Make functions that can be, static. Remove some code that is not
currently called.

Signed-off-by: Bruce Allan <>
Signed-off-by: Paul M Stillwell Jr <>
Signed-off-by: Leyi Rong <>
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.c | 579 ++++-----------------------
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.h |  59 ---
 2 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 560 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.c 
index 8f19b9fef..c136c03db 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.c
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ ice_enum_labels(struct ice_seg *ice_seg, u32 type, struct 
ice_pkg_enum *state,
  * since the first call to ice_enum_labels requires a pointer to an actual
  * ice_seg structure.
-void ice_init_pkg_hints(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_seg *ice_seg)
+static void ice_init_pkg_hints(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_seg *ice_seg)
        struct ice_pkg_enum state;
        char *label_name;
@@ -808,27 +808,6 @@ ice_aq_download_pkg(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_buf_hdr 
        return status;
- * ice_aq_upload_section
- * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
- * @pkg_buf: the package buffer which will receive the section
- * @buf_size: the size of the package buffer
- * @cd: pointer to command details structure or NULL
- *
- * Upload Section (0x0C41)
- */
-enum ice_status
-ice_aq_upload_section(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_buf_hdr *pkg_buf,
-                     u16 buf_size, struct ice_sq_cd *cd)
-       struct ice_aq_desc desc;
-       ice_debug(hw, ICE_DBG_TRACE, "ice_aq_upload_section");
-       ice_fill_dflt_direct_cmd_desc(&desc, ice_aqc_opc_upload_section);
-       desc.flags |= CPU_TO_LE16(ICE_AQ_FLAG_RD);
-       return ice_aq_send_cmd(hw, &desc, pkg_buf, buf_size, cd);
  * ice_aq_update_pkg
@@ -890,7 +869,7 @@ ice_aq_update_pkg(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_buf_hdr 
*pkg_buf, u16 buf_size,
  * success it returns a pointer to the segment header, otherwise it will
  * return NULL.
-struct ice_generic_seg_hdr *
+static struct ice_generic_seg_hdr *
 ice_find_seg_in_pkg(struct ice_hw *hw, u32 seg_type,
                    struct ice_pkg_hdr *pkg_hdr)
@@ -1052,7 +1031,8 @@ ice_aq_get_pkg_info_list(struct ice_hw *hw,
  * Handles the download of a complete package.
-enum ice_status ice_download_pkg(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_seg *ice_seg)
+static enum ice_status
+ice_download_pkg(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_seg *ice_seg)
        struct ice_buf_table *ice_buf_tbl;
@@ -1081,7 +1061,7 @@ enum ice_status ice_download_pkg(struct ice_hw *hw, 
struct ice_seg *ice_seg)
  * Saves off the package details into the HW structure.
-enum ice_status
+static enum ice_status
 ice_init_pkg_info(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_pkg_hdr *pkg_hdr)
        struct ice_global_metadata_seg *meta_seg;
@@ -1133,8 +1113,7 @@ ice_init_pkg_info(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_pkg_hdr 
  * Store details of the package currently loaded in HW into the HW structure.
-enum ice_status
-ice_get_pkg_info(struct ice_hw *hw)
+static enum ice_status ice_get_pkg_info(struct ice_hw *hw)
        struct ice_aqc_get_pkg_info_resp *pkg_info;
        enum ice_status status;
@@ -1187,40 +1166,6 @@ ice_get_pkg_info(struct ice_hw *hw)
        return status;
- * ice_find_label_value
- * @ice_seg: pointer to the ice segment (non-NULL)
- * @name: name of the label to search for
- * @type: the section type that will contain the label
- * @value: pointer to a value that will return the label's value if found
- *
- * Finds a label's value given the label name and the section type to search.
- * The ice_seg parameter must not be NULL since the first call to
- * ice_enum_labels requires a pointer to an actual ice_seg structure.
