Added code to save the queue bandwidth information when it is applied
and it is replayed when queue is re-enabled again. Earlier saved value
is used for replay purpose.
Added vsi_handle, tc, and q_handle argument to the ice_cfg_q_bw_lmt,

Signed-off-by: Tarun Singh <>
Signed-off-by: Paul M Stillwell Jr <>
Signed-off-by: Leyi Rong <>
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_common.c |  7 ++-
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_common.h |  4 ++
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.c  | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.h  |  8 +--
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.h |  5 --
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_type.h   |  8 +++
 6 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_common.c 
index c74e4e1d4..09296ead2 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_common.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_common.c
@@ -3606,7 +3606,7 @@ ice_get_ctx(u8 *src_ctx, u8 *dest_ctx, struct ice_ctx_ele 
  * @tc: TC number
  * @q_handle: software queue handle
-static struct ice_q_ctx *
+struct ice_q_ctx *
 ice_get_lan_q_ctx(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle, u8 tc, u16 q_handle)
        struct ice_vsi_ctx *vsi;
@@ -3703,9 +3703,12 @@ ice_ena_vsi_txq(struct ice_port_info *pi, u16 
vsi_handle, u8 tc, u16 q_handle,
        node.node_teid = buf->txqs[0].q_teid; = ICE_AQC_ELEM_TYPE_LEAF;
        q_ctx->q_handle = q_handle;
+       q_ctx->q_teid = LE32_TO_CPU(node.node_teid);
-       /* add a leaf node into schduler tree queue layer */
+       /* add a leaf node into scheduler tree queue layer */
        status = ice_sched_add_node(pi, hw->num_tx_sched_layers - 1, &node);
+       if (!status)
+               status = ice_sched_replay_q_bw(pi, q_ctx);
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_common.h 
index 58c66fdc0..aee754b85 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_common.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_common.h
@@ -186,6 +186,10 @@ void ice_sched_replay_agg(struct ice_hw *hw);
 enum ice_status ice_sched_replay_tc_node_bw(struct ice_hw *hw);
 enum ice_status ice_replay_vsi_agg(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle);
 enum ice_status
+ice_sched_replay_q_bw(struct ice_port_info *pi, struct ice_q_ctx *q_ctx);
+struct ice_q_ctx *
+ice_get_lan_q_ctx(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle, u8 tc, u16 q_handle);
+enum ice_status
 ice_cfg_tc_node_bw_alloc(struct ice_port_info *pi, u8 tc,
                         enum ice_rl_type rl_type, u8 bw_alloc);
 enum ice_status ice_cfg_rl_burst_size(struct ice_hw *hw, u32 bytes);
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.c b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.c
index 8773e62a9..855e3848c 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.c
@@ -4326,27 +4326,61 @@ ice_sched_validate_srl_node(struct ice_sched_node 
*node, u8 sel_layer)
        return ICE_ERR_CFG;
+ * ice_sched_save_q_bw - save queue node's BW information
+ * @q_ctx: queue context structure
+ * @rl_type: rate limit type min, max, or shared
+ * @bw: bandwidth in Kbps - Kilo bits per sec
+ *
+ * Save BW information of queue type node for post replay use.
+ */
+static enum ice_status
+ice_sched_save_q_bw(struct ice_q_ctx *q_ctx, enum ice_rl_type rl_type, u32 bw)
+       switch (rl_type) {
+       case ICE_MIN_BW:
+               ice_set_clear_cir_bw(&q_ctx->bw_t_info, bw);
+               break;
+       case ICE_MAX_BW:
+               ice_set_clear_eir_bw(&q_ctx->bw_t_info, bw);
+               break;
+       case ICE_SHARED_BW:
+               ice_set_clear_shared_bw(&q_ctx->bw_t_info, bw);
+               break;
+       default:
+               return ICE_ERR_PARAM;
+       }
+       return ICE_SUCCESS;
  * ice_sched_set_q_bw_lmt - sets queue BW limit
  * @pi: port information structure
- * @q_id: queue ID (leaf node TEID)
+ * @vsi_handle: sw VSI handle
+ * @tc: traffic class
+ * @q_handle: software queue handle
  * @rl_type: min, max, or shared
  * @bw: bandwidth in Kbps
  * This function sets BW limit of queue scheduling node.
