+                        * vtag1_idx denotes the index to be cleared.
+                        */
+                       uint8_t __otx2_io free_vtag1 :1;
+               } tx;
+               /* Valid when cfg_type is '1' */
+               struct {
+                       /* Rx vtag type index, valid values are in 0..7 range */
+                       uint8_t __otx2_io vtag_type;
+                       /* Rx vtag strip */
+                       uint8_t __otx2_io strip_vtag :1;
+                       /* Rx vtag capture */
+                       uint8_t __otx2_io capture_vtag :1;
+               } rx;
+       };
+struct nix_vtag_config_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       /* Indices of tx_vtag def registers used to configure
+        * tx vtag0 & vtag1 headers, these indices are valid
+        * when nix_vtag_config mbox requested for vtag0 and/
+        * or vtag1 configuration.
+        */
+       int __otx2_io vtag0_idx;
+       int __otx2_io vtag1_idx;
+struct nix_rss_flowkey_cfg {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       int __otx2_io mcam_index;  /* MCAM entry index to modify */
+       uint32_t __otx2_io flowkey_cfg; /* Flowkey types selected */
+#define FLOW_KEY_TYPE_PORT     BIT(0)
+#define FLOW_KEY_TYPE_IPV4     BIT(1)
+#define FLOW_KEY_TYPE_IPV6     BIT(2)
+#define FLOW_KEY_TYPE_TCP      BIT(3)
+#define FLOW_KEY_TYPE_UDP      BIT(4)
+#define FLOW_KEY_TYPE_SCTP     BIT(5)
+#define FLOW_KEY_TYPE_NVGRE    BIT(6)
+#define FLOW_KEY_TYPE_VXLAN    BIT(7)
+#define FLOW_KEY_TYPE_GTPU       BIT(11)
+#define FLOW_KEY_TYPE_INNR_IPV4     BIT(12)
+#define FLOW_KEY_TYPE_INNR_IPV6     BIT(13)
+#define FLOW_KEY_TYPE_INNR_TCP      BIT(14)
+#define FLOW_KEY_TYPE_INNR_UDP      BIT(15)
+#define FLOW_KEY_TYPE_INNR_SCTP     BIT(16)
+       uint8_t group;       /* RSS context or group */
+struct nix_rss_flowkey_cfg_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io alg_idx; /* Selected algo index */
+struct nix_set_mac_addr {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io mac_addr[RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN];
+struct nix_get_mac_addr_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io mac_addr[RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN];
+struct nix_mark_format_cfg {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io offset;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io y_mask;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io y_val;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io r_mask;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io r_val;
+struct nix_mark_format_cfg_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io mark_format_idx;
+struct nix_lso_format_cfg {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io field_mask;
+#define NIX_LSO_FIELD_MAX      (8)
+       uint64_t __otx2_io fields[NIX_LSO_FIELD_MAX];
+struct nix_lso_format_cfg_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io lso_format_idx;
+struct nix_rx_mode {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+#define NIX_RX_MODE_UCAST    BIT(0)
+       uint16_t __otx2_io mode;
+struct nix_frs_cfg {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io update_smq;    /* Update SMQ's min/max lens */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io update_minlen; /* Set minlen also */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io sdp_link;      /* Set SDP RX link */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io maxlen;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io minlen;
+struct nix_set_vlan_tpid {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io vlan_type;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io tpid;
+struct nix_bp_cfg_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io chan_base; /* Starting channel number */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io chan_cnt; /* Number of channels */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io bpid_per_chan;
+       /* bpid_per_chan = 0  assigns single bp id for range of channels */
+       /* bpid_per_chan = 1 assigns separate bp id for each channel */
+/* Global NIX inline IPSec configuration */
+struct nix_inline_ipsec_cfg {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint32_t __otx2_io cpt_credit;
+       struct {
+               uint8_t __otx2_io egrp;
+               uint8_t __otx2_io opcode;
+       } gen_cfg;
+       struct {
+               uint16_t __otx2_io cpt_pf_func;
+               uint8_t __otx2_io cpt_slot;
+       } inst_qsel;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io enable;
+/* Per NIX LF inline IPSec configuration */
+struct nix_inline_ipsec_lf_cfg {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io sa_base_addr;
+       struct {
+               uint32_t __otx2_io tag_const;
+               uint16_t __otx2_io lenm1_max;
+               uint8_t __otx2_io sa_pow2_size;
+               uint8_t __otx2_io tt;
+       } ipsec_cfg0;
+       struct {
+               uint32_t __otx2_io sa_idx_max;
+               uint8_t __otx2_io sa_idx_w;
+       } ipsec_cfg1;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io enable;
+/* PF can be mapped to either CGX or LBK interface,
+ * so maximum 64 channels are possible.