- */
-enum ice_status
-ice_find_label_value(struct ice_seg *ice_seg, char const *name, u32 type,
-                    u16 *value)
-       struct ice_pkg_enum state;
-       char *label_name;
-       u16 val;
-       if (!ice_seg)
-               return ICE_ERR_PARAM;
-       do {
-               label_name = ice_enum_labels(ice_seg, type, &state, &val);
-               if (label_name && !strcmp(label_name, name)) {
-                       *value = val;
-                       return ICE_SUCCESS;
-               }
-               ice_seg = NULL;
-       } while (label_name);
-       return ICE_ERR_CFG;
  * ice_verify_pkg - verify package
@@ -1499,7 +1444,7 @@ enum ice_status ice_copy_and_init_pkg(struct ice_hw *hw, 
const u8 *buf, u32 len)
  * Allocates a package buffer and returns a pointer to the buffer header.
  * Note: all package contents must be in Little Endian form.
-struct ice_buf_build *ice_pkg_buf_alloc(struct ice_hw *hw)
+static struct ice_buf_build *ice_pkg_buf_alloc(struct ice_hw *hw)
        struct ice_buf_build *bld;
        struct ice_buf_hdr *buf;
@@ -1623,40 +1568,15 @@ ice_get_sw_fv_list(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 *prot_ids, u8 
- * ice_pkg_buf_alloc_single_section
+ * ice_pkg_buf_free
  * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
- * @type: the section type value
- * @size: the size of the section to reserve (in bytes)
- * @section: returns pointer to the section
+ * @bld: pointer to pkg build (allocated by ice_pkg_buf_alloc())
- * Allocates a package buffer with a single section.
- * Note: all package contents must be in Little Endian form.
+ * Frees a package buffer
-static struct ice_buf_build *
-ice_pkg_buf_alloc_single_section(struct ice_hw *hw, u32 type, u16 size,
-                                void **section)
+static void ice_pkg_buf_free(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_buf_build *bld)
-       struct ice_buf_build *buf;
-       if (!section)
-               return NULL;
-       buf = ice_pkg_buf_alloc(hw);
-       if (!buf)
-               return NULL;
-       if (ice_pkg_buf_reserve_section(buf, 1))
-               goto ice_pkg_buf_alloc_single_section_err;
-       *section = ice_pkg_buf_alloc_section(buf, type, size);
-       if (!*section)
-               goto ice_pkg_buf_alloc_single_section_err;
-       return buf;
-       ice_pkg_buf_free(hw, buf);
-       return NULL;
+       ice_free(hw, bld);
@@ -1672,7 +1592,7 @@ ice_pkg_buf_alloc_single_section(struct ice_hw *hw, u32 
type, u16 size,
  * result in some wasted space in the buffer.
  * Note: all package contents must be in Little Endian form.
-enum ice_status
+static enum ice_status
 ice_pkg_buf_reserve_section(struct ice_buf_build *bld, u16 count)
        struct ice_buf_hdr *buf;
@@ -1700,48 +1620,6 @@ ice_pkg_buf_reserve_section(struct ice_buf_build *bld, 
u16 count)
        return ICE_SUCCESS;
- * ice_pkg_buf_unreserve_section
- * @bld: pointer to pkg build (allocated by ice_pkg_buf_alloc())
- * @count: the number of sections to unreserve
- *
- * Unreserves one or more section table entries in a package buffer, releasing
- * space that can be used for section data. This routine can be called
- * multiple times as long as they are made before calling
- * ice_pkg_buf_alloc_section(). Once ice_pkg_buf_alloc_section()
- * is called once, the number of sections that can be allocated will not be 
- * to be increased; not using all reserved sections is fine, but this will
- * result in some wasted space in the buffer.
- * Note: all package contents must be in Little Endian form.
