Hi Christian, You can count on me to help testing DPDK for Ubuntu, I have plans for it!
I have some experience with Debian packaging too... I'm currently maintaining few Ubuntu PPAs, for fun... =) Also, I have hardware available, with 10G, 40G and 100G NIC cards and traffic generators. I would love to help! Specially when with DPDK on Xen (plans for in on PVM, HVM, XenServer and Amazon EC2). Just a curiosity, I'm the designer/maintainer of "Xen LiveCD v2.0" and I would like to build a new version of it, that will be based on Xenial with DPDK. http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Live_CD_(Xen_3.2_%2B_Debian_5.0) https://github.com/tmartinx/xenlivecd Hope to see DPDK compiling with Xen on 32-bit (it is broken now), so we can enable it on Ubuntu! Cheers! Thiago On 7 December 2015 at 06:27, Christian Ehrhardt <christian.ehrhardt at canonical.com> wrote: > Hi, > FYI I kind of "gave up" (not as bad as it sounds) and started looking into > shipping it as individual libraries + linker script as well. > To me it seemed what was more accepted in all the former discussions. > > It will surely cause more work for me in the short term, but I hope after > the initial hill I have to climb to make it happen it will be not too much > in future releases. > > So if "we" were the only one causing this to be deferred consider it for > 2.2. > That way distributions would become more similar which might help consumers > of the DPDK libraries. > In the worst case I can reverse apply it for 2.2 to get some more time to > get it to work properly for us later on. > > Looking at the great changes to "make install" by Thomas being in 2.2 - > getting the linker script "official" in 2.2 as well would also help to not > get a major overhaul to packaging every version :-) > > have a great week, > Christian > > > > Christian Ehrhardt > Software Engineer, Ubuntu Server > Canonical Ltd > > On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 6:19 PM, Thomas Monjalon <thomas.monjalon at 6wind.com> > wrote: > >> 2015-11-24 16:31, Panu Matilainen: >> > The physically linked-together combined library has been an increasing >> > source of problems, as was predicted when library and symbol versioning >> > was introduced. Replace the complex and fragile construction with a >> > simple linker script which achieves the same without all the problems, >> > remove the related kludges from eg mlx drivers. >> > >> > Since creating the linker script is practically zero cost, remove the >> > config option and just create it always. >> > >> > Based on a patch by Sergio Gonzales Monroy, linker script approach >> > initially suggested by Neil Horman. >> > >> > Suggested-by: Sergio Gonzalez Monroy <sergio.gonzalez.monroy at intel.com> >> > Suggested-by: Neil Horman <nhorman at tuxdriver.com> >> > Signed-off-by: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai at redhat.com> >> >> As it is a big change and discussion is not totally closed, >> it is deferred to release 2.3. >> The fix from Ferruh could be sufficient for 2.2. >>