+ */
+#define NIX_MAX_CHAN   64
+struct nix_bp_cfg_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       /* Channel and bpid mapping */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io chan_bpid[NIX_MAX_CHAN];
+       /* Number of channel for which bpids are assigned */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io chan_cnt;
+/* SSO mailbox error codes
+ * Range 501 - 600.
+ */
+enum sso_af_status {
+       SSO_AF_ERR_PARAM        = -501,
+       SSO_AF_ERR_LF_INVALID   = -502,
+       SSO_AF_ERR_AF_LF_ALLOC  = -503,
+       SSO_AF_ERR_GRP_EBUSY    = -504,
+       SSO_AF_ERR_AF_LF_INVALID = -599,
+struct sso_lf_alloc_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       int __otx2_io node;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io hwgrps;
+struct sso_lf_alloc_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint32_t __otx2_io xaq_buf_size;
+       uint32_t __otx2_io xaq_wq_entries;
+       uint32_t __otx2_io in_unit_entries;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io hwgrps;
+struct sso_lf_free_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       int __otx2_io node;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io hwgrps;
+/* SSOW mailbox error codes
+ * Range 601 - 700.
+ */
+enum ssow_af_status {
+       SSOW_AF_ERR_PARAM       = -601,
+       SSOW_AF_ERR_LF_INVALID  = -602,
+       SSOW_AF_ERR_AF_LF_ALLOC = -603,
+struct ssow_lf_alloc_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       int __otx2_io node;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io hws;
+struct ssow_lf_free_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       int __otx2_io node;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io hws;
+struct sso_hw_setconfig {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint32_t __otx2_io npa_aura_id;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io npa_pf_func;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io hwgrps;
+struct sso_info_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       union {
+               uint16_t __otx2_io grp;
+               uint16_t __otx2_io hws;
+       };
+struct sso_grp_priority {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io grp;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io priority;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io affinity;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io weight;
+struct sso_grp_qos_cfg {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io grp;
+       uint32_t __otx2_io xaq_limit;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io taq_thr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io iaq_thr;
+struct sso_grp_stats {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io grp;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io ws_pc;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io ext_pc;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io wa_pc;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io ts_pc;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io ds_pc;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io dq_pc;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io aw_status;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io page_cnt;
+struct sso_hws_stats {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io hws;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io arbitration;
+/* CPT mbox message formats */
+struct cpt_rd_wr_reg_msg {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io reg_offset;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io *ret_val;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io val;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io is_write;
+#define CPT_INLINE_INBOUND     0
+struct cpt_inline_ipsec_cfg_msg {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io enable;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io slot;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io dir;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io sso_pf_func; /* Inbound path SSO_PF_FUNC */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io nix_pf_func; /* Outbound path NIX_PF_FUNC */
+/* NPC mbox message structs */
+/* NPC mailbox error codes
+ * Range 701 - 800.
+ */
+enum npc_af_status {
+       NPC_MCAM_INVALID_REQ    = -701,
+       NPC_MCAM_ALLOC_DENIED   = -702,
+       NPC_MCAM_ALLOC_FAILED   = -703,
+       NPC_MCAM_PERM_DENIED    = -704,
+struct npc_mcam_alloc_entry_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io contig;   /* Contiguous entries ? */
+#define NPC_MCAM_ANY_PRIO              0
+#define NPC_MCAM_LOWER_PRIO            1
+#define NPC_MCAM_HIGHER_PRIO           2
+       uint8_t __otx2_io priority; /* Lower or higher w.r.t ref_entry */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io ref_entry;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io count;    /* Number of entries requested */
+struct npc_mcam_alloc_entry_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       /* Entry alloc'ed or start index if contiguous.
+        * Invalid in case of non-contiguous.