- */
-enum ice_status
-ice_pkg_buf_unreserve_section(struct ice_buf_build *bld, u16 count)
-       struct ice_buf_hdr *buf;
-       u16 section_count;
-       u16 data_end;
-       if (!bld)
-               return ICE_ERR_PARAM;
-       buf = (struct ice_buf_hdr *)&bld->buf;
-       /* already an active section, can't decrease table size */
-       section_count = LE16_TO_CPU(buf->section_count);
-       if (section_count > 0)
-               return ICE_ERR_CFG;
-       if (count > bld->reserved_section_table_entries)
-               return ICE_ERR_CFG;
-       bld->reserved_section_table_entries -= count;
-       data_end = LE16_TO_CPU(buf->data_end) -
-                  (count * sizeof(buf->section_entry[0]));
-       buf->data_end = CPU_TO_LE16(data_end);
-       return ICE_SUCCESS;
  * ice_pkg_buf_alloc_section
  * @bld: pointer to pkg build (allocated by ice_pkg_buf_alloc())
@@ -1754,7 +1632,7 @@ ice_pkg_buf_unreserve_section(struct ice_buf_build *bld, 
u16 count)
  * section contents.
  * Note: all package contents must be in Little Endian form.
-void *
+static void *
 ice_pkg_buf_alloc_section(struct ice_buf_build *bld, u32 type, u16 size)
        struct ice_buf_hdr *buf;
@@ -1795,23 +1673,8 @@ ice_pkg_buf_alloc_section(struct ice_buf_build *bld, u32 
type, u16 size)
        return NULL;
- * ice_pkg_buf_get_free_space
- * @bld: pointer to pkg build (allocated by ice_pkg_buf_alloc())
- *
- * Returns the number of free bytes remaining in the buffer.
- * Note: all package contents must be in Little Endian form.
- */
-u16 ice_pkg_buf_get_free_space(struct ice_buf_build *bld)
-       struct ice_buf_hdr *buf;
-       if (!bld)
-               return 0;
-       buf = (struct ice_buf_hdr *)&bld->buf;
-       return ICE_MAX_S_DATA_END - LE16_TO_CPU(buf->data_end);
  * ice_pkg_buf_get_active_sections
@@ -1823,7 +1686,7 @@ u16 ice_pkg_buf_get_free_space(struct ice_buf_build *bld)
  * not be used.
  * Note: all package contents must be in Little Endian form.
-u16 ice_pkg_buf_get_active_sections(struct ice_buf_build *bld)
+static u16 ice_pkg_buf_get_active_sections(struct ice_buf_build *bld)
        struct ice_buf_hdr *buf;
@@ -1840,7 +1703,7 @@ u16 ice_pkg_buf_get_active_sections(struct ice_buf_build 
  * Return a pointer to the buffer's header
-struct ice_buf *ice_pkg_buf(struct ice_buf_build *bld)
+static struct ice_buf *ice_pkg_buf(struct ice_buf_build *bld)
        if (!bld)
                return NULL;
@@ -1848,17 +1711,6 @@ struct ice_buf *ice_pkg_buf(struct ice_buf_build *bld)
        return &bld->buf;
- * ice_pkg_buf_free
- * @hw: pointer to the HW structure
- * @bld: pointer to pkg build (allocated by ice_pkg_buf_alloc())
- *
- * Frees a package buffer
- */
-void ice_pkg_buf_free(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_buf_build *bld)
-       ice_free(hw, bld);
  * ice_find_prot_off - find prot ID and offset pair, based on prof and FV index
@@ -1891,38 +1743,6 @@ ice_find_prot_off(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, 
u8 prof, u8 fv_idx,
 /* PTG Management */
- * ice_ptg_update_xlt1 - Updates packet type groups in HW via XLT1 table
- * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
- * @blk: HW block
- *
- * This function will update the XLT1 hardware table to reflect the new
- * packet type group configuration.
- */
-enum ice_status ice_ptg_update_xlt1(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk)
-       struct ice_xlt1_section *sect;
-       struct ice_buf_build *bld;
-       enum ice_status status;
-       u16 index;
-       bld = ice_pkg_buf_alloc_single_section(hw, ice_sect_id(blk, ICE_XLT1),
-                                              ICE_XLT1_SIZE(ICE_XLT1_CNT),
-                                              (void **)&sect);
-       if (!bld)
-               return ICE_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
-       sect->count = CPU_TO_LE16(ICE_XLT1_CNT);
-       sect->offset = CPU_TO_LE16(0);
-       for (index = 0; index < ICE_XLT1_CNT; index++)
-               sect->value[index] = hw->blk[blk].xlt1.ptypes[index].ptg;
-       status = ice_update_pkg(hw, ice_pkg_buf(bld), 1);
-       ice_pkg_buf_free(hw, bld);
-       return status;
  * ice_ptg_find_ptype - Search for packet type group using packet type (ptype)
@@ -1935,7 +1755,7 @@ enum ice_status ice_ptg_update_xlt1(struct ice_hw *hw, 
enum ice_block blk)
  * PTG ID that contains it through the ptg parameter, with the value of
  * ICE_DEFAULT_PTG (0) meaning it is part the default PTG.