 static enum ice_status
-ice_sched_set_q_bw_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 q_id,
-                      enum ice_rl_type rl_type, u32 bw)
+ice_sched_set_q_bw_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, u16 vsi_handle, u8 tc,
+                      u16 q_handle, enum ice_rl_type rl_type, u32 bw)
        enum ice_status status = ICE_ERR_PARAM;
        struct ice_sched_node *node;
+       struct ice_q_ctx *q_ctx;
+       if (!ice_is_vsi_valid(pi->hw, vsi_handle))
+               return ICE_ERR_PARAM;
-       node = ice_sched_find_node_by_teid(pi->root, q_id);
+       q_ctx = ice_get_lan_q_ctx(pi->hw, vsi_handle, tc, q_handle);
+       if (!q_ctx)
+               goto exit_q_bw_lmt;
+       node = ice_sched_find_node_by_teid(pi->root, q_ctx->q_teid);
        if (!node) {
-               ice_debug(pi->hw, ICE_DBG_SCHED, "Wrong q_id\n");
+               ice_debug(pi->hw, ICE_DBG_SCHED, "Wrong q_teid\n");
                goto exit_q_bw_lmt;
@@ -4374,6 +4408,9 @@ ice_sched_set_q_bw_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 q_id,
                status = ice_sched_set_node_bw_lmt(pi, node, rl_type, bw);
+       if (!status)
+               status = ice_sched_save_q_bw(q_ctx, rl_type, bw);
        return status;
@@ -4382,32 +4419,38 @@ ice_sched_set_q_bw_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 
  * ice_cfg_q_bw_lmt - configure queue BW limit
  * @pi: port information structure
- * @q_id: queue ID (leaf node TEID)
+ * @vsi_handle: sw VSI handle
+ * @tc: traffic class
+ * @q_handle: software queue handle
  * @rl_type: min, max, or shared
  * @bw: bandwidth in Kbps
  * This function configures BW limit of queue scheduling node.
 enum ice_status
-ice_cfg_q_bw_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 q_id, enum ice_rl_type rl_type,
-                u32 bw)
+ice_cfg_q_bw_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, u16 vsi_handle, u8 tc,
+                u16 q_handle, enum ice_rl_type rl_type, u32 bw)
-       return ice_sched_set_q_bw_lmt(pi, q_id, rl_type, bw);
+       return ice_sched_set_q_bw_lmt(pi, vsi_handle, tc, q_handle, rl_type,
+                                     bw);
  * ice_cfg_q_bw_dflt_lmt - configure queue BW default limit
  * @pi: port information structure
- * @q_id: queue ID (leaf node TEID)
+ * @vsi_handle: sw VSI handle
+ * @tc: traffic class
+ * @q_handle: software queue handle
  * @rl_type: min, max, or shared
  * This function configures BW default limit of queue scheduling node.
 enum ice_status
-ice_cfg_q_bw_dflt_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 q_id,
-                     enum ice_rl_type rl_type)
+ice_cfg_q_bw_dflt_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, u16 vsi_handle, u8 tc,
+                     u16 q_handle, enum ice_rl_type rl_type)
-       return ice_sched_set_q_bw_lmt(pi, q_id, rl_type, ICE_SCHED_DFLT_BW);
+       return ice_sched_set_q_bw_lmt(pi, vsi_handle, tc, q_handle, rl_type,
+                                     ICE_SCHED_DFLT_BW);
@@ -5421,3 +5464,23 @@ ice_replay_vsi_agg(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 vsi_handle)
        return status;
+ * ice_sched_replay_q_bw - replay queue type node BW
+ * @pi: port information structure
+ * @q_ctx: queue context structure
+ *
+ * This function replays queue type node bandwidth. This function needs to be
+ * called with scheduler lock held.
+ */
+enum ice_status
+ice_sched_replay_q_bw(struct ice_port_info *pi, struct ice_q_ctx *q_ctx)
+       struct ice_sched_node *q_node;
+       /* Following also checks the presence of node in tree */
+       q_node = ice_sched_find_node_by_teid(pi->root, q_ctx->q_teid);
+       if (!q_node)
+               return ICE_ERR_PARAM;
+       return ice_sched_replay_node_bw(pi->hw, q_node, &q_ctx->bw_t_info);
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.h b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.h
index 92377a82e..56f9977ab 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.h
@@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ ice_move_vsi_to_agg(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 agg_id, 
u16 vsi_handle,
                    u8 tc_bitmap);
 enum ice_status ice_rm_agg_cfg(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 agg_id);
 enum ice_status
-ice_cfg_q_bw_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 q_id, enum ice_rl_type rl_type,
-                u32 bw);
+ice_cfg_q_bw_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, u16 vsi_handle, u8 tc,
+                u16 q_handle, enum ice_rl_type rl_type, u32 bw);
 enum ice_status
-ice_cfg_q_bw_dflt_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 q_id,
-                     enum ice_rl_type rl_type);
+ice_cfg_q_bw_dflt_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, u16 vsi_handle, u8 tc,
+                     u16 q_handle, enum ice_rl_type rl_type);
 enum ice_status
 ice_cfg_tc_node_bw_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, u8 tc,
                       enum ice_rl_type rl_type, u32 bw);
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.h 
index a6e17e861..e3fb0434d 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_switch.h
@@ -21,11 +21,6 @@
-/* VSI queue context structure */
-struct ice_q_ctx {
-       u16  q_handle;
 /* VSI context structure for add/get/update/free operations */
 struct ice_vsi_ctx {
        u16 vsi_num;
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_type.h b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_type.h
index e4979b832..b1682c5bb 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_type.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_type.h
@@ -557,6 +557,14 @@ struct ice_bw_type_info {
        u32 shared_bw;
+/* VSI queue context structure for given TC */
+struct ice_q_ctx {
+       u16  q_handle;
+       u32  q_teid;
+       /* bw_t_info saves queue BW information */
+       struct ice_bw_type_info bw_t_info;
 /* VSI type list entry to locate corresponding VSI/aggregator nodes */
 struct ice_sched_vsi_info {
        struct ice_sched_node *vsi_node[ICE_MAX_TRAFFIC_CLASS];

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