+        */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io entry;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io count; /* Number of entries allocated */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io free_count; /* Number of entries available */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io entry_list[NPC_MAX_NONCONTIG_ENTRIES];
+struct npc_mcam_free_entry_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io entry; /* Entry index to be freed */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io all;   /* Free all entries alloc'ed to this PFVF */
+struct mcam_entry {
+#define NPC_MAX_KWS_IN_KEY     7 /* Number of keywords in max key width */
+       uint64_t __otx2_io kw[NPC_MAX_KWS_IN_KEY];
+       uint64_t __otx2_io kw_mask[NPC_MAX_KWS_IN_KEY];
+       uint64_t __otx2_io action;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io vtag_action;
+struct npc_mcam_write_entry_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       struct mcam_entry entry_data;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io entry; /* MCAM entry to write this match key */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io cntr;         /* Counter for this MCAM entry */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io intf;  /* Rx or Tx interface */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io enable_entry;/* Enable this MCAM entry ? */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io set_cntr;    /* Set counter for this entry ? */
+/* Enable/Disable a given entry */
+struct npc_mcam_ena_dis_entry_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io entry;
+struct npc_mcam_shift_entry_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+#define NPC_MCAM_MAX_SHIFTS    64
+       uint16_t __otx2_io curr_entry[NPC_MCAM_MAX_SHIFTS];
+       uint16_t __otx2_io new_entry[NPC_MCAM_MAX_SHIFTS];
+       uint16_t __otx2_io shift_count; /* Number of entries to shift */
+struct npc_mcam_shift_entry_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       /* Index in 'curr_entry', not entry itself */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io failed_entry_idx;
+struct npc_mcam_alloc_counter_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io contig;       /* Contiguous counters ? */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io count;       /* Number of counters requested */
+struct npc_mcam_alloc_counter_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       /* Counter alloc'ed or start idx if contiguous.
+        * Invalid incase of non-contiguous.
+        */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io cntr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io count; /* Number of counters allocated */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io cntr_list[NPC_MAX_NONCONTIG_COUNTERS];
+struct npc_mcam_oper_counter_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io cntr; /* Free a counter or clear/fetch it's stats */
+struct npc_mcam_oper_counter_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       /* valid only while fetching counter's stats */
+       uint64_t __otx2_io stat;
+struct npc_mcam_unmap_counter_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io cntr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io entry; /* Entry and counter to be unmapped */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io all;   /* Unmap all entries using this counter ? */
+struct npc_mcam_alloc_and_write_entry_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       struct mcam_entry entry_data;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io ref_entry;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io priority;    /* Lower or higher w.r.t ref_entry */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io intf;  /* Rx or Tx interface */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io enable_entry;/* Enable this MCAM entry ? */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io alloc_cntr;  /* Allocate counter and map ? */
+struct npc_mcam_alloc_and_write_entry_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io entry;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io cntr;
+struct npc_get_kex_cfg_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io rx_keyx_cfg;   /* NPC_AF_INTF(0)_KEX_CFG */
+       uint64_t __otx2_io tx_keyx_cfg;   /* NPC_AF_INTF(1)_KEX_CFG */
+#define NPC_MAX_INTF   2
+#define NPC_MAX_LID    8
+#define NPC_MAX_LT     16
+#define NPC_MAX_LD     2
+#define NPC_MAX_LFL    16
+       /* NPC_AF_KEX_LDATA(0..1)_FLAGS_CFG */
+       uint64_t __otx2_io kex_ld_flags[NPC_MAX_LD];
+       /* NPC_AF_INTF(0..1)_LID(0..7)_LT(0..15)_LD(0..1)_CFG */
+       uint64_t __otx2_io
+       intf_lid_lt_ld[NPC_MAX_INTF][NPC_MAX_LID][NPC_MAX_LT][NPC_MAX_LD];
+       /* NPC_AF_INTF(0..1)_LDATA(0..1)_FLAGS(0..15)_CFG */
+       uint64_t __otx2_io
+       intf_ld_flags[NPC_MAX_INTF][NPC_MAX_LD][NPC_MAX_LFL];
+#define MKEX_NAME_LEN 128
+       uint8_t __otx2_io mkex_pfl_name[MKEX_NAME_LEN];
+struct flow_msg {
+       unsigned char __otx2_io dmac[6];
+       unsigned char __otx2_io smac[6];
+       uint16_t __otx2_io etype;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io vlan_etype;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io vlan_tci;
+       union {
+               uint32_t __otx2_io ip4src;
+               uint32_t __otx2_io ip6src[4];
+       };
+       union {
+               uint32_t __otx2_io ip4dst;
+               uint32_t __otx2_io ip6dst[4];
+       };
+       uint8_t __otx2_io tos;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io ip_ver;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io ip_proto;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io tc;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io sport;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io dport;
+struct npc_install_flow_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       struct flow_msg packet;
+       struct flow_msg mask;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io features;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io entry;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io channel;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io intf;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io set_cntr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io default_rule;
+       /* Overwrite(0) or append(1) flow to default rule? */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io append;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io vf;
+       /* action */
+       uint32_t __otx2_io index;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io match_id;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io flow_key_alg;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io op;
+       /* vtag action */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io vtag0_type;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io vtag0_valid;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io vtag1_type;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io vtag1_valid;
+struct npc_install_flow_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       /* Negative if no counter else counter number */
+       int __otx2_io counter;
+struct npc_delete_flow_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io entry;
+       /* PF + VFs */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io all;
+struct npc_mcam_read_entry_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       /* MCAM entry to read */
+       uint16_t __otx2_io entry;
+struct npc_mcam_read_entry_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       struct mcam_entry entry_data;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io intf;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io enable;
+/* TIM mailbox error codes
+ * Range 801 - 900.