-enum ice_status
+static enum ice_status
 ice_ptg_find_ptype(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 ptype, u8 *ptg)
        if (ptype >= ICE_XLT1_CNT || !ptg)
@@ -1969,7 +1789,7 @@ void ice_ptg_alloc_val(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block 
blk, u8 ptg)
  * that 0 is the default packet type group, so successfully created PTGs will
  * have a non-zero ID value; which means a 0 return value indicates an error.
-u8 ice_ptg_alloc(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk)
+static u8 ice_ptg_alloc(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk)
        u16 i;
@@ -1984,30 +1804,6 @@ u8 ice_ptg_alloc(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk)
        return 0;
- * ice_ptg_free - Frees a packet type group
- * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
- * @blk: HW block
- * @ptg: the ptg ID to free
- *
- * This function frees a packet type group, and returns all the current ptypes
- * within it to the default PTG.
- */
-void ice_ptg_free(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u8 ptg)
-       struct ice_ptg_ptype *p, *temp;
-       hw->blk[blk].xlt1.ptg_tbl[ptg].in_use = false;
-       p = hw->blk[blk].xlt1.ptg_tbl[ptg].first_ptype;
-       while (p) {
-               p->ptg = ICE_DEFAULT_PTG;
-               temp = p->next_ptype;
-               p->next_ptype = NULL;
-               p = temp;
-       }
-       hw->blk[blk].xlt1.ptg_tbl[ptg].first_ptype = NULL;
  * ice_ptg_remove_ptype - Removes ptype from a particular packet type group
@@ -2066,7 +1862,7 @@ ice_ptg_remove_ptype(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block 
blk, u16 ptype, u8 ptg)
  * a destination PTG ID of ICE_DEFAULT_PTG (0) will move the ptype to the
  * default PTG.
-enum ice_status
+static enum ice_status
 ice_ptg_add_mv_ptype(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 ptype, u8 ptg)
        enum ice_status status;
@@ -2202,70 +1998,6 @@ ice_match_prop_lst(struct LIST_HEAD_TYPE *list1, struct 
 /* VSIG Management */
- * ice_vsig_update_xlt2_sect - update one section of XLT2 table
- * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
- * @blk: HW block
- * @vsi: HW VSI number to program
- * @vsig: vsig for the VSI
- *
- * This function will update the XLT2 hardware table with the input VSI
- * group configuration.
- */
-static enum ice_status
-ice_vsig_update_xlt2_sect(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 vsi,
-                         u16 vsig)
-       struct ice_xlt2_section *sect;
-       struct ice_buf_build *bld;
-       enum ice_status status;
-       bld = ice_pkg_buf_alloc_single_section(hw, ice_sect_id(blk, ICE_XLT2),
-                                              sizeof(struct ice_xlt2_section),
-                                              (void **)&sect);
-       if (!bld)
-               return ICE_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
-       sect->count = CPU_TO_LE16(1);
-       sect->offset = CPU_TO_LE16(vsi);
-       sect->value[0] = CPU_TO_LE16(vsig);
-       status = ice_update_pkg(hw, ice_pkg_buf(bld), 1);
-       ice_pkg_buf_free(hw, bld);
-       return status;
- * ice_vsig_update_xlt2 - update XLT2 table with VSIG configuration
- * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
- * @blk: HW block
- *
- * This function will update the XLT2 hardware table with the input VSI
- * group configuration of used vsis.
- */
-enum ice_status ice_vsig_update_xlt2(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk)
-       u16 vsi;
-       for (vsi = 0; vsi < ICE_MAX_VSI; vsi++) {
-               /* update only vsis that have been changed */
-               if (hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsis[vsi].changed) {
-                       enum ice_status status;
-                       u16 vsig;
-                       vsig = hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsis[vsi].vsig;
-                       status = ice_vsig_update_xlt2_sect(hw, blk, vsi, vsig);
-                       if (status)
-                               return status;
-                       hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsis[vsi].changed = 0;
-               }
-       }
-       return ICE_SUCCESS;
  * ice_vsig_find_vsi - find a VSIG that contains a specified VSI
@@ -2346,7 +2078,7 @@ static u16 ice_vsig_alloc(struct ice_hw *hw, enum 
ice_block blk)
  * for, the list must match exactly, including the order in which the
  * characteristics are listed.
-enum ice_status
+static enum ice_status
 ice_find_dup_props_vsig(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk,
                        struct LIST_HEAD_TYPE *chs, u16 *vsig)
@@ -2373,7 +2105,7 @@ ice_find_dup_props_vsig(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block 
  * The function will remove all VSIs associated with the input VSIG and move
  * them to the DEFAULT_VSIG and mark the VSIG available.
-enum ice_status
+static enum ice_status
 ice_vsig_free(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 vsig)
        struct ice_vsig_prof *dtmp, *del;
@@ -2424,6 +2156,62 @@ ice_vsig_free(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 
        return ICE_SUCCESS;
+ * ice_vsig_remove_vsi - remove VSI from VSIG
+ * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
+ * @blk: HW block
+ * @vsi: VSI to remove
+ * @vsig: VSI group to remove from
+ *
+ * The function will remove the input VSI from its VSI group and move it
+ * to the DEFAULT_VSIG.
+ */
+static enum ice_status
+ice_vsig_remove_vsi(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 vsi, u16 vsig)
+       struct ice_vsig_vsi **vsi_head, *vsi_cur, *vsi_tgt;
+       u16 idx;
+       idx = vsig & ICE_VSIG_IDX_M;
+       if (vsi >= ICE_MAX_VSI || idx >= ICE_MAX_VSIGS)
+               return ICE_ERR_PARAM;
+       if (!hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsig_tbl[idx].in_use)
+               return ICE_ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
+       /* entry already in default VSIG, don't have to remove */
+       if (idx == ICE_DEFAULT_VSIG)
+               return ICE_SUCCESS;
+       vsi_head = &hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsig_tbl[idx].first_vsi;
+       if (!(*vsi_head))
+               return ICE_ERR_CFG;
+       vsi_tgt = &hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsis[vsi];
+       vsi_cur = (*vsi_head);
+       /* iterate the VSI list, skip over the entry to be removed */
+       while (vsi_cur) {
+               if (vsi_tgt == vsi_cur) {
+                       (*vsi_head) = vsi_cur->next_vsi;
+                       break;
+               }
+               vsi_head = &vsi_cur->next_vsi;
+               vsi_cur = vsi_cur->next_vsi;
+       }
+       /* verify if VSI was removed from group list */
+       if (!vsi_cur)
+               return ICE_ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
+       vsi_cur->vsig = ICE_DEFAULT_VSIG;
+       vsi_cur->changed = 1;
+       vsi_cur->next_vsi = NULL;
+       return ICE_SUCCESS;
  * ice_vsig_add_mv_vsi - add or move a VSI to a VSI group
  * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
@@ -2436,7 +2224,7 @@ ice_vsig_free(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 
  * move the entry to the DEFAULT_VSIG, update the original VSIG and
  * then move entry to the new VSIG.
-enum ice_status
+static enum ice_status
 ice_vsig_add_mv_vsi(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 vsi, u16 vsig)
        struct ice_vsig_vsi *tmp;
@@ -2487,62 +2275,6 @@ ice_vsig_add_mv_vsi(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block 
blk, u16 vsi, u16 vsig)
        return ICE_SUCCESS;
- * ice_vsig_remove_vsi - remove VSI from VSIG
- * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
- * @blk: HW block
- * @vsi: VSI to remove
- * @vsig: VSI group to remove from
- *
- * The function will remove the input VSI from its VSI group and move it
- * to the DEFAULT_VSIG.