+ */
+enum tim_af_status {
+       TIM_AF_NO_RINGS_LEFT                    = -801,
+       TIM_AF_INVALID_NPA_PF_FUNC              = -802,
+       TIM_AF_INVALID_SSO_PF_FUNC              = -803,
+       TIM_AF_RING_STILL_RUNNING               = -804,
+       TIM_AF_LF_INVALID                       = -805,
+       TIM_AF_CSIZE_NOT_ALIGNED                = -806,
+       TIM_AF_CSIZE_TOO_SMALL                  = -807,
+       TIM_AF_CSIZE_TOO_BIG                    = -808,
+       TIM_AF_INTERVAL_TOO_SMALL               = -809,
+       TIM_AF_INVALID_BIG_ENDIAN_VALUE         = -810,
+       TIM_AF_INVALID_CLOCK_SOURCE             = -811,
+       TIM_AF_GPIO_CLK_SRC_NOT_ENABLED         = -812,
+       TIM_AF_INVALID_BSIZE                    = -813,
+       TIM_AF_INVALID_ENABLE_PERIODIC          = -814,
+       TIM_AF_INVALID_ENABLE_DONTFREE          = -815,
+       TIM_AF_ENA_DONTFRE_NSET_PERIODIC        = -816,
+       TIM_AF_RING_ALREADY_DISABLED            = -817,
+enum tim_clk_srcs {
+       TIM_CLK_SRCS_TENNS      = 0,
+       TIM_CLK_SRCS_GPIO       = 1,
+       TIM_CLK_SRCS_GTI        = 2,
+       TIM_CLK_SRCS_PTP        = 3,
+enum tim_gpio_edge {
+       TIM_GPIO_NO_EDGE                = 0,
+       TIM_GPIO_LTOH_TRANS             = 1,
+       TIM_GPIO_HTOL_TRANS             = 2,
+       TIM_GPIO_BOTH_TRANS             = 3,
+enum ptp_op {
+       PTP_OP_ADJFINE = 0, /* adjfine(req.scaled_ppm); */
+       PTP_OP_GET_CLOCK = 1, /* rsp.clk = get_clock() */
+struct ptp_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io op;
+       int64_t __otx2_io scaled_ppm;
+struct ptp_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io clk;
+struct get_hw_cap_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       /* Schq mapping fixed or flexible */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io nix_fixed_txschq_mapping;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io nix_express_traffic; /* Are express links supported */
+       uint8_t __otx2_io nix_shaping; /* Is shaping and coloring supported */
+struct ndc_sync_op {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io nix_lf_tx_sync;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io nix_lf_rx_sync;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io npa_lf_sync;
+struct tim_lf_alloc_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io ring;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io npa_pf_func;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io sso_pf_func;
+struct tim_ring_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io ring;
+struct tim_config_req {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint16_t __otx2_io ring;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io bigendian;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io clocksource;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io enableperiodic;
+       uint8_t __otx2_io enabledontfreebuffer;
+       uint32_t __otx2_io bucketsize;
+       uint32_t __otx2_io chunksize;
+       uint32_t __otx2_io interval;
+struct tim_lf_alloc_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io tenns_clk;
+struct tim_enable_rsp {
+       struct mbox_msghdr hdr;
+       uint64_t __otx2_io timestarted;
+       uint32_t __otx2_io currentbucket;
 #endif /* __OTX2_MBOX_H__ */

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