- */
-enum ice_status
-ice_vsig_remove_vsi(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 vsi, u16 vsig)
-       struct ice_vsig_vsi **vsi_head, *vsi_cur, *vsi_tgt;
-       u16 idx;
-       idx = vsig & ICE_VSIG_IDX_M;
-       if (vsi >= ICE_MAX_VSI || idx >= ICE_MAX_VSIGS)
-               return ICE_ERR_PARAM;
-       if (!hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsig_tbl[idx].in_use)
-               return ICE_ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
-       /* entry already in default VSIG, don't have to remove */
-       if (idx == ICE_DEFAULT_VSIG)
-               return ICE_SUCCESS;
-       vsi_head = &hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsig_tbl[idx].first_vsi;
-       if (!(*vsi_head))
-               return ICE_ERR_CFG;
-       vsi_tgt = &hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsis[vsi];
-       vsi_cur = (*vsi_head);
-       /* iterate the VSI list, skip over the entry to be removed */
-       while (vsi_cur) {
-               if (vsi_tgt == vsi_cur) {
-                       (*vsi_head) = vsi_cur->next_vsi;
-                       break;
-               }
-               vsi_head = &vsi_cur->next_vsi;
-               vsi_cur = vsi_cur->next_vsi;
-       }
-       /* verify if VSI was removed from group list */
-       if (!vsi_cur)
-               return ICE_ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
-       vsi_cur->vsig = ICE_DEFAULT_VSIG;
-       vsi_cur->changed = 1;
-       vsi_cur->next_vsi = NULL;
-       return ICE_SUCCESS;
  * ice_find_prof_id - find profile ID for a given field vector
  * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
@@ -3142,70 +2874,6 @@ static void ice_init_flow_profs(struct ice_hw *hw, u8 
- * ice_clear_hw_tbls - clear HW tables and flow profiles
- * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
- */
-void ice_clear_hw_tbls(struct ice_hw *hw)
-       u8 i;
-       for (i = 0; i < ICE_BLK_COUNT; i++) {
-               struct ice_prof_redir *prof_redir = &hw->blk[i].prof_redir;
-               struct ice_prof_tcam *prof = &hw->blk[i].prof;
-               struct ice_xlt1 *xlt1 = &hw->blk[i].xlt1;
-               struct ice_xlt2 *xlt2 = &hw->blk[i].xlt2;
-               struct ice_es *es = &hw->blk[i].es;
-               if (hw->blk[i].is_list_init) {
-                       struct ice_prof_map *del, *tmp;
-                       ice_acquire_lock(&es->prof_map_lock);
-                       LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(del, tmp, &es->prof_map,
-                                                ice_prof_map, list) {
-                               LIST_DEL(&del->list);
-                               ice_free(hw, del);
-                       }
-                       INIT_LIST_HEAD(&es->prof_map);
-                       ice_release_lock(&es->prof_map_lock);
-                       ice_acquire_lock(&hw->fl_profs_locks[i]);
-                       ice_free_flow_profs(hw, i);
-                       ice_release_lock(&hw->fl_profs_locks[i]);
-               }
-               ice_free_vsig_tbl(hw, (enum ice_block)i);
-               ice_memset(xlt1->ptypes, 0, xlt1->count * sizeof(*xlt1->ptypes),
-                          ICE_NONDMA_MEM);
-               ice_memset(xlt1->ptg_tbl, 0,
-                          ICE_MAX_PTGS * sizeof(*xlt1->ptg_tbl),
-                          ICE_NONDMA_MEM);
-               ice_memset(xlt1->t, 0, xlt1->count * sizeof(*xlt1->t),
-                          ICE_NONDMA_MEM);
-               ice_memset(xlt2->vsis, 0, xlt2->count * sizeof(*xlt2->vsis),
-                          ICE_NONDMA_MEM);
-               ice_memset(xlt2->vsig_tbl, 0,
-                          xlt2->count * sizeof(*xlt2->vsig_tbl),
-                          ICE_NONDMA_MEM);
-               ice_memset(xlt2->t, 0, xlt2->count * sizeof(*xlt2->t),
-                          ICE_NONDMA_MEM);
-               ice_memset(prof->t, 0, prof->count * sizeof(*prof->t),
-                          ICE_NONDMA_MEM);
-               ice_memset(prof_redir->t, 0,
-                          prof_redir->count * sizeof(*prof_redir->t),
-                          ICE_NONDMA_MEM);
-               ice_memset(es->t, 0, es->count * sizeof(*es->t),
-                          ICE_NONDMA_MEM);
-               ice_memset(es->ref_count, 0, es->count * sizeof(*es->ref_count),
-                          ICE_NONDMA_MEM);
-               ice_memset(es->written, 0, es->count * sizeof(*es->written),
-                          ICE_NONDMA_MEM);
-       }
  * ice_init_hw_tbls - init hardware table memory
@@ -4100,43 +3768,6 @@ ice_search_prof_id(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block 
blk, u64 id)
        return entry;
- * ice_set_prof_context - Set context for a given profile
- * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
- * @blk: hardware block
- * @id: profile tracking ID
- * @cntxt: context
- */
-struct ice_prof_map *
-ice_set_prof_context(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u64 id, u64 cntxt)
-       struct ice_prof_map *entry;
-       entry = ice_search_prof_id(hw, blk, id);
-       if (entry)
-               entry->context = cntxt;
-       return entry;
- * ice_get_prof_context - Get context for a given profile
- * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
- * @blk: hardware block
- * @id: profile tracking ID
- * @cntxt: pointer to variable to receive the context
- */
-struct ice_prof_map *
-ice_get_prof_context(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u64 id, u64 *cntxt)
-       struct ice_prof_map *entry;
-       entry = ice_search_prof_id(hw, blk, id);
-       if (entry)
-               *cntxt = entry->context;
-       return entry;
  * ice_vsig_prof_id_count - count profiles in a VSIG
@@ -5094,33 +4725,6 @@ ice_add_prof_id_flow(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block 
blk, u16 vsi, u64 hdl)
        return status;
- * ice_add_flow - add flow
- * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
- * @blk: hardware block
- * @vsi: array of VSIs to enable with the profile specified by ID
- * @count: number of elements in the VSI array
- * @id: profile tracking ID
- *
- * Calling this function will update the hardware tables to enable the
- * profile indicated by the ID parameter for the VSIs specified in the VSI
- * array. Once successfully called, the flow will be enabled.
- */
-enum ice_status
-ice_add_flow(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 vsi[], u8 count,
-            u64 id)
-       enum ice_status status;
-       u16 i;
-       for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-               status = ice_add_prof_id_flow(hw, blk, vsi[i], id);
-               if (status)
-                       return status;
-       }
-       return ICE_SUCCESS;
  * ice_rem_prof_from_list - remove a profile from list
@@ -5276,30 +4880,3 @@ ice_rem_prof_id_flow(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block 
blk, u16 vsi, u64 hdl)
        return status;
- * ice_rem_flow - remove flow
- * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
- * @blk: hardware block
- * @vsi: array of VSIs from which to remove the profile specified by ID
- * @count: number of elements in the VSI array
- * @id: profile tracking ID
- *
- * The function will remove flows from the specified VSIs that were enabled
- * using ice_add_flow. The ID value will indicated which profile will be
- * removed. Once successfully called, the flow will be disabled.
- */
-enum ice_status
-ice_rem_flow(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 vsi[], u8 count,
-            u64 id)
-       enum ice_status status;
-       u16 i;
-       for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-               status = ice_rem_prof_id_flow(hw, blk, vsi[i], id);
-               if (status)
-                       return status;
-       }
-       return ICE_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.h 
index 4714fe646..7142ae7fe 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.h
@@ -27,66 +27,18 @@ void ice_release_change_lock(struct ice_hw *hw);
 enum ice_status
 ice_find_prot_off(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u8 prof, u8 fv_idx,
                  u8 *prot, u16 *off);
-struct ice_generic_seg_hdr *
-ice_find_seg_in_pkg(struct ice_hw *hw, u32 seg_type,
-                   struct ice_pkg_hdr *pkg_hdr);
-enum ice_status ice_download_pkg(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_seg *ice_seg);
-enum ice_status
-ice_init_pkg_info(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_pkg_hdr *pkg_header);
-enum ice_status
-ice_get_pkg_info(struct ice_hw *hw);
-void ice_init_pkg_hints(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_seg *ice_seg);
 enum ice_status
 ice_find_label_value(struct ice_seg *ice_seg, char const *name, u32 type,
                     u16 *value);
 enum ice_status
 ice_get_sw_fv_list(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 *prot_ids, u8 ids_cnt,
                   struct LIST_HEAD_TYPE *fv_list);
-enum ice_status
-ice_aq_upload_section(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_buf_hdr *pkg_buf,
-                     u16 buf_size, struct ice_sq_cd *cd);
-enum ice_status
-ice_pkg_buf_unreserve_section(struct ice_buf_build *bld, u16 count);
-u16 ice_pkg_buf_get_free_space(struct ice_buf_build *bld);
-u16 ice_pkg_buf_get_active_sections(struct ice_buf_build *bld);
-/* package buffer building routines */
-struct ice_buf_build *ice_pkg_buf_alloc(struct ice_hw *hw);
-enum ice_status
-ice_pkg_buf_reserve_section(struct ice_buf_build *bld, u16 count);
-void *ice_pkg_buf_alloc_section(struct ice_buf_build *bld, u32 type, u16 size);
-struct ice_buf *ice_pkg_buf(struct ice_buf_build *bld);
-void ice_pkg_buf_free(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_buf_build *bld);
-/* XLT1/PType group functions */
-enum ice_status ice_ptg_update_xlt1(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk);
-enum ice_status
-ice_ptg_find_ptype(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 ptype, u8 *ptg);
-u8 ice_ptg_alloc(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk);
-void ice_ptg_free(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u8 ptg);
-enum ice_status
-ice_ptg_add_mv_ptype(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 ptype, u8 ptg);
 /* XLT2/VSI group functions */
-enum ice_status ice_vsig_update_xlt2(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk);
 enum ice_status
 ice_vsig_find_vsi(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 vsi, u16 *vsig);
-enum ice_status
-ice_find_dup_props_vsig(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk,
-                       struct LIST_HEAD_TYPE *chs, u16 *vsig);
-enum ice_status
-ice_vsig_add_mv_vsi(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 vsi, u16 vsig);
-enum ice_status ice_vsig_free(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 vsig);
-enum ice_status
-ice_vsig_add_mv_vsi(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 vsi, u16 vsig);
-enum ice_status
-ice_vsig_remove_vsi(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 vsi, u16 vsig);
 enum ice_status
 ice_add_prof(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u64 id, u8 ptypes[],
             struct ice_fv_word *es);
@@ -98,10 +50,6 @@ enum ice_status
 ice_add_prof_id_flow(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 vsi, u64 hdl);
 enum ice_status
 ice_rem_prof_id_flow(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 vsi, u64 hdl);
-struct ice_prof_map *
-ice_set_prof_context(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u64 id, u64 cntxt);
-struct ice_prof_map *
-ice_get_prof_context(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u64 id, u64 
 enum ice_status
 ice_init_pkg(struct ice_hw *hw, u8 *buff, u32 len);
 enum ice_status
@@ -109,15 +57,8 @@ ice_copy_and_init_pkg(struct ice_hw *hw, const u8 *buf, u32 
 enum ice_status ice_init_hw_tbls(struct ice_hw *hw);
 void ice_free_seg(struct ice_hw *hw);
 void ice_fill_blk_tbls(struct ice_hw *hw);
-void ice_clear_hw_tbls(struct ice_hw *hw);
 void ice_free_hw_tbls(struct ice_hw *hw);
 enum ice_status
-ice_add_flow(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 vsi[], u8 count,
-            u64 id);
-enum ice_status
-ice_rem_flow(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 vsi[], u8 count,
-            u64 id);
-enum ice_status
 ice_rem_prof(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u64 id);
 enum ice_status

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